2008 年 12 月 24 日

年轻人埃洛(Leandro Stivelman 饰)踩高跷、套公仔,干着一份平常且卑微的工作。父亲的死(Hugo Arana 饰)给他的生活带来巨大的触动,从出殡那天开始,埃洛仿佛随时可以看到父亲的身影。而实际上,他罹患了失眠症,夜晚经常无意识地四处走动。

某晚,埃洛照例梦游,却不慎从邻居家的天窗跌落下去,摔在性感女子艾尔维拉(Antonella Costa 饰)的床上。艾尔维拉暑假期间来奶奶家中度假,通过几天的交往,两个年轻人彼此喜欢上了对方。在艾尔维拉的引导下,埃洛更经历了一场奇异的爱情梦幻之旅……

90年代的哥伦比亚电影作为拉美电影的重要一员而受到了国际上更多的瞩目,同时也产生出一批优秀的电影人和作品,塞尔吉奥.卡比雷拉就是其中最突出的一 位,他是90年代哥伦比亚最知名的电影导演。这部《蜗牛的策略》就是他第一部获得广泛赞誉的影片,他自己拍摄此片的时候也没有想到它会引起巨大的成功,影 片不仅成为迄今为止哥伦比亚国内最流行的电影,而且为他获得了94年柏林电影节新电影论坛特别荣誉奖,以及比利亚雷斯拉美电影节当年最佳拉丁美洲电影等众 多国际大奖。

2017 年 05 月 07 日


1996 年 11 月 11 日

北京,某公园(可能是“东宫”或者“西宫”),是夜。这个公园是同性恋幽会的场所。公园派出所的警察小史在值夜班无聊寂寞时,就要到公园里抓一个同性恋来审一审,让他们交待自己的“活动”,以此消闲解闷。那个晚上 他似乎是有意地逮住了阿兰,而阿兰也似乎期待着被捕。事情过去很久后,阿兰寄给小史一本书,扉页上印着:“献给我的爱人”…

1991年5-7月,一个以健康研究为名的搜捕行动在北京同性恋圈中展开,执行者是北京东郊民巷派出所的警察。50多名同性恋者被捉拿,审问,采血,问卷调查。这起被“第六代导演”张元称为“荒唐透顶”的事件促成了中国大陆第一部同性恋电影《东宫西宫》的问世[1] 。张元最初的设想是要拍一部类似以往作品的纪实电影,对同性恋群落的原生状态作一次全景式的描绘。这个意图也体现在片名上面:北京同性恋者的语汇中,“东宫”、“西宫”指的是两处著名的同性恋聚会场所——天安门东西两侧劳动人民文化宫和中山公园内的公厕。这个题目准确地概括了中国同性恋亚文化的“公厕特性”。

2016 年 01 月 08 日


2000 年 05 月 13 日

The true story of the rise to power and brutal assassination of the formerly vilified and later redeemed leader of the independent Congo, Patrice Lumumba. Using newly discovered historical evidence, Haitian-born and later Congo-raised writer and director Raoul Peck renders an emotional and tautly woven account of the mail clerk and beer salesman with a flair for oratory and an uncompromising belief in the capacity of his homeland to build a prosperous nation independent of its former Belgian overlords. Lumumba emerges here as the heroic sacrificial lamb dubiously portrayed by the international media and led to slaughter by commercial and political interests in Belgium, the United States, the international community, and Lumumba's own administration; a true story of political intrigue and murder where political entities, captains of commerce, and the military dovetail in their quest for economic and political hegemony.

Sofia, a young girl in Mozambique who is studying to be a doctor, finds that her professor wants more from her than hard work. An unwillingness to compromise her values and potentially her health, may cost her a place there.

BB works as a political cartoonist at a liberal newspaper, his more outrageous efforts duly appreciated but not necessarily published by his boss. He's in love with the boss’ lovely, talented computer-scientist daughter, Kesso. But his choice meets with stiff opposition from his strict Muslim father Karamako, who is the chief of his village as well as imam of Conakry, especially when Kesso becomes pregnant with BB’s child.

1996 年 07 月 24 日

Ryuzo, Japanese young man who has committed a crime of passion in Tokyo, is sent by his father to Paraguaipoa to escape justice. In this place, inhabited by the Wayuu ethnic group, meets Princess Campanula. Among them was a love affair, not welcomed by the smuggler Challenger occurs.

2006 年 09 月 01 日

阿蒂姆(阿利·巴凯 Ali Barkai 饰)的父亲在战争之中死去了,十六岁的阿蒂姆拿着一把手枪,决定群寻找并且杀死自己的杀父仇人。怀揣着满心的仇恨,阿蒂姆来到了仇人纳萨拉(尤苏夫·约罗 Youssouf Djaoro 饰)所在的城市,此时的纳萨拉早已经成家立业,并且经营着自己的面包房,每天,他都会将卖剩下来的面包分给附近穷苦的孩子们,俨然一副老好人的模样。

2002 年 09 月 10 日

Two boys (Tamir & Amine) awake one morning to find that their father has abandoned their family. Shocked, they begin to misbehave. While surreptitiously watching a movie, they think they see their father speaking to them and steal the film to examine the frames. Their mother (Achta) eventually despairs and sends them to Koranic school. Unhappy, they plan their escape until the eldest boy falls in love with a deaf girl (Khalil).

2016 年 11 月 30 日


Second part of collaborative project Brise-Glace. Directed by Titte Törnroth.

Documentary about the effects of market economy and globalization on director Raoul Peck's homeland, Haiti.

2006 年 01 月 01 日
1987 年 12 月 15 日

First part of the collaborative project "Brise-Glace" showing the diverse travels on the icebreaker "Frej". Directed by Jean Rouch.

1987 年 12 月 15 日

Third and final part of collaborative project Brise Glace. Directed by Raúl Ruíz.

1986 年 01 月 01 日

What does the people in the street think of nuclear physics today? These men and women do not walk far from the imposing Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie (Porte de la Villette, Paris). They have more nuanced ideas than one might imagine, just like those of scientists. This rapprochement between everyone is beneficial.



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