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A Biltmore Christmas (2023)

G 11/26/2023 (US) TV MovieFantasyRomance 1h 24m
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Love is timeless


Lucy is hired to write the script for a remake of a holiday movie. She joins a tour of the grounds and when she knocks an hourglass over, she finds herself transported back in time to 1946.

  1. John Putch


  2. Marcy Holland


Top Billed Cast

  1. Bethany Joy Lenz

    Bethany Joy Lenz

    Lucy Collins

  2. Kristoffer Polaha

    Kristoffer Polaha

    Jack Huston

  3. Colton Little

    Colton Little

    Claude Lancaster

  4. A.K. Benninghofen

    A.K. Benninghofen


  5. Annabelle Borke

    Annabelle Borke

    Ava Hayward

  6. Jennifer Cortese

    Jennifer Cortese


  7. Jonathan Frakes

    Jonathan Frakes


  8. David Alexander

    David Alexander

    William West

  9. Tommy Cresswell

    Tommy Cresswell

    Michael Balaban

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

A Biltmore Christmas
A Biltmore Christmas

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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