45 elokuvaa

12 marraskuu 2010

127 tuntia kertoo vuorikiipeilijä Aron Ralstonin hurjasta seikkailusta ja hänen yrityksestään selviytyä hengissä hänen kätensä jäätyä jumiin suuren kivenlohkareen alle syrjäisessä kanjonissa Utahissa. Seuraavan viiden päivän aikana Ralston joutuu puntaroimaan elämäänsä ja taistelemaan henkensä edestä luonnonvoimien armoilla, kunnes hän lopulta kerää kaiken rohkeutensa ja nokkeluutensa vapauttaakseen itsensä ainoalla mahdollisella keinolla, laskeutuu 20-metriseltä jyrkänteeltä ja vaeltaa vielä lähes 20 kilometriä, ennen kuin pääsee lopullisesti turvaan. Matkansa aikana Ralston muistelee ystäviään, tyttöystäväänsä, perhettään ja kahta retkeilijää, jotka hän kohtasi hieman ennen onnettomuuttaan. Olivatko he viimeiset ihmiset, jotka hän elämässään tapasi? Riipaisevan jännittävä tarina vie katsojat ennennäkemättömälle seikkailulle ja näyttää, mihin kaikkeen me henkemme pitimiksi olemmekaan valmiita.

5 syyskuu 2003

The true story of Joe Simpson and Simon Yates' disastrous and nearly-fatal mountain climb of 6,344m Siula Grande in the Cordillera Huayhuash in the Peruvian Andes in 1985.

England, December 1926. Although her personal life is in tatters, the famous writer Agatha Christie decides to leave everything behind to help unravel an unsolved murder committed on a train six years ago, unable to imagine the disproportionate consequences that such a selfless act will cause.

22 heinäkuu 2007

Set in the Clapham district of south London, England, the film is inspired by true events. The paths of several men intersect during a dramatic thirty-six hours in which their lives are changed forever.

25 joulukuu 2018

Biopic of the British ice dancers and British, European, Olympic and World champions, Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean.

On an archaeological dig in Iraq, author Agatha Christie uncovers a series of murders.

8 lokakuu 2009

In 1979 Clive Sinclair, British inventor of the pocket calculator, frustrated by the lack of home investment in his project,the electric car, also opposes former assistant Chris Curry's belief that he can successfully market a micro-chip for a home computer. A parting of the ways sees Curry, in partnership with the Austrian Hermann Hauser and using whizz kid Cambridge students, set up his own, rival firm to Sinclair Radionics, Acorn. Acorn beat Sinclair to a lucrative contract supplying the BBC with machines for a computer series. From here on it is a battle for supremacy to gain the upper hand in the domestic market.

A comet hits Ireland, and a bigger one is on its way towards the U.S. where 900 million people have to be evacuated.

As bombs fall on London, writer Agatha Christie decides it is time to kill off her most famous creation.

20 maaliskuu 2005

"The Last Dragon" is a nature mockumentary about a British scientific team that attempts to understand the unique incredible beasts that have fascinated people for ages. CGI is used to create the dragons.

27 toukokuu 2012

A story that imagines how these real-world phenomena may be related. In this story, startling amateur video and photographic evidence, as well as additional audio recordings, suggests whales weren’t the only creatures affected by the Navy’s sonar. The film follows the two scientists who tracked the whale beachings for years and delivers first-hand, on-camera accounts of what they claim to have discovered in the aftermath of one particular beaching. Their story is nothing less than fantastical: they claim to have found the remains of a mermaid.

6 syyskuu 2005

Surveys the love of luxury, sexual excess and cruelty that formed the dark underside of the Roman empire

14 marraskuu 2005

Drama-documentary recounting the events of the 1st July 1916 and the Battle of the Somme on the Western Front during the First World War. Told through the letters and journals of soldiers who were there.

10 marraskuu 2008

THE BRAIN is an astonishing voyage of discovery into our last biological frontier. Although today s computers can make calculations in one-100th of a second and technology can transport us outside the bonds of Earth, only now are we beginning to understand the most complex machine in the universe. Using simple analogies, real-life case studies, and state-of-the-art CGI, this special shows how the brain works, explains the frequent battle between instinct and reason, and unravels the mysteries of memory and decision-making. It takes us inside the mind of a soldier under fire to see how decisions are made in extreme situations, examines how an autistic person like Rain Man develops remarkable skills, and takes on the age-old question of what makes one person good and another evil. Research is rushing forward. We’ve learned more about the workings of the brain in the last five years than in the previous one hundred.

5 heinäkuu 2009

A doctor and his girlfriend are stalked by a woman who claims to be in love with him. Meanwhile, the man falls in love with a younger woman. Based on a true story

5 maaliskuu 2013

Student Kate Harper returns home for the Christmas break and joins her boyfriend Tom,his brother Brian and friends Rachel,Leah,Ashley and Ethan to go to the pub in two cars. It is a rainy night and,in trying to overtake a lorry,Tom,followed by Ethan,causes a crash.

13 marraskuu 2007

Egypt's two greatest Pharaohs, Khufu and Ramesses II, built their way to immortality through architectural marvels including the temples of Abu Simbel and the Great Pyramid of Giza

In The Beckoning Silence, Joe Simpson, whose amazing battle for survival featured in the multi-award winning "Touching the Void", travels to the treacherous North Face of the Eiger to tell the story of one of mountaineering's most epic tragedies. As a child, it was this story and that of one of the climbers in particular, that first captured Simpson's imagination and inspired him to take up mountaineering.

1 tammikuu 2012

Neil Armstrong's family and friends, many of whom have never spoken publicly before, tell the story of the first man to set foot on the moon. Drawing heavily on unbroadcast archive footage and the unique perspectives of the contributors, this is an exclusive account of Neil Armstrong's extraordinary life story. From his childhood during America's Great Depression to the heady days of the space programme, his historic first step on the Moon and his famously private later life. Seen through the eyes of those who were with him, the film explores the man behind the myth, a man who was very much a product of his time. The film goes beyond his days as an astronaut and shows that his life after the flight of Apollo 11 was, in many ways equally challenging, as Armstrong came to terms with life outside NASA and the relentless demands of fame until his death in August 2012.

22 toukokuu 2011

Tornado Rampage 2011 finds the people who were pulled into the raging tornadoes and tells their stories first-hand, with remarkable and terrifying video footage they shot in the heat of the storm. Discovery Channel's 'Stormchaser' Reed Timmer joins the hunt on the 27 April, tracking down the twisters as they form - with exclusive pictures of their progress across Alabama and Mississippi states.

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