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  • Number of Movies: 2
  • Revenue: $3,516,629

Featured Cast

  1. Lilas Ikuta

    Lilas Ikuta

    Kadode Koyama (voice)

  2. ano


    Ouran "Ontan" Nakagawa (voice)

  3. Atsumi Tanezaki

    Atsumi Tanezaki

    Kiho Kurihara (voice)

  4. Miyuri Shimabukuro

    Miyuri Shimabukuro

    Ai Demoto (voice)

  5. Saeko Oki

    Saeko Oki

    Rin Hirama (voice)

  6. Azumi Waki

    Azumi Waki

    Futaba Takemoto (voice)

  7. Ryoko Shiraishi

    Ryoko Shiraishi

    Makoto Tainuma (voice)

  8. Miyu Irino

    Miyu Irino

    Keita Ōba (voice)

  9. Koki Uchiyama

    Koki Uchiyama

    Kenichi Kohiruimaki (voice)

  10. Taito Ban

    Taito Ban

    Naoki Watarase (voice)

  11. Junichi Suwabe

    Junichi Suwabe

    Hiroshi Nakagawa (voice)

  12. Kenjiro Tsuda

    Kenjiro Tsuda

    Nobuo Koyama (voice)

  13. Tomokazu Sugita

    Tomokazu Sugita

    Isobeyan (voice)

  14. TARAKO


    Debeko (voice)

Featured Crew

A large spaceship appears over Tokyo three years before the story starts. A one-sided war against the seemingly harmless aliens ensues, sparking controversy and pacifism. Despite this unique and tragic event, high school girls Koyama Kadode and Nakagawa Ouran behave as if nothing has changed. They live their days like they always have. The focus of this story is not the alien invasion, but human nature, dialogue, growing up, and life.

A large spaceship appears over Tokyo three years before the story starts. A one-sided war against the seemingly harmless aliens ensues, sparking controversy and pacifism. Despite this unique and tragic event, high school girls Koyama Kadode and Nakagawa Ouran behave as if nothing has changed. They live their days like they always have. The focus of this story is not the alien invasion, but human nature, dialogue, growing up, and life.

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