My Father is a Hero (2023)

06/16/2023 (TR) FamilyDrama
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After his wife passed away, Altan created a small world with his son Can, where they could withstand life’s difficulties. Even in the toughest situations, he could turn it into a game and make those around him laugh, even in the most tragic moments. Altan works as a garbage collector for the municipality and lives with his son Can in a shantytown neighborhood adjacent to Istanbul’s wealthy districts. Can’s entire world revolves around comic books. One day, Can is diagnosed with stage four heart failure, which shatters Altan’s world. Can’s only chance is a heart transplant, and finding a donor for a child his age is extremely difficult. From then on, the only thing Altan can do is keep Can happy and maintain his spirits. Altan finds the way to make Can happy through comic books.

  1. Orçun Benli

    Director, Writer

  2. Şükrü Üçpınar


  3. Alptekin Öztürk


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My Father is a Hero
My Father is a Hero

Original Title Benim Babam Bir Kahraman

Status Released

Original Language Turkish

Budget -

Revenue -


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