Guns N' Roses - Rock in Rio 2022 (2022)

09/01/2022 (ES)
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Guns N’ Roses are back at Rock in Rio as headliners for the night of September 8, 2022, marking their presence for the 5th time at the festival. Considered one of the great rock bands that emerged in the late 80’s and until today, they are back for another iconic show on the Main Stage, bringing all the power and ferocity of their unique sound. The band’s lineup is Axl Rose, Slash and Duff McKagan, joined by guitarist Richard Fortus, drummer Frank Ferrer and keyboardists Dizzy Reed and Melissa Reese. The repertoire will likely include great classics ranging from “Sweet Child O’ Mine”, “November Rain”, “Paradise City” and new hits like “Hard Skool”, released in 2021.

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Guns N' Roses - Rock in Rio 2022
Guns N' Roses - Rock in Rio 2022

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Original Language Portuguese

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