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Brad Pitt is a singular actor in Hollywood's glamorous world, breaking through his "playboy image" and embodying American cinema's renewal. At the beginning there was a humble Midwestern aware of being a smokescreen for the illusions of his time, who has managed to keep control of his image to better serve the most talented directors of our time. To name but a few: David Fincher, Quentin Tarantino, the Coen brothers, Terrence Malick, James Gray and soon Damien Chazelle. This documentary dives into the brain of a complex, brilliant and endearing personality, far from the cliché of a world-famous movie icon to discover the hidden side of the most handsome man in the world.

  1. Adrien Dénouette

    Director, Writer

  2. Thibaut Sève


Top Billed Cast

  1. Sarah-Jane Sauvegrain

    Sarah-Jane Sauvegrain

    French Narrator (voice)

  2. Gabi Franke

    German Narrator (voice)

Full Cast & Crew

Brad Pitt: More Than a Pretty Face
Brad Pitt: More Than a Pretty Face

Original Title Brad Pitt - La Revanche d'un blond

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


Content Score 


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