3 Filme

  • All3Media International
  • London, England
  • GB
  • Webseite
16. September 2021

Sarah seems to have found her calling working in a Liverpool care home where she has a special talent for connecting with the residents. Then, in March 2020, the Coronavirus pandemic hits.

Norfolk, England, 1999. During three days, farmer Tony Martin is questioned by police following the violent death of Fred Barras, a teenage burglar who broke into his property, Bleak House, in Emneth Hungate, along with other intruder, Brendon Fearon, on the evening of August 20th of that year.

DS Charlie Nelson arrives in Midsomer to be DCI Barnaby's new partner. His first case involves a stabbing death during a ghost-hunting party at the Morton Shallows manor house. Barnaby and Nelson investigate the true motives behind the villagers' paranormal proclivities.

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