12 filmų

  • JP
2002 spalio 18

Nekaltai nužudytųjų prakeiksmas slepiasi name – ten, kur jie buvo kankinti ir nužudyti. Jauna mergina, dirbanti Tokijuje, atsitiktinai atveria šio namo duris. Namo, kuriame slypi pats BLOGIS. Prakeiksmas išsilaisvino: jis ims vis naujas gyvybes, kaskart tapdamas vis stipresniu. Jis niekada neatslūgs, niekada neatleis, niekada nepamirš savo prigimties. PAGIEŽA...

A woman in the midst of an unpleasant divorce moves to an eerie apartment building with her young daughter. The ceiling of their apartment has a dark and active leak.

2003 rugpjūčio 15

Name, kuriame įvyko paslaptinga žmogžudystė, filmuojamos laidos apie paranormalius reiškinius. Televizijos darbuotojai nelinkę sureikšminti įvykių, paslaptingąjį namą jie pavertė paprasčiausia filmavimo aikštele. Tačiau netrukus laidos vedėja, režisierius ir visa filmavimo grupė bus priversti patikėti, kad namą valdo žuvusiojo siela.

An apparitions of a young schoolgirl in a yellow rain hat, a family massacre, and a law student's suicide after he fails his bar exam are linked by the ominous recordings discovered on an audio cassette.

The supernatural grudge manifests itself by way of a strange cyst growing in the body of a young woman, slowly draining all life from her in revenge for... what?

2013 liepos 20

Three female idols appear on a television show to investigate an exorcism. An exorcist with psychic powers named Unsui claims that the show’s subjects, the Kaneda family, are cursed by a demon that’s too powerful for him to banish on his own, so he calls in a fellow exorcist to help. Soon, a reckless ghost hunter enters the fray as the three idols witness a series of terrifying events.

2006 lapkričio 17

A Japanese actress begins having strange visions and experiences after landing a role in a horror film about a real-life murder spree that took place over forty years ago.

Inugami Sahei, who built up the wealth of the Inugami Clan, passes away, leaving a will with Furudate, his legal adviser, for his daughters Matsuko, Takeko and Umeko, all of whom have different mothers, and for their sons, as well as for Nonomiya Tamayo, the granddaughter of a person to whom Sahei feels heavily indebted. The will states that all his assets are inherited by Tamayo alone, on the condition that she marries one of the sons of the daughters. Furudate's assistant learns the content of the will, and seeks advice from Kindaichi Kosuke, a private detective, as he senses the air of unease. Shortly afterwards, murders start to occur one after another in the clan.

Nanami Hoshino, a wealthy entrepreneur, marries potter Kim Jun-ho, and they both live a seemingly happy life until Nanami is killed by a biker on her way home. Now a ghost whose presence cannot be seen, she realizes that her death was no coincidence and seeks help from the elderly psychic Unten in hopes of saving Jun-ho's life.

Dark Tales of Japan is a collection of five short horror films that are directed by five notable Japanese film directors, which are told by a mysterious old lady in kimono on a late-night bus traveling on a long isolated mountain road.

A series of short stories all about dogs.

Ayane, Nanami, and Mayuko are members of a new 3-member idol group called “Jersey Girl”. One day they’re invited to appear on a television show about the paranormal where they’ll visit an abandoned nursing home in the mountains to see which one of them is the bravest and document their experiences. However, as soon as the girls arrive, they begin to have strange paranormal experiences. Before long, they begin to turn on each other as the stress of the situation overtakes them.

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