27 本の映画






Its All Gone Pete Tong is a comedy following the tragic life of the legendary Frankie Wilde. The story takes us through Frankie's life from being one of the best DJs alive, through a subsequent battle with a hearing disorder, culminating in his mysterious disappearance from the scene.


One day Sammy and his younger sister Ellie happen upon a cabin where Alice, a young, partially deaf girl with epilepsy is being kept by her abusive stepfather. The three soon become friends and hope to get Alice an education and help her escape from the torture she undergoes daily. However, Alice's stepfather soon finds out about the friendship Alice has struck up and punishes her brutally. This story of friendship and youth shows that everyone is human and deserves to be treated so, no matter their disability or weakness.

イギリスのとある街にある工場で働くハンナは、働き者ではあるが誰とも口を利かず、孤独な毎日を送っていた。彼女の過去は誰も知らない。時々どこかに電話をかけるが、相手が出ても何も話さずに切ってしまう。全く休まないハンナを見た上司は、彼女に無理にでも休暇を取るように勧め、ハンナはある港町にやって来る。しかし休暇など欲しくなかった彼女はとりたててすることもない。 そんな時に入った中華料理屋で、至急看護師が欲しいと携帯で話す男を見かけ、ハンナは自分は看護師だと告げる。ある海底油田掘削所で火事が起こり、重傷を負った男性を看護する人が必要だという。ハンナはすぐにヘリコプターで採掘所に向かう。 患者のジョゼフは重度の火傷を負っており、さらに火事のせいで一時的に目が見えなくなっていた。火事の時、ある男が火の中に飛び込んで自殺したが、ジョゼフは彼を助けようとして重傷を負ったとハンナは聞かされる。 ハンナは黙々とジョゼフを看護する。ジョゼフは時には強引に、時には冗談を交えて何とかハンナ自身のことを聞き出そうとする。そんなジョゼフや、採掘所で働く心優しいコックのサイモンに、徐々にハンナは心を開いていく。


嘘がつけず愛想笑いが苦手なケイコは、生まれつきの聴覚障害で、両耳とも聞こえない。再開発が進む下町の一角にあ る小さなボクシングジムで日々鍛錬を重ねる彼女は、プロボクサーとしてリングに立ち続ける。母からは「いつまで続けるつも りなの?」と心配され、言葉にできない想いが心の中に溜まっていく。「一度、お休みしたいです」と書き留めた会長宛ての 手紙を出せずにいたある日、ジムが閉鎖されることを知り、ケイコの心が動き出す――。


A young man, Pat, visits the clan of gypsy-like grifters (Irish Travellers) in rural North Carolina from whom he is descended. He is at first rejected, but cousin Bokky takes him on as an apprentice. Pat learns the game while Bokky falls in love and desires a different life. Written by Jeff Hole

When an ostrich-rancher focuses on replacing his daughter's hearing aid, which breaks right before crucial exams, everything changes for a struggling rural family in Iran. Karim motorbikes into a world alien to him - incredibly hectic Tehran, where sudden opportunities for independence, thrill and challenge him. But his honor and honesty, plus traditional authority over his inventive clan, are tested, as he stumbles among vast cultural and economic gaps between his village nestled in the desert, and a throbbing international metropolis.


A coming of age drama following the life of Matt Hamill, the first deaf wrestler to win a National Collegiate Wrestling Championship.

Min-soo, a hearing-impaired boy, is gay and he likes his classmate, Ji-seok. One day, Min-soo impulsively has sex with a man who works in a public bath, an experience that lends him a new-found confidence, but at a heavy price.


He dazzled America for decades with his musical artistry. Now fans as well as those curious about this exciting entertainer’s unique appeal can relive the Liberace magic in his only starring film, Sincerely Yours. In a poignant story scripted by Irving Wallace, Liberace plays a concert pianist threatened by deafness. Plunged into despair, he finds escape from personal sorrow by secretly involving himself in the problems of strangers. Liberace touches the heart and delights the ear with sparkling renditions of 31 selections from Chopin to Chopsticks. Along the way he romances Joanne Dru and Dorothy Malone, trades barbs with old pro William Demarest and in a warmly humorous nightclub scene, pokes fun at his own image as the 1950s matinee idol of the little-old-lady set. From beginning to end, Sincerely Yours perfectly captures the charisma and sheer musicality of the legendary Mr. Showmanship.

A hearing-and-speech-impaired barber in Ooty, who is a huge fan of actor Vivekh, happens to meet his idol, who has come to the hill station on personal work. A poignant friendship develops between the two...

Onew, who is visually impaired, and Eun-soo, who is hearing impaired, both enjoy the pleasure of communicating with loved ones regardless of disability through barrier-free films.


A hillbilly deacon, who is actually a cardsharp in disguise, becomes involved in a small-town fight game.


A raffle ticket and a spur-of-the-moment decision contribute to two strangers going on a romantic weekend getaway to Bermuda.

A journey with two girls, one guy, and their complicated love triangle through the magnificent landscapes of three countries: Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. When Soontri and Ter, two clumsy girls- one with thick glasses, the other with a hearing aid- meet a traveler named Somchun while on a trip to Vietnam, they soon realize that they are both smitten with him. As Somchun is more interested in Ter, the friendship between the two girls begins to get complicated.


The profound impact of technology on the lives and identities of young deaf adults is explored in The Listening Project. Fourteen deaf people tell stories beginning with a childhood wide-eyed about sound, into the growing pains of adolescence and, eventually, their professional lives. Sometimes humorous, always tender, The Listening Project is a timely coming of age story, one we haven't heard before.

A documentary that follows the story of Dario Pasquarella, deaf director and actor, and his company. Through his work, Dario seeks to bring together the deaf and hearing community, who are usually separated by a lack of communication. In his shows he uses both languages, LIS, sign language and spoken language, to tell stories in which the deaf and hearing can live in symbiosis.



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