9 movies

January 23, 1979

A Centron Film presentation, produced by Gordon-Kerchoff, this color film is about a teenage girl who overdoses on alcohol and pills, and winds up in a coma, opens with the girl recovering in a hospital bed. This scare film from 1979 is essentially a public service announcement on the dangers of getting involved in drugs and the horrible effects that using drugs and overdosing can have on an individual and their loved ones.

January 10, 1977

A sensitive but confused teenager feels pressure from all directions and turns to drugs, which causes problems for him in school and at home.

January 23, 1974

A high school student faces a moral dilemma, should he turn in a friend who is dealing pills.

January 23, 1971

Stresses recognition and treatment of drug abuse emergencies, accurate identification of symptoms, and immediate clinical procedures. Presents scenes of actual cases in the emergency room and adjoining physician's offices of Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City. Viewers observe emergency treatment of patients in the major classes of drugs commonly abused, opiates, depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens. The film demonstrates to health professionals that successful management of drug overdoses can save most lives and avert additional organic and psychiatric complications.

January 1, 1970

“The Pill Poppers” is a cautionary educational film that focuses on the dangers of abusing prescription drugs. The scare film follows the lives of three teenagers who get involved in drugs and highlights the effects this has on their lives.

January 23, 1966

This anti-drug abuse and addiction educational film features the well known American actor Paul Newman. In the movie, Newman and Dr. James L. Goddard, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, examine the effects of misuse of barbiturates and amphetamines.

An educational film sponsored and distributed by the Los Angeles-based Narcotic Educational Foundation of America and directed by Gilbert Lasky with financial assistance of the Woman’s Relief Corps targets teachers as well as junior and senior high school students in the war on drugs. Narcotics are classified and effects of opiates, stimulants, and barbiturates are summarized and dramatized

A filmed sequence dramatizes the problems addressed in the program: the story of a working mother addicted to barbiturates initially prescribed by her doctor.

Presented by Voices in Society and Travelers Insurance Indemnity, this untitled PSA-style film from the 1970s is a compilation of various anti-drug use PSAs from National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Information (NCADI). The films were assembled by a film collector who did public screenings of cult films; he often showed this compilation under the moniker “Stoner’s Night Out”. NCADI is the information service for the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. The PSAs that comprise this film combine footage of drug use as well as interviews. Overall, this film warns of the short-term and long-term effects of drug use with the later segments of the film focusing on marijuana use specifically.

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