King Sausage (2022)

9 10/13/2022 (NL) Animation 22m
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When Greetje's father Mr. Tuitjes, a butcher, decides to compete against his Italian rival Smakkerelli, their whole usually so quiet village is turned upside down. The enemies have closed the deal that whoever loses the competition organized by the Society or Meat Products from Fresh Pigs must leave town forever. And that threatens not only Mr. Tuitjes' business, but also the love between Greetje and Nol. Suddenly, the annual sausage competition becomes a devilish dilemma: will Greetje choose her father's luck, or her own?

  1. Mascha Halberstad


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King Sausage
King Sausage

Original Title Koning Worst

Status Released

Original Language Dutch; Flemish

Budget -

Revenue -


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