10 filmů

In spring, as soon as the ice descends from the Siberian rivers, Plavpoliklinika goes on a semi-annual route. Doctors are taking medical care to remote Russian villages. Ahead of six months of testing the climate and living conditions, separation from the family and meeting people from the outback.

The execution of Nicholas II and his family gave rise to one of the most mysterious questions in Russian history. Did Princess Anastasia manage to escape? Anna Anderson spent her life trying to prove her royal origin. Would modern science put an end to this story? Memories of witnesses, historical documents, genetic analysis, and the letters of Anastasia-Anna Anderson will bring the viewer to the era of terrible shocks in Russia and disclose the secret of the daughter of Emperor Nicholas II.

The bear — a powerful and horrendous wild beast, a symbol of strength and might — now is under threat himself. Danger comes from poachers, who hunt for bear fur and bile, which is believed to heal. Danger comes from illegal hunting centers, enslaving baby animals for dog training. Yet a human becomes stronger not through a struggle or hunt — but… love. And care — for a bear. ‘’Land of Bears’’ is a film about the country, where love between a man and bear is mutual.

Residents of big cities sometimes do not even suspect how much garbage we produce. This film explores the most urgent topic of plastic pollution. From Brussels to Lake Baikal and Indian Dehli, eco-activists invent new ways of recycling to make use of the omnipresent plastic garbage — the film shows their inventions and researches the attitudes towards waste in different countries, leading viewers to the main question: Did you know that some bacteria are able to recycle plastic and decompose it into harmless components? But will our planet be able to cope with the volume of garbage?

Velká pýcha sovětských stavitelů a inženýrů, přísně tajný projekt ukrytý v neprostupné tajze mezi bažinami zastřenými hustou mlhou – kosmodrom Pleseck byl po dlouhou dobu vážným problémem a středobodem konfrontace mezi Sovětským svazem a Spojenými státy americkými. Právě na jeho startovací plochu myslel sovětský prezident Nikita Chruščov, když hrozil Američanům. Odtud totiž mohly sovětské rakety doletět prakticky kamkoli. Dnes je Pleseck, který nedávno oslavil 60. výročí od svého dokončení, jedinečným kosmodromem, který slouží ruským obranným, a zároveň vědeckým programům.

Předtím, než vstoupil do vesmíru člověk, byla na oběžnou dráhu posílána zvířata. Největší stopu zanechali psi, kteří pro bezpečný pobyt ve vesmíru prošlapali cestu lidem... Živočichové byli vysíláni v kosmických lodích a raketách do vesmírného prostoru v rámci vědecko-technického výzkumu. Před prvními lety člověka do vesmíru se zvířata používala hlavně na základní výzkum možnosti přežití organismů v podmínkách kosmického letu, později se využívala na detailní výzkum různých biologických procesů ve specifickém prostředí mikrogravitace a na další cíle. V tomto dokumentu se zaměříme na psy. Velký krok pro lidstvo – a možná ještě větší skok pro psa.

A film about a unique operation that took place during the Holocaust. In August 1942, 270 Jewish people went on a mortal campaign. They had to cross the front line and go through the territory completely occupied by the Nazis. Go through to survive. This group was headed by Nikolay Kiselyov. Leon Rubin is one of the few children who survived. He did everything to immortalize the name of their savior, partisan Kiselyov. “I did everything I had to. I want this to never happen again”. Never again.

Now Siberia is considered to be the heart of Russia. However, many centuries ago it was just another unexplored territory, full of mysteries and danger. Our documentary series explores the most interesting of them. The episode about the discovery of Siberia is ready-made. Another 3 episodes will tell the story of surviving in severe frost, explore the deepest Siberian caves and cover the story of gold-mining in Siberia.

A family of Altai ornithologists will go to the south of the continent following the endangered steppe eagles. A similar trip — from the north of Russia to Africa — will be made by Vologda ornithologist Miroslav Babushkin. Sensors mounted on birds will allow scientists to track the eagles’ route and understand the dangers they can face. Ospreys and steppe eagles are birds living in Russia. They were much less fortunate than leopards and Amur tigers. And although feathered predators have all the makings of a “national brand” (remember whose image is displayed on the national emblem and minted on coins), it is likely that these species will soon remain only in heraldry, forever disappearing from the wild.

The October Revolution in Russia: Was it a national catastrophe that interrupted the natural course of the country’s development, or the beginning of a powerful breakthrough from age-old backwardness? The film tells about the fate of people who endured the impossible burden — they raised a country that was not ready for it. They had incredible plans — to organize a world revolution. But their lives were cut off just as tragically as the fate of the Russian Empire that they had crushed.

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