국적, 장소, 원인 미상의 상황에서 2인의 탈주자가 적의 힘이 미치치 않는 곳 국경을 향하여 도망친다. 그때, 적 헬기가 이들 탈주자를 발견 추적한다. 그러나 헬기는 그들을 죽이거나 체포하지 않고 날개바람을 몰아쳐 동물 몰이하듯 데리고 장난한다. 두 탈주자는 이에 분노하여 도주 중 민간인에게 훔친 총으로 헬기를 공격한다. 그러나 헬기 공격에 실패하고 대신 승무원 한명을 사살하는데 그친다. 탈주 도중 그들은 적군의 수색에 걸리나 이를 간신히 통과한다. 두사람은 마을을 지나다가 적 헬기의 소이탄 공격을 받아 헬기에 대한 한이 사무친 나머지 적 주둔지에 몰래 침입하여 헬기를 못쓰게 파괴해놓고 다시 달아난다.그들이 천신만고 끝에 국경에 도달했을 무렵,적은 새 헬기를 타고 국경까지 집요하게 그들을 추적해온다. 두 사람은 국경을 넘으면 그만이지만 그런데도 탈주자중 하나인 맥은 다른 일행 앤셀의 만류에도 불구하고 헬기와 대결한다. 그러다가 헬기의 기총소사에 당해 죽고 만다. 그리고 적 헬기는 돌아간다. 살아남은 앤셀은 자유의 문턱에서 비참한 최후를 마친 동료 맥의 시체를 남겨둔채, 자유를 찾아 국경을 넘는다.

A hit pop songwriter, who cannot love himself or others, spends his days with various women flying his plane, and dropping in to the world around him.

5월 28, 1969

Newly-promoted if none too happily married Howard Brubaker leaves a rowdy company party early with the stunning Catherine, whom it turns out is herself unhappily married — to the boss. They spend an innocent night in New York becoming more and more attracted to each other, so that when Catherine announces she intends to leave her husband and return to Paris Howard asks to go along too.

11월 20, 1970

A man fleeing the scene after shooting his wife's lover forms an unexpected relationship with the tough cab driver he hires to drive him to the Mexican border.

1월 9, 1970

In 1960, the ruins of an American bomber were found in the Libyan desert, but the remains of the crew were never located. In Guerdon Trueblood's teleplay, the ghosts of a bomber crew hang around their derelict plane, awaiting the day that their bones will be recovered and given a decent burial. The sole survivor, navigator Russell Hamner, has in the intervening 25 years become a General. He joins an investigation team that has come across the wreckage, while the ghosts, headed by Major Devlin, plot to expose Hamner as a coward who deserted his post and left his crew mates to die.

3월 12, 1970

A man comes home after serving time in prison to claim his share of his deceased mother's estate. However, his adoptive father, who holds him responsible for his biological son's death, intends to fight him for everything.

A successful professor has his life disrupted by a secret from his past — in his college days he became a member of a powerful secret society, and now the society has a job for him.

An American soldier manages to endure his captivity in a Vietnamese POW camp by keeping alive the memories of life in his home town. When he is finally released from the camp, and is discharged from the military, he goes back to his town - but he can find no trace whatsoever of it.

2월 26, 1971

Three financially down-and-out buddies plot to pull a bank robbery to cure their financial woes.

1월 7, 1972

A doctor trying to fight a diphtheria epidemic comes into conflict with a police captain who is using all his resources to track down a cop-killer.

3월 12, 1971

Architect's life is plagued by his ex-wife, a master manipulator, whose constant clawing is about to drive off his new love, and his clientèle. As a hobby, he enjoys training a rare harpy eagle, with a Native-American pal, who empathizes with his plight, and a plan of action coalesces.

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