Stephen Tobolowsky als Alex

Episoden 1

intro: Fred plays sax as Florence narrates, talking about Molly's love of music and Molly's father's musical career

Florence continues narrating, explaining that she's fine and will be back, as Molly gets in a cab to go home from a composition setting. Molly sees Nick and they talk; he hits on her. Molly tells Davey that her mother is lost; she isn't in the hospital and can't be found but left a message saying she's fine. When she gets in her apartment, there's another message that her mother is fine. Fred calls. Molly goes to his apartment. She and Fred argue. The phone rings; it's Kirsten. Molly is at a recording session with the whole band. Alex, the trumpet player, freezes up. A woman in the sound booth comes on to Fred. Molly goes to a restaurant with Alex. Molly goes to the Waldorf-Astoria and knocks on a door; her mother answers. Florence explains that something happened to her in the hospital and she's considering her life. Molly goes back to the studio and Fred says he can't p


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