1+1+1 Life, Love, Chaos (2025)

02/28/2025 (CA) ComedyDrama 1h 36m
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Off-beat dramedy following Pat (she hates Patricia), exuberant and melancholic author during a winter stay in her childhood cabin where buried memories resurface. Pat needs to look into the mirror and forgive herself in order to heal and save her relationship with her musician boyfriend Jan and maintain the fragile bond with her tween daughter Flavie. 1+1+1 features a restless but strong female lead and a blended family trying to live together, where each member is learning to love him.herself and to love each other.

  1. Yanie Dupont-Hébert

    Director, Writer

  2. Grégory Lemay


Original Title 1+1+1 La vie, l'amour, le chaos

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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