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Upon Entry (2023)

16 03/10/2023 (US) Drama 1h 17m
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Diego, a Venezuelan urbanist, and Elena, a contemporary dancer from Barcelona, move to the United States with their approved visas to start a new life. Their intention is to boost their professional careers and start a family in 'the land of opportunities'. But upon entering New York airport's immigration area, they are taken to the secondary inspection room, where border officers will subject them to an unpleasant inspection process and a psychologically grueling interrogation.

  1. Juan Sebastián Vásquez

    Director, Writer

  2. Alejandro Rojas

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Alberto Ammann

    Alberto Ammann


  2. Bruna Cusí

    Bruna Cusí


  3. Ben Temple

    Ben Temple

    Agent Barrett

  4. Laura Gómez

    Laura Gómez

    Agent Vásquez

  5. Colin Morgan

    Colin Morgan

    Policia finestreta

  6. Gerard Oms

    Gerard Oms


  7. Nuris Blu

    Nuris Blu

    Policia cua

  8. David Comrie

    Policia sala

Full Cast & Crew

Upon Entry
Upon Entry

Original Title Upon Entry (La llegada)

Status Released

Original Language Spanish; Castilian

Budget -

Revenue -


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