2 movies

  • Super Frog
  • Los Angeles, California
  • US

After years in prison, Nate has made some dangerous enemies, including the powerful criminal gang he worked for on the inside. Desperate for a fresh start, Nate cuts ties with his old crew on his release from prison, but the gang retaliates by putting a hit on his family. Nate picks up Polly, the shy eleven-year-old daughter he hardly knows, and goes on the run to keep her out of harm’s way. As they attempt to stay off the radar, it becomes clear that their enemies are relentless and won’t give up easily. Nate teaches Polly how to survive and watches her transform from a timid little girl into a force to be reckoned with. Nate, in turn, learns what it is to love unconditionally as he bonds with his daughter and battles for their future.

A husband that returns from the dead, suspecting his loving wife may have been involved in his death. He must uncover the truth before it’s too late.”

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