Logos Edit
In all cases we prefer to use SVG format for logos (title logos, network logos and company logos.) The supported format in order of preference is: SVG, transparent PNG and last, PNG on a solid background.
Title Logos
Due to the enormous variation of size and style of title logos, it's difficult to enforce much validation on these. Some logos are tall, some are wide and some are square. Given this, we'll mostly accept anything but if you see something that just isn't right, let us know and we'll see if we can improve it.
Company/Network Logos
Both SVG and PNG formats can't be bigger than 2000px in either dimension (width or height.)
PNG logos should be at least 500px, there is no minimum for SVG logos.
There are no aspect ratio restrictions. But keep in mind that logos with a shape similar to that one look better in the current design.
Darker logos are preferred for company/network logos. If you have a white SVG or transparent PNG logo, you should be able to easily change the color to black.
Don't forget to open the SVG/PNG logos in an editing program to remove any unwanted items or background, i.e. trim surrounding white space.
Feel free to upload both old and new logos.
The main logo should ideally be the current/most recent logo.
SVG files can be a little finicky at times. Sometimes they will need to be opened and re-saved in a modern SVG editor like Sketch. There's also some free online SVG editors like Vectr or Gravit.
Two common issues that can be fixed by re-saving the logos in a SVG editor are:
- A 'Width/Height of 0 pixels does not meet our minimum size requirement of 1 pixels' error.
- Logos that are not right. It can be colors that are off, misplaced objects or logos that are completely unrecognizable.