Die Isla Nublar und ihr Park wurden zerstört, aber die Probleme sind noch nicht vorbei. Da sich die Dinosaurier auf der ganzen Welt ausgebreitet haben, führen die angespannten Beziehungen zwischen der Gegenwart und der Vergangenheit zu neuen Konflikten. Das zerbrechliche Gleichgewicht wird dabei auf die Probe gestellt und die Zukunft steht vor einer neuen Ausrichtung. Es wird ein für alle Mal entschieden, welche Spezies auf der Erde existieren soll.

21. Juni 2016

Horse slaughter is more than inhumane. It's big business.

1. November 2015

What if you could talk to animals and have them talk back to you? Anna Breytenbach has dedicated her life to what she calls interspecies communication. She sends detailed messages to animals through pictures and thoughts. She then receives messages of remarkable clarity back from the animals. Anna can feel the scars hidden under a monkeys fur, she can understand the detailed story that is causing a birds trauma, she transforms a deadly snarling leopard into a relaxed content cat – the whole animal kingdom comes alive in a way never seen before – wild birds land on her shoulders, fish gather around her when she swims, and wild unfamiliar baboons lie on her body as if she is one of their own. This is the first full length documentary film on the art of animal communication.

A feature-length documentary that explores the lives of four remarkably different people who share a common thread - they're all vegan. The movie traces the personal journeys of an ultramarathon runner who has overcome addiction to compete in one hundred mile races, a cattle rancher's wife who creates the first cattle ranch turned farmed animal sanctuary in Texas, a food truck owner cooking up knee-buckling plant-based foods, and an 8-year-old girl who convinces her family of six to go vegan.

19. Dezember 1936

Porky Pig runs a game refuge. Despite the abundant signs to the contrary, Jean-Baptiste the trapper sets numerous traps, ensnaring many animals.

18. September 2020

In Africa, poachers brutally maim and kill elephants for their ivory, much of which is exported to China or smuggled into the United States. The profits help fund terrorist organisations, and are used to buy guns and artillery. WILD DAZE takes an unflinching look at these problems from various perspectives, and shows how the slaughter has decimated the elephant population, left survivors traumatised, and seriously harmed the forests of Eastern and Southern Africa.

31. Oktober 2021

Pepedrilo and his peculiar connection with nature are embodied by the care and protection of a crocodile sanctuary, whose stability is put in danger day by day by the threat of men.

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