4 Filme

  • Ricochet
  • Brighton, England
  • GB
  • Webseite

Based on real events, the story follows a father and son who identify as Sovereign Citizens, a group of anti-government extremists, as they venture across the country and find themselves in a standoff with a chief of police that sets off an intense manhunt with tragic consequences.

Adrian Chiles takes a long hard look at his own love of boozing. He wants to find out why he and many others don't think they are addicted to alcohol, despite finding it almost impossible to enjoy life without it.

Denise Van Outen lifts the lid on Britain's air fryer obsession and asks the questions on everyone's lips... how do they work, what can we cook in them, and can they really save us time and money?

Eine grandiose Ära der Raumfahrt geht zu Ende: Im Sommer 2011 soll das letzte Space Shuttle der NASA, die "Atlantis", zu einer finalen Mission ins All starten. Aus diesem Anlass zeigt Discovery eine spannende Dokumentation rund um die Geschichte des Space Shuttles und gibt einzigartige Einblicke in die Arbeit der NASA.

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