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Garbo Talks (1984)

PG-13 10/12/1984 (US) ComedyDrama 1h 43m
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Sometimes you can catch a star...


When New York accountant Gilbert Rolfe finds out his mother has a brain tumor, he is devastated. His incorrigible mother, Estelle, has one last wish: to meet the great Greta Garbo. Gilbert, wanting to do this last thing for her, sets out on a wild goose chase through the streets of New York City to track down the iconic star, at the expense of his personal life and much to the chagrin of his wife, Lisa. Can he find Garbo before it's too late?

  1. Sidney Lumet


  2. Larry Grusin


Top Billed Cast

  1. Anne Bancroft

    Anne Bancroft

    Estelle Rolfe

  2. Ron Silver

    Ron Silver

    Gilbert Rolfe

  3. Carrie Fisher

    Carrie Fisher

    Lisa Rolfe

  4. Catherine Hicks

    Catherine Hicks

    Jane Mortimer

  5. Steven Hill

    Steven Hill

    Walter Rolfe

  6. Howard Da Silva

    Howard Da Silva

    Angelo Dakakis

  7. Dorothy Loudon

    Dorothy Loudon

    Sonya Apollinar

  8. Harvey Fierstein

    Harvey Fierstein

    Bernie Whitlock

  9. Hermione Gingold

    Hermione Gingold

    Elizabeth Rennick

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Garbo Talks
Garbo Talks

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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