10 filmų

  • IT

Turtingų italų grupelė jachta išplaukia į jūra, o pasiekę salą, nusprendžia ją apžiūrėti. Po kiek laiko pasigendama kartu keliavusios Anos. Jos draugė Klaudija baiminasi, kad jai kažkas atsitiko, ir nori likti saloje, kol ją ras. Anos sužadėtinis Sandro ilgai nedelsęs ima asistuoti Klaudijai. Nors Sandro ir patinka Klaudijai, ji negali pamiršti dingusios draugės. Tačiau meilės ilgesys atveda moterį į Sandro glėbį.

„Nuotykis“, nors ir nepelnė pagrindinio Kanų kino festivalio prizo, buvo įvertintas festivalio žiuri ir sulaukė daugelio žymių žmonių, kino kritikų, žurnalistų, rašytojų pripažinimo ir parašų po žodžiais: „Vakar festivalyje matėme geriausią filmą gyvenime.“

1968 balandžio 4

A pimp with no other means to provide for himself finds his life spiralling out of control when his prostitute is sent to prison.

1959 lapkričio 20

Alberto Nardi is a Roman businessman who fancies himself a man of great capabilities, but whose factory teeters perennially on the brink of catastrophe. Alberto is married to a rich and successful businesswoman from Milan, Elvira Almiraghi who has a no-nonsense attitude and barely tolerates the attempts of her husband to keep his factory afloat with her money.

Problems arise for Antonio Magnano when he is unable to consummate his marriage to the beautiful Barbara Puglisi and his virility is called into question. Despite the fact that he loves his beautiful wife and they have otherwise been happily married for a year, his problem becomes a source of contention for all concerned.

1962 liepos 9

Normandy, second half of the nineteenth century. Jeanne Dandieu lives in a manor house with her parents and their servant Rosalie. She gets to know Julien, a handsome man, whom she soon marries. Her happiness is short-lived as she finds out that not only has Julien married her for her money but he cheats on her as well, with Rosalie to crown it all.

French film favorite Edwige Feuillere plays a high-class gangster's moll named Maine. When Maine's first husband and daughter pay a visit, it's an awkward time for our heroine and her current amour, gang boss Godot (Jean Servais). In addition to fielding a lot of embarrassing questions, Godot also has to deal with a pesky turf war with a rival mobster. Not that the ex-husband is a paragon of virtue: he's busy trying to get even with a crooked business associate.

1956 rugsėjo 5

An adaptation of Émile Zola’s 1877 masterpiece L’assommoir, the film is an uncompromising depiction of a lowly laundress’s struggles to deal with an alcoholic husband while running her own business.

Alain is the only son of a wealthy bourgeois couple. He takes violin lessons in Ménilmontant, where he is spotted by Fleur, a poor girl: she is going to kidnap him and demand a ransom from the young man's parents, money which will be used to pay for a good lawyer for her brother accused of killing a policeman.

In Lebanon, industrialist Hennequin, director of a French oil company, entrusts engineers Jean Domèvre, a Frenchman, and Mokhrir, a Lebanese, with the prospecting of an isolated region granted to him by Countess Athelstane Orloff. Their search remains fruitless until Mokhir reports the discovery of a uranium deposit, but disappears before Jean can identify the location. He goes to the Countess for help in finding Mokhir and surprises her when, due to financial difficulties, she is negotiating her concession with the Englishman Hobson, director of a rival company. Attracted by Jean, the Countess nevertheless gives him her preference and they set off together in search of Mokhir.

At a wedding party involving three beautiful women, a young man should choose the most charming. But a professor intervenes to prevent the verdict, remembering the troubles caused by Paris in a similar situation.

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