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  • Number of Movies: 2
  • Revenue: -

Featured Cast

  1. Mark Lee

    Mark Lee

    , Chow Chee Beng

  2. Kiwebaby



  3. Jaspers Lai

    Jaspers Lai

    , Money

  4. Darius Tan

    Darius Tan

    , Italy

  5. Gadrick Chin

    , Unicorn

  6. Estovan Reizo Cheah
  7. Henry Thia

    Henry Thia

    Fa Ge

  8. Cassandra See

    Cassandra See

    Teo Chew Phoenix

  9. Gina Tan

    Gina Tan


  10. Caryn Cheng
  11. Emily Ho


  12. Abigail Chay


  13. Charlie Goh

    Charlie Goh

    Military Police A

Featured Crew

  1. Wang Guoshen

    Wang Guoshen

    Writing, Directing

  2. Jaspers Lai

    Jaspers Lai


October 22, 2020

Number One is a heart-warming musical family comedy that follows the story of Chow Chee Beng, a middle-aged white collar manager retrenched by his company. After many failed interviews, Chee Beng unwillingly takes a job as a manager at ‘Number One’, a popular drag club. Soon, Chee Beng is roped into dressing up to join the drag queens on stage. And to everyone’s surprise, Chee Beng is a natural drag queen and his performance wows the audiences!

January 28, 2025

The Queens are back! Facing the prospects of being phased out with their old gags, the team engage in sideline odd jobs to keep their livelihoods afloat. Chee Beng, who is moonlighting as a property agent got into a bad altercation while being humiliated during one of his viewings. The result of this bad PR causes Chee Beng to be expelled from the drag community and barred from performing in Singapore. However, an opportunity arises, a drag competition in Thailand! Chee Beng pushes for the team to compete and regain their former glory while dealing with his rebellious teenage son, Mason.

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