
General Edit

Multiple Versions

We allow most official posters including posters for different versions, types of releases or countries, and posters using alternative titles (working title, festival title, original title, new title).

We now allow posters with banners for special releases (e.g. Widescreen, Blu-ray or DVD), even when the same image without a banner is already available.

We do not allow posters for unofficial versions such as fan cuts, fandubs or alternate commentary (e.g. RiffTrax).

Custom Posters

Stripped down versions of official posters are allowed. Custom posters made from promo pictures and/or logos should primarily be used for movies without an official poster.

Please try to pick an image that has a poster feel to it. It's going to be the image representing that movie so choose wisely.

Localized custom posters - images using an official poster template with a translated title in the same font - are fine provided translated title is official and no official poster exists for that translation.

Unofficial Material / Fan Art

No posters made from material unrelated to the movie (e.g. book covers, comic panels or the soundtrack) or any unofficial material (e.g. candid pictures).

"Fan art" posters created by amateur or professional artists are not supported. Fan art includes changing original posters into black and white, pink or any other color. Even making small changes to a poster, for example changing a white title into a different color, is considered fan art. Please make sure to check that the image you want to add is an official poster before adding.

While it is not officially supported, we sometimes tolerate good quality posters made from non-official material to be used as fillers for upcoming movies until official material is made available. However, it is better to wait until the movie is confirmed and/or in production.

No back covers, pictures of a DVD case or a DVD set.

Recorded Event

Posters for recorded events (concerts, stand-up comedy shows, theatre plays, festivals) should be the poster of the video/digital/TV/theater release instead of the poster of the event.


The only supported format for posters is JPEG.

Aspect Ratio

An aspect ratio of 1:1.5 (2:3) is usually preferred.


Width × 1.5 = Height
Height ÷ 1.5 = Width

Images with aspect ratio of 1:1.33, 1:1.41 and 1:1.5 are currently supported.

Historically other aspect ratios were allowed. There is no reason to remove an image just because it doesn't fit in the current aspect ratio guidelines. We prefer to keep all images that are of good quality regardless of the aspect ratio.


Posters have to be at least 500x750px and cannot be larger than 2000x3000px. Please do not upscale smaller images to meet the minimum resolution requirements.


Only borders that are part of the original design are allowed.


Some posters with brief nudity are accepted. For example, this poster for the movie Blind. The decisions are made by the mods on a case-by-case basis.

Primary Edit

The top poster should be a "clean" poster when one is available. We count on you guys to up-vote the best textless posters in each languages to the top. While this policy might not please everyone, it is simply a matter of consistency in our design.

Moderators can set a poster as primary when needed, for example when the top-voted poster is not title-only, has an imperfect aspect ratio or when a better poster is uploaded. The guidelines for primary posters requests are located here.

The primary poster has to:

  • be naked/clean i.e. no credits, text (other than title), taglines or logos
  • have an aspect ratio of exactly 1:1.5
  • have a minimum resolution of 1000x1500px
  • meet all of our poster and image quality guidelines

It looks good when all the posters of the movies in a movie collection matches. However, the selection of a good poster for each individual movie is far more important.

Language Edit

The main guideline is that images should be set to the language they correspond to. For example, the unique American English, British English, Canadian English, Australian English and New Zealand English posters can all be set to English.

While it's usually pretty straightforward, not all posters that are written or appear to be written in English are English posters. The language of a poster can be determined by the smallest details. Always look for clues in the text, companies logos and the website. For example, this poster is Dutch, not English. Look closely at distributor logo under the billing credits. Independent Films and Belga Films are the Dutch and Belgian distributors. The Facebook page VolgIndependentFilms is also Dutch.

Sometimes, the same title is written with two different alphabets. Using Hindi/Bollywood movies as an example, "दंगल" and its romanized title "Dangal" might look like two different titles, but they are pronounced the same. The English translation is actually "Wrestling Competition". Therefore the correct language for Indian posters using "दंगल" and "Dangal" is Hindi.

Original Title Posters

The policy for clean, original title-only posters is that they should be set to the original language. For example, clean posters of the American film Black Panther should be set to English and clean posters of the Spanish language film No should set to Spanish.

Please do not re-upload posters to set the duplicates to a different language. A good way around our regulations is to upload posters with a tagline or a language-specific logo. For example, this poster has a French tagline.

The actual language of the title is irrelevant. For example, title-only posters for the Dutch movie "Boy 7" should be set as Dutch, even though "Boy" is an English word.

Titleless Posters

Posters without a title that have text on them should be filed under their respective languages. For example, a title-less poster with an English tagline and/or English credits should be set to English.

Beware, the same logic applies as with title-only posters: if an English tagline is used on the original poster for an non-English film, the tagline-only poster will still be added to the original language, not English.

No Language

The "No Language" setting is used for textless key poster art.

Newly uploaded images are set as "No Language" by default, please remember to go refresh the page and set the right language to your uploaded posters!


Setting poster languages incorrectly to promote a poster is sabotage and will result in a warning or possibly even a ban.

TV Shows Edit

Television posters are added at two different levels: series and seasons. These posters are bound by the same guidelines as movie posters.

A show level poster should not have season designations, those should be added to the season instead.

We prefer to have the latest season's poster as the primary series poster for currently airing television series.

TV Seasons Edit

Season promo posters, customized season posters (with or without season markers) and DVD posters are accepted as TV season posters as long as they follow our image guidelines... and are added to the right season! ;)

Ideally, a customized season poster should be made with promo images for its respective season and be in congruence with the series' key art.

The same image should not be added to every season; each season's poster should be unique.


Season posters have a minimum resolution of 400x578px.

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