7 movies

  • Seaview Productions
  • New York City, New York
  • US
  • Homepage
May 16, 2023

Augusta, Georgia, United States, June 3, 2017. After running some errands, Reality Winner returns home, where she is approached by two men.

April 19, 2024

Terry Goon is keeping strict quarantine in his ex-husband’s Brooklyn brownstone while caring for his nephew — a 19-year-old model from Morocco named Bahlul — bedridden in a full leg cast after an electric scooter accident. Unfortunately for Terry, everyone in his life wants to meet the model.

Emma was having the time of her life. Now she’s in rehab. Her first step is to admit that she has a problem. But the problem isn’t with Emma, it’s with everything else. She needs to tell the truth. But she’s smart enough to know that there’s no such thing. When intoxication feels like the only way to survive the modern world, how can she ever sober up?

The TikTok musical sensation, based on the Disney/Pixar film, comes to delicious life for an unprecedented, community-written, Broadway-caliber, lip-smacking special event to benefit The Actors Fund.

Comedian Mike Birbiglia dives headlong into mortality, medical tests, nature's pillows and an overchlorinated YMCA pool in this candid one-man show.

Explores whether a couple, once united by their dreams, can remain connected as their paths diverge.

February 14, 2025

Tasked with shielding her from the news of her father’s death, young soldier Atom escorts Claudette on a road trip into the conflict-ridden Armenian countryside. A hallucinatory odyssey through the mythologies of a nation in a state of permanent war.

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