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Goodbye to Language (2014)

15 05/21/2014 (FR) Drama 1h 10m
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The idea is simple / A married woman and a single man meet / They love, they argue, fists fly / A dog strays between town and country / The seasons pass / The man and woman meet again / The dog finds itself between them / The other is in one, / the one is in the other / and they are three / The former husband shatters everything / A second film begins: / the same as the first, / and yet not / From the human race we pass to metaphor / This ends in barking / and a baby's cries / In the meantime, we will have seen people talking of the demise of the dollar, of truth in mathematics and of the death of a robin." - JLG

  1. Jean-Luc Godard

    Director, Writer

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Goodbye to Language
Goodbye to Language

Original Title Adieu au langage

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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