The documentary tracks the origins of the found footage technique and how it transformed with technological changes throughout the last few decades.

November 4, 2024

How did a single ‘Big in Japan’ videotape change the course of global horror history? Find out in this insightful documentary charting the origins, evolution and diffusion across the world of a distinctive brand of Japanese supernatural chillers featuring vengeful ghosts manifesting themselves through contemporary technology against a backdrop of urban alienation and social decay. From Psychic Vision: Jaganrei (1988) and straight-to-video scary true stories to such key titles as Ring (1998), Pulse (2001) and The Grudge (2002), critics and filmmakers reflect on how the bleak Dystopian visions and unsettling atmospheres infiltrated their way into the world’s shocker consciousness.

Explores the salacious career of mysterious British filmmaker and distributor David Hamilton-Grant, who was the only supplier to be sent to prison for releasing a "video nasty". Hamilton-Grant navigated loopholes in the law in the 70s in order to produce and screen smut in an extremely censorship restricted Britain. When the home video boom hit in the 80s he was one of the first to capitalize on the initially far less regulated format... but he would pay the price. Then things get really dark and strange.

September 28, 2020

A documentary about the making of Brain Dead (1990)

October 28, 2024

A brand new interview with Carved: The Slit-Mouthed Woman director Koji Shiraishi.

April 21, 2015

Documentary on the making of Hammer's adaptation of "The Hound of the Baskervilles".

A feature length documentary examining the horror films of director Bob Clark

November 24, 2018

A mother and daughter allow their mobile phones to track their whereabouts and get more than they bargained for.

A new documentary on the career of horror legend Charles Band.

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