23. September 2019

Unternehmer Bob (Billy Gardell) verdient seine Donuts im Socken-Business. Seine ungesunde Lebensweise und eine stressige Familie treiben ihn allerdings in einen Herzinfarkt. Als er dort erwacht fühlt er sich zu seiner Krankenschwester Abishola (Folake Olowofoyeku) hingezogen, die aus Nigeria eingewandert war. Nach einer schwierigen Anfangsphase lassen sich beide auf das Abenteuer ein.

9. Oktober 2002

Nachdem Batman Gotham City verlassen hat, nimmt seine Tochter Helena, die er gemeinsam mit Catwoman hat, unter dem Tarnnamen "Huntress" den Kampf gegen das Verbrechen auf. Ihre Verbündete sind dabei Dinah und "Oracle". Oracle ist die Tochter von Polizeichef Gordon und nach einem Kampf mit dem Joker an den Rollstuhl gefesselt. Dank ihrer überragenden Computerkenntnisse koordiniert sie die Aktionen von Huntress und Dinah. Mit von der Partie ist immer noch Bruce Waynes alter Butler Alfred, der nach dem Verschwinden seines Arbeitgebers nun den jungen Damen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite steht.

1. Oktober 2005

Some teenagers are stranded on a desert island in Micronesia. Their plane crashed and led them into a one-in-a-lifetime eco-adventure. They will have to learn to navigate the challenges that come before them in the tropical paradise in Hawaii using intelligence, wit, and instincts. They also have to learn to live with each other.

17. April 2016

When 20-year-old college student and K-drama fanatic Claire Duncan is transported into her favorite drama, “Taste of Love”, her appearance throws the show off-balance, causing other dramas to splice into the series. Mysterious waiter Seth Ko made his own journey into the drama years ago from the real world and mentors Claire on how to navigate the dramaworld. What kind of crazy adventure will Claire experience?

Als der schwarze Zahnarzt Ron Freeman und die weiße Kindergärtnerin Ellen Davis heirateten, wußten sie, daß es nicht leicht sein würde, aus den bunt zusammengewürfelten Grüppchen ihrer Familien eine gemeinsame glückliche Familie zu machen. Aber Ron und Ellen sind fest entschlossen, es zu schaffen. Ron bringt zwei halbwüchsige Söhne mit in den neuen Haushalt. Ellen hat eine Tochter im Teenie-Alter sowie ihre eigensinnige Mutter Sara im Schlepptau. Aus dieser Kombination entstehen Differenzen unter zwei Geschlechtern, zwei Rassen und drei Generationen, die viel Anlaß zur Komik bieten.

4. Januar 2021

Your favorite 90 Day couples bare it all – the lies, the secrets and everything we couldn’t show on TV. This companion series to 90 Day Fiancé puts cast members in the hot seat where they reveal pivotal information and speak completely uncensored.

15. Juli 2007

A look at the private and professional lives of therapists -- and whether or not these professionals are typically crazier than their patients.

21. Februar 2021

Six singles from the various 90 Day Fiancé series give dating another shot. Letting go of their past proves difficult as they have to go through first dates and falling in love all over again. The singles seek out the help of dating coaches, events, apps, friends and family.

15. Februar 2002

In the first coproduction of a TV drama between Japan and South Korea, a Japanese tourist and a South Korean film student become good friends after a chance meeting in Hong Kong.

15. Januar 2006

Japan and Korea's biggest names star in this big-scale drama. Nishijima Sho is a Japanese detective whose father was murdered in Korea when he was still a boy. In hopes of discovering the truth behind his father's death, Sho is working undercover in a huge secret organization. Choi Yuna is a Korean woman who visits Japan in search of her missing father. She opens a Korean restaurant with her younger sister, but soon faces the mercy of fate. The couple meets in a corner of Tokyo and fall in love. But what waits ahead of them. A "rondo" of fate, love, and history is about to begin.

14. April 2019

The Party takes place one summer night in Malmö. The serie follows seven young people who are all at the party. It will be an evening where love, friendship and rumors are at stake and where secrets gets to the surface.

A lonely rich tycoon and a struggling writer fall in love despite their different ethnicities.

19. September 2005

The drama introduces lives of Eun-wu, a promising young doctor, Seok-wu, a 40-year-old bachelor who is as down to earth as savory soybean paste soup, and Tiv, a 21-year-old girl who comes to Korea in pursuit of Eun-wu’s love as an unintentional Vietnamese bride for Seok-wu, Eun-wu’s brother. At first glance, this drama seems to depict a love triangle between Tiv and the two brothers. However, it actually deals with the young doctor Eun-wu’s personal growth in love and life as he realizes the true meaning of life through Seok-wu and Tiv.

11. Oktober 2015

Lia is an Indonesian university student who studies in Korea. Yong is a Korean boy who loves cook and has a crush on Lia.

A drama about young adults and the importance of text messaging on their love lives. In the drama, Han Seung Ho is a Korean foreign student who moves in with, Miu, his friend. Han Seung Ho wants to send a message to his first love in Japanese, but because his Japanese is weak, he enlists the help of Miu to write the texts. Through this relationship, the two end up in love.

2. Oktober 2012

Tim returns home from the Peace Corps to find that his best friend Chaz has married his mother. Now the two friends must live under one roof after one has broken the number one rule in bro code: don't marry your bro's mom.

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