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The Voice of Dust and Ash (2022)

11/18/2022 (US) Documentary 1h 24m
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When Iran’s ayatollah banned music and performances in the entire country, instruments and records became contraband, and artists were exiled, imprisoned, or executed. As the new government began to crush basic human rights, Maestro Shajarian risked everything to confront the regime, singing truth to power and uniting the country in a chorus of millions strong. His life long pursuit of equality through art is immortalized for generations to come, through his majestic, soaring vocals and lyrics. His internationally renowned hymn, “MORGHE SAHAR”, performed at the finale of all his concerts is widely considered the Unofficial National Anthem for Iranian Freedom.

  1. Mandana Biscotti


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The Voice of Dust and Ash
The Voice of Dust and Ash

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Original Language English

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