The films are set in 19th century China, the story follows a series of lone warriors who are forced to unite to defeat a common foe and save their home of Jungle Village. An emancipated slave from America who becomes the blacksmith channels an ancient energy to turn himself into a living weapon. His name is Thaddeus Henry Smith and he becomes the man with the iron fists!
- Număr de filme artistice: 2
- Venituri: $20,546,518
Distribuția evidențiată
Echipă filmare evidențiată
In feudal China, a blacksmith who makes weapons for a small village is put in the position where he must defend himself and his fellow villagers.
În China feudală, un fierar salvat de săteni făurește arme de fier pentru a lupta împotriva unei căpetenii care îi obligă pe aceștia să muncească într-o mină de argint.