82 部电影

  • Killer Films
  • New York City, New York
  • US
  • 主页
2023 年 10 月 06 日

Composer Steven Lauddem is plagued by a creative block which leaves him unable to finish the score for his big comeback opera. When his former therapist-turned-wife Patricia suggests he rekindle his creativity by getting lost in the city, Steven sets out in search of inspiration. His epiphany comes after he meets a spirited woman named Katrina and discovers his life has much more potential than he bargained for, or ever could have imagined.

一宗曾經震驚美國的醜聞事件,36歲的人妻嘉麗絲(茱莉安摩亞 飾)因與13歲初中生祖(查理斯梅爾頓飾)發生關係而被捕入獄。嘉麗絲更為祖在獄中產子,兩人抵抗世俗眼光,排除萬難最終結為夫妻。20年過去,夫婦與三個孩子在薩凡納郊區小鎮過著看似完美的家庭生活。當事情看似平靜下來之際,他們的不倫故事吸引荷里活電影編劇。飾演女主角的電視明星伊莉莎白(妮妲莉實雯飾)為了深入揣摩角色,親自到訪,以旁觀者姿態融入嘉麗絲和祖的日常生活。當年發生的不倫事件,兩位當事人的心理狀態和秘密,像剝開的洋蔥一樣慢慢呈現。伊莉莎白由敘事者,逐漸變成偷窺者,甚至發現自己與嘉麗絲有很多驚人相似之處。當年的「受害人」阿祖,也因為伊莉莎白的出現和試探,不得不重新檢視在這段被世俗眼光蔑視的夫妻關係中,自己究竟扮演了什麼角色。

2023 年 06 月 02 日

故事根據導演 Celine Song 親身經歷改編。講述一對有著深厚友誼的兒時好友——女主角 Nora(Greta Lee 飾)以及青梅竹馬的 Hae Sung(劉台午 飾),因女主角隨著家人移民美國而分開。二十年後兩人在紐約重逢,面對命運和愛情的抉擇,然而此時 Nora 已擁有新的身份,並已和 Arthur(John Magaro 飾)建立了家庭。

2019 年 11 月 22 日

羅比畢洛(麥克雷法路 飾)為多間財雄勢大的化學工業公司擔任企業環保辯護律師,戰績彪炳令他走向事業顛峰,但當兩名農夫向他控訴化工企業「杜邦」於當地設立的工廠長期把有害廢料棄置於堆填區,嚴重破壞他們的農地及毒害他們的牛隻,令他內心交戰,難道他的成功是建基於百姓的苦難之上?他一直所做的事情都是在助紂為虐?為此他誓要徹查到底,找出真相,在律師拍檔湯姆(添羅賓士 飾)的協助下,他倒戈相向追擊黑心企業,展開了一場長達15年的逆權官司,押上了他的名譽、生計、人生安全,以至與妻子莎拉(安妮夏菲維 飾)的婚姻,為真相而戰,為公義發聲!

2007 年 11 月 13 日

This examination of a famous scandal from the 1970s explores the relationship between Barbara Baekeland and her only son, Antony. Barbara, a lonely social climber unhappily married to the wealthy but remote plastics heir Brooks Baekeland, dotes on Antony, who is homosexual. As Barbara tries to "cure" Antony of his sexuality -- sometimes by seducing him herself -- the groundwork is laid for a murderous tragedy.

2015 年 11 月 20 日

愛上一個人只需幾秒鐘,如何愛下去卻從來不易......少女Therese到紐約追尋夢想,她渴望成為攝影師,卻只能暫當百貨公司的售貨員,生活猶如一潭死水,直至遇上來為女兒買禮物的貴婦Carol。Carol優雅動人的外表和談吐舉止深深吸引著她,令她怦然心動。Therese按捺不住聯絡Carol,二人愈走愈近,再也無法遏止心底的情感,並決定一起出走,但Carol發現她前夫派了偵探跟蹤她們...... 在世俗目光下, 她們能否衝破一切抓緊摯愛?

2004 年 09 月 24 日

Sylvia Stickles runs a convenience store with her husband and mother-in-law. One day, Sylvia is hit on the head and transforms from an uptight prude to a sex-crazed lunatic. As she goes on a rampage through town, Sylvia attracts the attention of Ray Ray, a sexual healer and tow truck driver in search of the world's greatest orgasm. Their sexual revolution, however, causes a class war in their tiny Baltimore community.


2020 年 01 月 24 日

A waitress agrees to accompany an exotic dancer, her put-upon boyfriend, and her mysterious and domineering roommate on a road trip to Florida to seek their fortune at a high-end strip club.

2001 年 11 月 08 日

College and high school serve as the backdrop for two stories about dysfunction and personal turmoil.

1995 年 07 月 28 日

A day in the life of a group of teens as they travel around New York City skating, drinking, smoking and deflowering virgins.

1998 年 10 月 26 日

Almost a decade has elapsed since glam-rock superstar Brian Slade escaped the spotlight of the London scene. Now, investigative journalist Arthur Stuart is on assignment to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic Slade. Stuart, himself forged by the music of the 1970s, explores the larger-than-life stars who were once his idols and what has become of them since the turn of the new decade.

2023 年 03 月 24 日


2009 年 12 月 04 日

Jealousy flares after the headmistress of an elite boarding school for girls becomes obsessed with a new student.

2014 年 12 月 05 日

任教紐約哥倫比亞大學的愛麗絲(茱莉安摩亞 飾)是享譽全球的語言學教授,她聰明獨立、對人生充滿熱情,有個同為教授且深愛她的丈夫約翰(艾力寶雲 飾)與三個已長大成人的孩子,唯一的煩惱只是小女兒麗蒂亞(姬絲汀史超域 飾)放棄念大學而執意追求演員夢。本來完美的生活,卻在演講時意外失語、慢跑時喪失方向感等一連串意外下離她越來越遠。神經科醫生診斷她患上了遺傳的早發性PSI基因變異的腦退化症,震驚崩潰的愛麗絲向家人透露病情,眼白白面對即將失去引以自豪的事業與獨立生活的能力;當記憶一步步走向終點時,也是愛麗絲與麗蒂亞展開諒解之旅的起點。

2017 年 10 月 20 日

改篇自美國人氣作家Brian Selnick的同名暢銷小說, 以身處不同時代的兩位小孩Ben和Rose為主打。他們為解開心中謎團,憑着僅有線索,分別到紐約博物館探險, 怎料等待他們的卻是意想不到的人和事⋯⋯

2018 年 12 月 07 日

In 1999, teenage sisters Celeste and Eleanor survive a seismic, violent tragedy. The sisters compose and perform a song about their experience, making something lovely and cathartic out of a catastrophe - while also catapulting Celeste to stardom. By 2017, Celeste is a mother to a teenage daughter of her own and is struggling to navigate a career fraught with scandals when another act of terrifying violence demands her attention.

2021 年 02 月 12 日

艾碧姬(嘉芙蓮娃特絲頓 飾)與寡言的丈夫(加西艾佛力 飾)在紐約邊陲經營農場,深藏在兩人內心的傷痛令他們漸行漸遠。率直美麗的新鄰居塔莉(雲妮莎卻比 飾)隨著春天來到,她長年受到妒忌心重的丈夫芬尼(基斯杜化艾伯特 飾)控制,內心因而忿忿不平。艾碧姬和塔莉相遇相知,二人之間熾熱的連繫解放了內心的禁忌,山林成為逃離枷鎖的樂園,滿足了她們從未察覺到的空虛。電影以四季和崎嶇的邊境地勢為背景,唯美光影下,更顯柔情萬千。

1998 年 10 月 11 日

The lives of many individuals connected by the desire for happiness, often from sources usually considered dark or evil.

2016 年 09 月 02 日

Summer, New York City. A college girl falls hard for a guy she just met. After a night of partying goes wrong, she goes to wild extremes to get him back.



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