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The prehistoric adventures of the first modern family, The Croods.

  • Number of Movies: 2
  • Revenue: $803,110,483

Featured Cast

  1. Nicolas Cage

    Nicolas Cage

    Grug Crood (voice), Grug (voice)

  2. Emma Stone

    Emma Stone

    Eep (voice), Eep Crood (voice)

  3. Ryan Reynolds

    Ryan Reynolds

    Guy (voice)

  4. Catherine Keener

    Catherine Keener

    Ugga (voice), Ugga Crood (voice)

  5. Cloris Leachman

    Cloris Leachman

    Gran (voice), Gran Crood (voice)

  6. Clark Duke

    Clark Duke

    Thunk Crood (voice), Thunk (voice)

  7. Chris Sanders

    Chris Sanders

    Belt (voice)

  8. Leslie Mann

    Leslie Mann

    Hope Betterman (voice)

  9. Peter Dinklage

    Peter Dinklage

    Phil Betterman (voice)

  10. Randy Thom

    Randy Thom

    Sandy (voice)

  11. Kelly Marie Tran

    Kelly Marie Tran

    Dawn Betterman (voice)

  12. Kailey Crawford

    Kailey Crawford

    Sandy (voice)

  13. James Ryan

    James Ryan

    Sash (voice)

  14. Melissa Disney

    Melissa Disney

    Guy's Mother (voice)

Featured Crew

  1. Chris Sanders

    Chris Sanders

    Writing, Directing

  2. Kirk DeMicco

    Kirk DeMicco

    Writing, Directing

  3. Paul Fisher

    Paul Fisher


  4. Dan Hageman

    Dan Hageman


  5. Kevin Hageman

    Kevin Hageman


  6. Joel Crawford

    Joel Crawford


  7. Bob Logan


March 22, 2013

The prehistoric Croods family live in a particularly dangerous moment in time. Patriarch Grug, his mate Ugga, teenage daughter Eep, son Thunk, and feisty Gran gather food by day and huddle together in a cave at night. When a more evolved caveman named Guy arrives on the scene, Grug is distrustful, but it soon becomes apparent that Guy is correct about the impending destruction of their world.

November 25, 2020

Searching for a safer habitat, the prehistoric Crood family discovers an idyllic, walled-in paradise that meets all of its needs. Unfortunately, they must also learn to live with the Bettermans -- a family that's a couple of steps above the Croods on the evolutionary ladder. As tensions between the new neighbors start to rise, a new threat soon propels both clans on an epic adventure that forces them to embrace their differences, draw strength from one another, and survive together.

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