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The Locksmith (2023)

R 02/03/2023 (US) ThrillerMysteryActionCrimeDrama 1h 31m
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A thief fresh out of prison, tries to work his way back into the life of his daughter and ex-fiancé. Determined, he is forced to use the skills he has as a gifted locksmith. Things take a tumultuous turn after an unexpected disappearance.

  1. Nicolas Harvard


  2. Joe Russo


  3. John Glosser


  4. Chris LaMont


  5. Benjamin Kabialis


  6. Blair Kroeber


Top Billed Cast

  1. Ryan Phillippe

    Ryan Phillippe


  2. Kate Bosworth

    Kate Bosworth


  3. Ving Rhames

    Ving Rhames


  4. Jeffrey Nordling

    Jeffrey Nordling

    Ian Zwick

  5. Gabriella Quezada

    Gabriella Quezada

    April Reyes

  6. Madeleine Guilbot

    Madeleine Guilbot

    Lindsay Graham

  7. Charlie Weber

    Charlie Weber

    Garrett Field

  8. Kaylee Kaneshiro

    Kaylee Kaneshiro

    Tanya Saunders

  9. Noel Gugliemi

    Noel Gugliemi

    Detective Perez

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Locksmith
The Locksmith

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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