5 shows

Raptor Island is a Sci Fi original movie about an island in the South China Sea. The film debuted on the Sci Fi Channel in 2004.

June 28, 2016

To be trapped behind enemy lines is every soldier’s worst nightmare: a situation they all train for, few experience, and even fewer survive. No Man Left Behind dramatizes the stories of real-life war-heroes whose contribution to the war effort becomes a pure battle for survival against all odds.


January 18, 2017

Action drama series inspired by the real missions of Navy SEAL Team Six.

An in-depth look at the elite fighting force, including the physical, psychological and spiritual process of becoming a SEAL, the training required to become a member of SEAL Team 6 and a history of spectacular SEAL missions.

September 27, 2017

Military drama following the professional and personal lives of the most elite unit of Navy SEALs as they train, plan and execute the most dangerous, high stakes missions our country can ask of them.

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