13 Filme

17. Februar 2017

Weil der CEO der Firma, in der er arbeitet, viel zu lange in einem Wellness-Center in den Schweizer Alpen verweilt, macht sich der ehrgeizige junge Angestellte Mr. Lockhart auf nach Europa, um seinen Chef Mr. Pembroke zurückzuholen. Dort angekommen, stellt er bald fest, dass die Einrichtung nicht der idyllische Heiltempel ist, als der sie sich nach außen hin darstellt. Weil er zu viele Fragen stellt, diagnostiziert das Personal schließlich auch Lockhart mit der seltsamen Krankheit, die hier alle Patienten festzuhalten scheint. Unter Direktion des rätselhaften Spa-Leiters Volmer beginnt die Behandlung und sein Verstand wird auf die Probe gestellt. Gemeinsam mit Langzeitpatientin Hannah stellt Lockhart jedoch gleichzeitig weiterhin Nachforschungen an, um dem Geheimnis der Einrichtung auf den Grund zu gehen…

11. Februar 2012

Happy is a 2011 feature documentary film directed, written, and co-produced by Roko Belic. It explores human happiness through interviews with people from all walks of life in 14 different countries, weaving in the newest findings of positive psychology. Director Roko Belic was originally inspired to create the film after producer/director Tom Shadyac (Liar, Liar, Patch Adams, Bruce Almighty) showed him an article in the New York Times entitled "A New Measure of Well Being From a Happy Little Kingdom". The article ranks the United States as the 23rd happiest country in the world. Shadyac then suggested that Belic make a documentary about happiness. Belic spent several years interviewing over 20 people, ranging from leading happiness researchers to a rickshaw driver in Kolkatta, a family living in a "co-housing community" in Denmark, a woman who was run over by a truck, a Cajun fisherman, and more.

8. Februar 2007

Die öffentlichen Gelder sind knapp - deshalb müssen die Behörden eine von zwei benachbarten Kliniken schließen. Nur zehn Tage haben die beiden Häuser Zeit, ein Gremium von sich zu überzeugen. Das bringt die Belegschaften des zukunftsorientierten Hi-Tech-Hospitals St. Georg des gestrengen Prof. Radwanski und die hinfällige, aber gemütliche Eichwald-Klinik von Prof. Keller in Zugzwang. Besonders eine liebenswerte Krankenschwester könnte die Misere abwenden.

2. November 2021

IFBB Pro Tony Torres built a lucrative lifestyle which came crashing down after covering for a friend who committed a murder. After being chased by the FBI he was sent to prison for five years. Once he did his time, Tony had to build back his life.

First Responders sign up to serve; they risk their lives and their mental health to respond to someone’s worst day. Who will rescue them? PTSD911 is a documentary film about real people: normal, average human beings who have chosen to work in professions that require above average heroism, fortitude, and resolve. These men and women have jobs that require a willingness to face things that most of us can’t even imagine, yet maintain a high level of dignity and professionalism. First responders in fact repeatedly see and experience things that most of us will never see, causing compound issues related to post-traumatic stress injuries and disorders.

1. September 2014

The Connection is a film about how frontier research is proving that there is a direct connection between your mind and your health.

Chunyi Lin teaches introduces viewers to his Spring Forest Qigong system, with a focus on practices for health and wellness.

21. März 2023

When he is attacked by the feeling of being unwell, Wagner finds himself in trouble and urgently needs to change his habits with the help of a personal trainer.

28. August 2019

Australian artist Leon Pericles faces his greatest challenge: holding an exhibition of his life's works while facing the mental decline of his wife and collaborator Moira, as Alzheimer's disease turns their world upside down.

A crypto-trader and an ex-clergyman travel to Berlin to throw a sex party. Filmmaker Ayoto Ataraxia documents them and their sex-positive community with a phone during the week leading up to the event, discussing sex and life. But will they cum?

Yoga Power-Training Für Tolle Figur

This is a gentle, slow-paced instructional video for people with lower-back pain and limited range of motion. It is the first video in Allan Menezes' four-part series on the Pilates method.

24. September 2004

Lara Hudson is your guide through five workouts: Pilates for Abs, Pilates for Buns & Thighs, Pilates for Flexibility, Sculpting Pilates, and Pilates Burn.

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