219.399 Filme

18. November 2115

100 Years is an "upcoming" science fiction film written by John Malkovich and directed by Robert Rodriguez. Advertised in 2015 with the tagline "The Movie You Will Never See", it is due to be released on November 18, 2115. Pending release, the film is being kept in a high-tech safe behind bulletproof glass that will open automatically on November 18, 2115, the day of the film's premiere. One thousand guests from around the world, including Malkovich and Rodriguez, have received a pair of invitation tickets made of metal for the premiere, which they can hand down to their descendants.

15. Mai 2027

The Rewind is a time-travel action movie about a man, Russel, who wakes up one day to discover that he is in a world where time plays in reverse except for him. As he tries to figure out what happened, he realizes that someone has stolen a watch that messes up time and reality. He teams up with a group of people to try to find the person who stole the watch and fix time. Along the way, he discovers the past and has to come to terms with his life and relationships.

12. Mai 2027
15. Oktober 2026

This fictional story follows the life of Jackson Bird as he overcomes the obstacles of life. He has always felt abandoned and not loved by the other people around him until he met the girl of his dreams as a teenager. However, after he goes through a life changing experience he realizes that nothing lasts forever.

2. Oktober 2026

Sequel to the 2022 film The Batman.

10. Juli 2026

A sequel to The Jungle Book (2016).

3. Juni 2026

When the United Kingdom is on the brink of collapse, chaos ensues after a graphic design student falls into the wrong crowd.

8. Mai 2026

After her parents' death, Lily moves into the vacation home they left for her and discovers she's far from alone.

20. März 2026

Als Ryland Grace erwacht, muss er feststellen, dass er ganz allein ist. Er ist anscheinend der einzige Überlebende einer Raumfahrtmission, Millionen Kilometer von zu Hause entfernt, auf einem Flug ins Tau-Ceti-Sternsystem. Aber was erwartet ihn dort? Und warum sind alle anderen Besatzungsmitglieder tot? Nach und nach dämmert es Grace, dass von seinem Überleben nicht nur die Mission, sondern die Zukunft der gesamten Erdbevölkerung abhängt.

One dark winter evening, the young tsar Saltan was lucky enough to find himself a tsarina from a simple Russian family. He was so impressed by the speech of the young charmer that he married her the same evening, and took her two sisters with him to the palace as servants. However, the treacherous girls do not share the happiness of their luckier sister and begin to plot. Saltan leaves for a long military campaign, during which the young queen gives birth to his son. The evil sisters write a dispatch to the tsar, where they brazenly lie about the child: they say, the queen gave birth to someone unknown, "neither a son nor a daughter." Saltan is upset, but orders to wait until his return. The sisters substitute the letter, and as a result, the girl and her son are sealed in a wooden barrel and thrown into the ocean in the best sadistic traditions.

29. Dezember 2025

"Sunset Tomorrow: Where Intrigue Meets, Secrets Unfold, and Reality Takes a Twisted Turn." "A Psychological Thriller Painted with Sunset Secrets and Unpredictable Twists."

25. Dezember 2025

A love story set against the backdrop of a war.

Alexandria Wright meets Elijah Martinez and the demonic journey begins. Elijah Martinez finds himself ensnared in a romantic involvement with Alexandria Wright, an unfaithful Covert Narcissist. She convinces him they are soulmates and they take a vow before God for His blessing with the penalty of betrayal being death. After years pass, Alexandria forgets the vows and begins cheating behind Elijah's back. Just a week before Christmas, she abruptly betrays him. To his astonishment, she swiftly transitions to a new relationship, bringing with her the unsettling secret of transmitting an incurable sexually transmitted disease to her new partner. Then came Karma. Her victims arrive to spit on her dirty grave as her demise finally arrives.

1. Dezember 2025
30. November 2025

A man's mind begins to completely unravel, making him believe that he may be insane.

26. November 2025

Wicked tells the story of Elphaba, the future Wicked Witch of the West and her relationship with Glinda, the Good Witch of the North. The second of a two-part film adaptation of the Broadway musical.

20. November 2025

A Philadelphia detective is forced to deal with his unsettled past with the Catholic Church when he investigates a serial killer who is targeting its members who are linked to a local scandal.

14. November 2025

These movies are based on the research of changes in humans due to Vedic changes born in humans over time.

Juliano is a very unlucky guy, after leaving another failed job interview, Juliano ends up recognizing things inside himself that he had never noticed before.

7. November 2025

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