Yossi Sarid (2023)

05/14/2023 (IL) Documentary 1h 10m
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As a young promising poet marked for greatness, Yossi Sarid unintentionally found himself in politics and eventually became the leader of the Left. He was ambitious; aspiring to save those on the margins of society but was often rejected by them. His dream of serving as Education Minister came true; when it did, he chose to insist on his principles at the cost of overthrowing the government. For 50 weeks and five days, Education Minister Sarid fought with the Orthodox Shas party that demanded its education movement’s debts be covered, and refused to yield even when he was called as “Evil Haman” and when the Prime Minister said he’d turned into a liability. This is the story of the eternal opposition leader who refused to compromise despite the consequences.

  1. Avida Livny


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  1. Yossi Sarid


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Original Title יוסי שריד

Status Released

Original Language Hebrew

Budget -

Revenue -


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