An American media franchise that follows the adventures of the Angels, a team of women working for the Townsend Agency, a private detective agency, under the leadership of Charlie Townsend, their unseen boss. The film series is a continuation of the story with later generations of Angels.
- Number of Movies: 2
- Revenue: $523,300,000
Featured Cast
Featured Crew
The captivating crime-fighting trio who are masters of disguise, espionage and martial arts are back! When a devious mastermind embroils them in a plot to destroy individual privacy, the Angels, aided by their loyal sidekick Bosley, set out to bring down the bad guys. But when a terrible secret is revealed, it makes the Angels targets for assassination.
The Angels are charged with finding a pair of missing rings that are encoded with the personal information of members of the Witness Protection Program. As informants are killed, the ladies target a rogue agent who might be responsible.