Metamorphosis (2024)

05/16/2024 (IT) AnimationDocumentary
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Inspired by «The Conference of the Birds» by Farid al-Din 'Attar, an 18th century Persian poem, the film tells of a flock of birds that travel following a hoopoe, towards the Mountain of Kafh, home of King Simourgh, from whom they expect to receive the answers to all their questions. Between dream and reality, the birds will cross the 7 valleys.

  1. Michele Fasano

    Director, Screenplay

Top Billed Cast

  1. Massimo Antonio Rossi

    Narratore (voice)

  2. Lucia Gadolini

    Upupa (voice) / Colibrì (voice)

  3. Katia Sorrentino

    Pavone (voice) / Monika (voice)

  4. Riccardo Sarti

    Uccello collo torto (voice) / Abdurrahman (voice)

  5. Filippo Plancher

    Fenicottero (voice) / Jihad (voice)

  6. Elena Berto

    Cigno (voice) / Susan (voice)

  7. Alberto Alderani

    Tucano (voice)

  8. Lucia Gadolini

    Uccello pazzo dell'albero (voice)

  9. Stefano Cutaia

    Uccelli pazzi in volo (voice)

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew


Status Released

Original Language Italian

Budget -

Revenue -


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