6 movies

The story of Pocahontas has been passed down through the centuries. Her relationship with John Smith has been characterized as a romance that united two cultures and created lasting peace. However, the life of this American Indian princess was anything but a fairytale. Join us as we look beyond the fiction and reveal the real story of Pocahontas, a tale of kidnapping, conflict, starvation, ocean journeys, and the future of an entire civilization.

Johnny Smith enters an America where the Indians behave like 1930s average Americans. When he is arrested, the girl Poker Huntas rescues and elopes with him.

June 1, 1995

Englishmen come to explore and settle the new world. There they find natives who are curious about their "firesticks" and strange customs.

July 19, 1995

Pocahontas' journey to the land of the settlers is softened with the help of comic sidekicks White Eagle and Fluffy Wing. Along with an upbeat soundtrack, the story showcases the American Indian girl's union with John Smith.

January 1, 1995

Roaming around with her best friend Wabuu, the curious and cheeky raccoon, Pocahontas, the beautiful chieftain daughter discovers a ship with a lot of strangers on the shore. "These White people will bring much woe to our people" predicts the chieftain. And actually, the gold-greedy captain of the ship starts a war on the Indians.

Will Pocahontas succeed in preventing the inevitable fight and to save their people?

With the help of Pocahontas, Captain John Smith overcomes the treachery of some of his men and resentment of the local Native Americans to establish the colony of Jamestown.

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