23 Serien

In 25 minütigen Episoden, alle in Schwarz-Weiß, wurden verschiedene Geschichten über die fünfte Dimension gezeigt, unerklärliche Phänomene, die auch nicht aufgelöst wurden bzw. werden konnten. Alle Geschichten waren in sich abgeschlossen, standen in keinem Zusammenhang miteinander, und wechselnde Darsteller spielten die Hauptrollen. Rod Serling führte als Moderator in die Filme ein.

Online American liberal/progressive political and social commentary program hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian

Was tun, wenn’s mit der Arbeit nicht klappt? Genau, man wird ein Held! Saitama ist ein stinknormaler Typ ohne Job - bis er einen kleinen Jungen vor einem Krabben-Monster retten muss. Er kann die Krabbe besiegen und beschließt daraufhin, die Jobsuche hinzuschmeißen und Hobby-Held zu werden. Nach drei Jahren hartem Training ist auf seinem Kopf zwar kein Haar mehr übrig, aber dafür erledigt er jeden Gegner mit nur einem Schlag! Von seiner eigenen Kraft gelangweilt, sehnt sich Saitama aka One Punch Man nach härteren Gegnern. Zwar zollen ihm die Leute dafür keinen Respekt, doch das geht ihm an seinem Hobby-Helden-Hintern vorbei. Ihm reicht schon der demütige Cyborg Genos, der im gleichgültigen Saitama seinen Meister sieht und ihm nun ständig an den Hacken hängt ...

28. April 2017

Schwarze Studenten haben an diesem Elite-College, das in Sachen Rasse längst nicht so fortschrittlich ist, wie es meint, täglich mit Kränkungen und Gefahren zu kämpfen.

21. August 2019

Mitten in der Nacht tauchen im Hafen von Oslo aufgebrachte Männer, Frauen und Kinder an der Wasseroberfläche auf. Die Menschen stammen offensichtlich aus der Vergangenheit – aus der Steinzeit, der Wikingerzeit und dem späten 19. Jahrhundert. Ein Phänomen, das sich überall auf der Welt wiederholt. Einige Jahre später ist das Rätsel noch immer nicht gelöst, doch man hat sich mehr oder weniger mit den Zeitgereisten arrangiert. Der Polizist Lars bekommt erstmals eine Kollegin aus der Wikingerzeit. Die ehemalige Kriegerin soll ihn in einem Mordfall unterstützen, doch ihre Vorgehensweise ist alles andere als zeitgemäss.

14. September 1998

British comedy series focusing on the lives of a working-class family in Manchester who love the TV.

23. November 2018

Die Familien in Sky Castle, einer exklusiven abgeschotteten Wohngegend von Koreas Oberschicht, legen großen Wert auf den Erfolg ihrer Kinder.

Han In Sang and Seo Bom are young and in love, despite major differences in wealth and status. But all of that hangs in the balance when Han In Sang accidentally knocks up Seo Bom, setting off a comedic domino effect that reverberates throughout the snooty Han family and the modest Seo family. Between pride and humiliation, as well as love and duty, will this young couple be able to survive the storm and do what's right for their baby?

6. Januar 2022

5 years after Humble Politician Nograj becomes a MLA, he aims higher-Chief Minister. Nograj has to spin a new web to get the ultimate seat with twists and turns of Resort Politics, Floor Test, Power Play, Big Boss feels and Russian Mafia.

7. November 2002

15 Storeys High is a critically acclaimed British sitcom, set in a tower block. The main characters are Vince Clark, a misanthropic, cynical recluse played by Sean Lock, and Errol Spears, Vince's exact opposite and whipping boy, played by Benedict Wong.

16. Dezember 2019

Eine empathische Lehrerin, die vorübergehend an einer privaten Oberschule arbeitet, kämpft für die Ziele ihrer Schüler. Doch die Schulpolitik macht ihr zu schaffen.

The stories of overworked prosecutors's daily lives in Seoul. A drama depicting the mundane daily routine of overworked prosecutors staying up all night to tackle all the different cases handed over by the police.

27. Oktober 2008

Ambitioniertes und spannendes Drama, in dem die Teilnehmer einer Realityshow gegen eine ganze Zombienation überleben müssen. Nachdem die ungleiche Gruppe erkennt, dass während der Dreharbeiten nahezu ganz Großbritannien sich in unsterbliche Fleischfresser verwandelt hat, sind die Teilnehmer zum Überleben aufeinander angewiesen.

4. März 2022

21-year-old Shinomiya Yuki has no friends and spends his days alone working part-time jobs. One day, when he returns home as usual after a night shift, a male stranger who has been stabbed in the abdomen with a knife is sitting in his room. The man wakes up at the hospital that he has been taken to and identifies himself as Shinomiya Yuki to detectives. Then he points to Yuki and states that he stabbed him. Yuki flees the hospital right away and becomes a fugitive in an instant. At that moment, a mysterious woman called Zoka appears right before Yuki and asks him to help her take revenge on her father’s killer. He decides to collaborate with her. Zoka is a “leech” who goes from one house to another while its occupants are away. The two of them eventually encounter Kara, a legendary leech who lives like an empty shell solely for the purpose of revenge.

Three Singaporean contestants went to a bar their last night in Taiwan. Holly, the tomboy bartender, gifted Meng Lian with a mixed drink called ‘Love in the Clouds.’ Suddenly a fight ensued in the bar, but Meng Lian, a national karate champion, successfully stopped the dispute. For Holly, it was love at first sight. Eventually Meng Lian also fell in love despite the distance between their homes.

To save flights costs and meet more frequently, Holly applied to become a stewardess. Her height, high IQ and language skills made her an ideal flight attendant. However, she resisted wearing make-up, high heels or a pencil skirt for her interview. Fortunately, their friend, Jerry, was willing to help her transform.

Nan Hee is an ugly girl and this has influenced her to become mean. One day, she receives a ring which holds a family secret. Se Gun is handsome, but he has a cold-blooded personality. Due to the magic of the ring, he declares Nan Hee as his ideal woman with a beautiful appearance.

1. September 1967

"The Way It Is," a Sunday night one-hour show, aired from September 1967 to June 1969. Under the executive production of Ross McLean, following the success of similar CBC programs, it attracted up to 60 contributors, aiming to challenge viewers with compelling content. Hosted by John Saywell and Barbara Frum, who honed her interviewing style here, it featured Patrick Watson, Warren Davis, Percy Saltzman, Ken Lefolii, Peter Desbarats, and Moses Znaimer. Segment producers like Perry Rosemond and Peter Herrndorf worked on the show, which covered diverse topics via studio interviews, music, commentary, panels, and documentaries. While not pushing controversy, it contributed to national dialogue. Notable productions included documentaries on airline safety and Vietnam, setting a serious tone for its era. Its influence extended to later CBC shows like the fifth estate and The Journal.

An unexpected event takes place in the Akharaphaisansakul household. Head of Pearl Star Group and Patriarch Nawin Akharaphaisansakul has four biological children: Phop, Chan, Pat, and Natty. With his new wife, Philai, he has an adopted child, Vee, who’s extremely loyal to the family.

Given the family’s standing, a quiet and modest funeral arranged by the family raises public suspicion when photos are leaked on social media. Nawin is forced to arrange a press conference to alleviate those suspicions. But Vee still has doubts. The night of the event that led to that funeral, Vee was injured and there are things he can’t remember. He'll come to learn he isn't the only one desperate to know what really happened that night.

17. November 2020

Consists of 8 different stories that talk about the problems and pain women face in the modern-day.

Topics include leftover women, objectification of women, the role of a housewife, domestic violence, social appearance anxiety, women’s career choices, midlife crises, and family of origin issues.

Ha Eun's girlfriend breaks up with her because she's scared of people knowing she's a lesbian. After a push from her best friend, Ha Eun meets Min Seo on a dating app. The two of them do all of the things on Ha Eun's list of dates that she never got to do with her ex. After spending time together, will Ha Eun be able to get over her ex and move on?

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