14 편

2차 세계 대전이 발발할 무렵 큰 꿈을 품고 베를린에 온 한 여배우. 그러나 요제프 괴벨스와의 만남은 그녀의 삶을 송두리째 바꿔 놓는다.

1980년 체코슬로바키아. 젊고 재능 있는 육상선수 안나는 올림픽 국가대표 출전을 목표로 훈련에 임한다. 최고의 기록을 내기 위해 코치와 의사는 그녀의 어머니의 협조 하에 안나 몰래 단백동화 스테로이드제를 처방한다. 매일 저녁 주사를 맞던 중 어느 날 진실을 알게 된 안나는 분노하며 약을 끊게 되고, 그 결과 달리기 기록이 나빠진다. 한편 그녀의 어머니는 남편이 서방으로 망명한 이래 온갖 불이익을 당하며 정부의 감시하에 있다. 안나를 올림픽 국가대표로 만드는 길만이 그녀를 철의 장막에서 벗어나게 하는 길이라 믿고 다시 스테로이드제를 비타민이라 속여 주입한다. 는 동서냉전기의 이데올로기 갈등이 스포츠계의 부정부패로 이어진 예를 보여주는 스포츠 휴먼드라마다. 인간을 기계처럼 만드는 도핑 시스템에 복종해야 하는 선수들의 모습은 올림픽 정신이 얼마나 변질되고 퇴색되었는지 보여주고도 남는다. 흥미진진한 스토리가 빛나는 작품으로 첫 장면과 마지막 장면의 조깅은 흔들리지 않는 스포츠 정신과‘ 페어 플레이’에 대한 질문으로 다가온다.

Johanka and Matyáš have an unusual home. The two live among the animals and plants of an enchanted botanical garden in the middle of the city, but this idyll is under threat. To the children’s horror, the mayor wants to build a theme park on the same spot. The Blue Tiger, an animal with magic powers, comes to their aid. Only he can protect the garden, but Johanka and Matyáš must now stop the mayor from capturing their newfound friend. MODRY TYGR is a colourful, atmospheric and imaginatively told animated fairytale that inspires the viewer to reflect on natural resources and habitats.

바르샤바 조약군의 체코슬로바키아 침략과 대중의 수동적인 행태에 대한 정치적 항의로 1969년 1월 16일, 프라하 바츨라프 광장에서 분신한 카렐대학교 역사학-정치경제학 학생인 얀 팔라흐에 관한 이야기이다. 이 영화는 역사적 사실을 바탕으로 침략에 대한 저항과 민주주의 투쟁을 국민에게 일깨우기 위해 자신의 삶을 희생한 한 대학생의 마지막 몇 달의 모습을 포착하려고 노력한다. 사랑하는 아들이자 헌신적인 친구이고 사려 깊은 학생이었던 그가 무엇 때문에 이렇게 과격한 행동을 취한 이유에 관해 생각하게 한다. 주인공은 여자친구인 헬렌나와의 관계, 1968년의 파란만장한 대학 생활, 어머니와의 삶과 소련과 프랑스의 자원 봉사와 같은 자신의 모습을 보여준다. 카메라는 영화 전반에서 얀의 얼굴에 초점을 맞추어 가까웠던 그 누구도 짐작하지 못한 그 결정의 순간을 포착하려고 한다. 20년이 지나 얀 팔라흐의 분신을 기리는 일명 얀 팔라흐 주간 동안 체코슬로바키아 국민들이 전체주의 정권에 맞서 시위를 진행했으며, 이로 인해 같은 해 11월 말에 공산주의 정권을 무너뜨리고 체코슬로바키아의 자유와 민주주의를 불러일으킨 벨벳혁명이 일어났다.

9월 28, 2023

This loose adaptation of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness follows Robert Klein as he sets out to find his brother, who disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

In 1976 a famous American writer Nathan Zuckerman is challenged by Czech immigrant Sisovsky who implores him to retrieve valuable manuscripts from communist Czechoslovakia. The writer accepts this dangerous mission, where his every step is observed by secret police. Once in Prague, he meets Sisovsky‘s flamboyant and wild ex-wife Olga who is in possession of the manuscripts. The evolving relationship between the hot-headed Olga and Nathan is a confrontation between two worlds - the repressed East and free West. But, Olga won‘t give up the manuscripts to Nathan so easily…

2월 12, 2020

Hannah travels through the Polish mountains with her ex-boyfriend Lex. During their journey the young woman finds out that Lex has prepared the perfect crime, with Hannah as his victim.

It's spring 1939. The bishop in Banska Bystrica finds out that in the village of Piargy, that was buried by an avalanche a few days ago, the Antichrist was born. The bishop calls on priest Balaz and asks him to investigate the statements of Johanka, the only survivor of the catastrophe. Balaz wants to know what exactly happened in Piargy.

11월 30, 2023

Rouzbeh arrives in Prague, far from his troubled family life in Tehran, to research his father’s past. Visiting the flat where his father, a communist expatriate, lived 50 years ago, in the times of Czechoslovakia, he is stopped by a policewoman investigating a recent accident. The current resident of the flat, Vladimir, who turns out to be Rouzbeh’s half-brother, has fallen out the window. Discovering hidden corners of Vladimir’s life and getting closer to his soul, Rouzbeh learns a shocking truth about his father, totally contradicting the image of a hero he had about him. This puts him on the path which led to Vladimir's fall from the window.

3월 15, 2018

When the West Coast Crew dance troupe, led by the talented and ambitious Buddy, is selected to enter the widely broadcast “Superdance” reality TV talent show, the young dancers revel in their newfound fame and dream of their lives as winners of the prestigious contest. But as the competition begins to heat up – especially from rival dance troupe Muertas – jealousy, narcissism and interpersonal conflict threaten to break the crew apart.

Only a few girls practice the art of parkour – running and somersaulting over rooftops, free-climbing up rusted scaffolding and leaping from one wall to the next. Laura takes it all in her stride. Though as she wildly races through the streets of Prague, her thoughts are running wild too. She has a crush on Luky, but he doesn‘t show much interest in her. Laura‘s parents live apart, and her mother is desperately looking for someone new. Jealousy, misunderstandings with her best friend – Laura‘s life is full of confusion. Sometimes, when she can‘t take it anymore, fantasy worlds evolve. When hope and fear push through the cracks of reality, it gets harder to keep her life in balance.

7월 1, 2021

Women from widely different cultures speak out about giving birth, and about the traumas they have experienced when the birth does not go as expected.

Theatre personality, musician, poet, writer, graphic artist, collector, self-professed clown, eternally young in spirit – all this is Jiří Suchý, one of the key figures of the domestic cultural scene over the last six decades. He has put on 97 plays at the Semafor theatre and has written the lyrics for 1,400 songs and the music for 500. Today, in an era beset by an onslaught of images that are often of questionable worth, this legendary figure’s tireless efforts to enrich the Czech language and its poetic nuances have been of inestimable value. Olga Sommerová lays before us Suchý’s prolific creative and civic journey through life with the subtle distinctiveness we have come to expect; she also demonstrates her singular flair for capturing exceptional moments.

3월 25, 2014

The film maps the life and work of the historian Ján Mlynárik (1933 - 2012), which took place very close to the controversial events in the historical development of the former Czechoslovakia.

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