Tyler James Williams como Chris

Episodios 88

Todo el mundo odia el piloto

22 de septiembre de 200522m

Chris y su familia se trasladan a un nuevo barrio y sus padres le envían a un colegio de blancos de clase media a dos horas de su casa. A sus trece años tiene que intentar encajar en este centro en el que es el único negro. Además, un matón le hará la vida imposible en un barrio en el que los delincuentes acampan a sus anchas.

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Todos Odian a Keisha

29 de septiembre de 200522m

Chris está enamorado de su vecina Keisha y la ve en todas partes, lo que le ocasiona más de un lío. Cuando su madre, Rochelle, decide contratarla para darle clases de mates a su hermano pequeño Drew, éste decide aprovechar el momento para impresionarla. Pero las cosas no saldrán como esperaba y alguien más tiene las mismas intenciones que él. Mientras su padre, Julius, se encuentra en una difícil situación ya que le atrae otra mujer.

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Todos Odian El Basketball

6 de octubre de 200522m

Los padres de Chris quieren alquilar una de las habitaciones, pero encontrar un buen inquilino será una tarea casi imposible. Mientras, Chris siente que no encaja en ninguno de los grupos de su colegio, ni en los empollones, ni en los folloneros, ni siquiera en los deportistas. Aunque, su suerte cambia y durante unos gloriosos días será un chico popular.

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Todos Odian La Salchicha

13 de octubre de 200522m

Los padres de Chris no están en su mejor momento económico y la carne es demasiado cara, así que, Julius decide comprar una caja de salchichas robadas, para así poder comer carne. Son tantas que para aprovecharlas tendrán que comérselas en cada almuerzo y cena, durante más de una semana. Para que esta cruz sea menos pesada, Rochelle decide cocinarlas de todas las maneras inimaginables.

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Todos Odian al Gordo Mike

20 de octubre de 200522m

Chris hace caso omiso de las advertencias de su padre y saca la bicicleta nueva, que le regalaron por su cumpleaños, para dar una vuelta por su barrio. Uno de sus vecinos, llamado Mike, le gusta tanto su bici que le pide permiso para montarse en ella, pero sin previo aviso en vez de devolvérsela sale huyendo con ella. Mientras, Julios y sus compañeros están en huelga, así que, para ocupar el tiempo libre decide hacer alguna que otra tarea en la casa. Y, aunque parezca mentira, a Rochelle esto de que le quiten quehaceres de la casa, le sienta bastante mal.

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Todos Odian el Halloween

27 de octubre de 200522m

Es Halloween y Chris siente que ya es mayor para ir de puerta en puerta pidiendo caramelos. Lo que realmente quiere es ir a una fiesta en la sabe que Keisha va a estar e intentar otra vez impresionarla. Mientras, en su escuela esta fiesta ha provocado un desmadre entre los alumnos y las bromas son el primer plato del día.

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Todos Odian a la Niñera

3 de noviembre de 200522m

Los padres de Chris salen a cenar fuera, cosa que no hacían desde hace bastante tiempo, por eso Julius quiere que todo salga perfecto. Contratan a una canguro, pero en vez de cuidarlos se ocupa durante toda la noche de sus asuntos personales. Mientras la cena de Rochelle y Julius no está saliendo como esperaban.

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Todos Odian La Lavanderia

10 de noviembre de 200522m

Julius y Rochelle han ido a comprar una nueva televisión que está de oferta. Mientras, Chris y sus hermanos tendrán que pasar la mañana del sábado en la lavandería. Las cosas se complican cuando Tonya decide irse por su cuenta tras discutir con Chris.

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Todos Odian Los Vales de Comida

17 de noviembre de 200522m

Julius encuentra 200 dólares en vales de comida, pero a Rochelle le da demasiada vergüenza que Sheila los vea. Lo que hace es recurrir a los ahorros familiares cuando está en la tienda. El problema llega cuando Julius decide compartir sus ideas sobre cómo gastar lo que han ahorrado con los vales.

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Todos Odian a Greg

24 de noviembre de 200522m

La amistad entre Chris y Greg va viento en popa, hasta tal punto que pasan las tardes jugando a los videojuegos sin permiso de sus padres. Cuando se enteran, la tensión crece en el ambiente y tanto el padre de Grey, como los de Chris deciden castigarles. Mientras, en casa de los Rock, Tonya echa de menos a Chris por las tardes, puesto que ya no le puede culpar de todas sus travesuras y por primera vez su madre la regaña por ello.

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Todos Odian La Navidad

15 de diciembre de 200522m

Es Navidad y la familia Rock se prepara para las fiestas. Mientras que Tonya y Drew escriben sus cartas a Santa Clause, Chris decide que es mayor para hacerlo y utiliza otros métodos para que sus padres sepan lo que quiere. Pero estas fiestas no serán como siempre para Tonya y perderá la ilusión cuando descubre una mentira hecha por sus padres. En cuanto al colegio de Chris, la caridad inunda sus aulas y una de sus profesoras organiza una colecta de comida para los más necesitados.

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Todos Odian El Trabajo de Medio Tiempo

19 de enero de 200622m

Chris quiere ser popular y ligar con chicas, y ha descubierto la mejor manera de conseguirlo: tener una chupa de cuero. El problema es que no tiene el dinero suficiente para comprarse una y sus padres no se lo piensan dar, así que decide buscar un trabajo para conseguirla. Mientras, Tonya y Drew juegan al juego a ver si te atreves, pero las cosas llegan a un punto que se convierten en peligrosas.

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Todos Odian el Día de la Foto

2 de febrero de 200622m

Chris quiere salir bien en la foto del colegio y para eso necesita ropa nueva. Decide pedírselo a su madre quien hará todo lo posible para conseguir el dinero y comprársela. Aunque no todo saldrá como esperaba y su nueva ropa levanta envidias y le mete en problemas. Mientras Drey y Tonya no paran de incordiarse el uno al otro.

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Todos Odian el Día de San Valentin

9 de febrero de 200622m

Es el día de San Valentín y todo el mundo intercambia tarjetas y regalos. Todos, menos Chris, que tan sólo recibe tarjetas bastante desagradables de Joey Caruso, el matón del colegio. Sin embargo Drew no para de recibir todo tipo de regalos de sus muchas admiradoras y Rochelle está harta de esta situación. Pero la gran sorpresa será cuando Tonya cuenta a sus padres que tiene novio y Julius se pone de los nervios ante esta revelación.

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Todos Odian La Loteria

16 de febrero de 200621m

En casa de Chris hay que recortar gastos y se propone reducir el gasto en lotería. Lo que mejor se le da a Chris es jugar al videojuego Asteroids, nadie había sido capaz de ganarle hasta ahora, que un chico superó su puntuación. Chris recupera su liderazgo pero el chaval le propone jugar por dinero.

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Todos Odian Las Calificaciones

2 de marzo de 200622m

Para todos los niños las notas son un suplicio cuando son malas, Chris ha sacado un deficiente y no se lo ha dicho a sus padres. Para librarse de la bronca decide falsificarlas, pero la profesora llama a su casa para concertar una cita y hablar sobre las notas. Por otro lado, su padre tiene gota y no puede trabajar, como está en casa se ha enganchado al culebrón que ponen por la mañana en la tele.

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Todos Odian Los Funerales

23 de marzo de 200622m

El abuelo de Chris aparece por sorpresa y muere durante la cena. A partir de ese momento su madre empieza a comportarse de forma extraña y toda su familia se instala en su casa hasta después del funeral. Chris intenta poner la situación bajo control, pero no le resultará nada fácil.

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Todos Odian Corleone

13 de abril de 200622m

Chris lleva ya un año en el instituto Corleone y sigue sin integrarse. Como no quiere seguir allí y su madre no quiere sacarle, ha decidido hacer que le expulsen. Julius ha conseguido un nuevo trabajo vendiendo pescado y su familia es incapaz de soportar el olor.

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Todos Odian a Drew

20 de abril de 200622m

Chris se siente algo frustrado porque su hermano es mejor que él en todo. Para poder competir con él decide apuntarse a karate. Descubrirá que ni siquiera eso es suficiente para superar a su hermano pequeño.

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Todos Odian La Playboy

27 de abril de 200622m

Buscando pegamento, Chris descubre un número de la revista Playboy entre las herramientas de su padre. Decide llevarla al colegio y hace un gran negocio. En casa, cuando Julius descubre que su revista ha desaparecido, se vuelve loco buscándola para que Rochelle no la encuentre antes.

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Todos Odian La Carcel

4 de mayo de 200622m

Chris tiene que conseguir dinero para pagar su viaje con el colegio, una forma de conseguirlo es vendiendo galletas. Mientras Julius se lamenta de haber mandado a Rochelle a Dreamgirls, Tonja y Drew tienen varicela.

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Todos Odian el Día del Padre

Final de temporada
11 de mayo de 200622m

Mientras Chris encuentra el regalo perfecto para su padre, Julius decide que le gustaría pasar el día del padre solo.

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Todos Odian El Rechazo

1 de octubre de 200622m

Cuando Keisha se muda, Chris la echa de menos pero pronto aparece una nueva chica en su vida, Yvette. Chris intenta probar una nueva táctica y pedirle salir. En el barrio, el índice de delincuencia ha aumentado mucho y Rochelle decide hacer caso a una nueva vecina, Louise, y organizar una patrulla vecinal.

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Todos Odian Al Presidente del Aula

8 de octubre de 200622m

Chris runs for class president, with his friend Greg as running mate. When a poll reveals that Chris has no chance of winning, he drops Greg for someone more popular. Julius is diagnosed with high blood pressure, and Rochelle decides he must reduce the stress in his life.

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Todos Odian Las Elecciones

16 de octubre de 200622m

Chris knows the only way to win the election is by giving the best speech ever but when his speech is stolen by Caruso, he knows he has to do something drastic. Rochelle rents the upstairs apartment to Mr. Omar, the local funeral director. Drew finds and spends the ten dollars that Rochelle lost.

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Todos Odian A Un Mentiroso

23 de octubre de 200622m

Chris gets the everyone in the neighborhood to believe that he is dating Tasha. That doesn't set well with Tasha's grandmother Louise and she makes sure that Rochelle knows about it. Julius must redeem all of the trading stamps he's been saving. Drew thinks that Rochelle is paying more attention to Chris and Tonya than to him.

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Todos Odian A Malvo

30 de octubre de 200622m

Chris loses his job when he refuses to tell Doc who robbed the store while Chris was in charge of the cash register. Julius brings home an old Betamax machine.

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Todos Odian el Sistema de Amigos

6 de noviembre de 200622m

The new principal, Mr. Edwards, decides that the best way to solve the issues between Chris and Caruso is to have them become buddies on a school field trip. When Rochelle's favorite earrings are missing Tanya is the prime suspect. Julius tries to find a Wayne Gretzky jersey for Drew.

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Todos Odian las Promesas

13 de noviembre de 200622m

Chris faces an impeachment hearing. Rochelle's brother moves in after being kicked out by their mother, but it's more than Julius can take. Tonya asks Drew to show her how to "Double Dutch."

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Todos Odian El Día de Gracias

20 de noviembre de 200622m

Guest star Wayne Brady play Julius' succesful younger brother. Julius tries to impress him with the perfect Thanksgiving dinner, but things don't go smoothly.

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Todos Odian la Superstición

27 de noviembre de 200622m

Everything goes right for Chris when Julius loans him his lucky socks. Drew and Tonya play Julius and Rochelle against each other to get what they want. Drew enters the talent show at school, but nobody wants to tell him he can't sing.

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Todos Odian a Kris

11 de diciembre de 200622m

In order to make some extra money, Julius and Chris take a job at a department store as Santa and an elf. Things don't go well when Julius is fired and Chris ends up in the hospital.

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Todos Odian los Huevos

22 de enero de 200722m

For a lesson on parenting skills Chris is given an egg to take care of as if it were his child. When the electricity bill is over budget, Julius decides to figure out why. Drew a werewolf? That's what Tanya thinks so she's afraid to sleep.

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Todos Odian a los Monitores

29 de enero de 200722m

Chris gets no respect when he has hall monitor duty. Greg tells him to "step up his game" but the power goes to Chris' head and he could lose Greg as his friend. Tonya finds out her popularity is because the girls want to get close to Drew.

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Todos Odian el Día Nevado

5 de febrero de 200722m

When school is closed for a snow day, Chris is the only one that shows up, so he has to spend the day with Principal Edwards until they get get in touch with his parents. When Julius realizes that Chris isn't around he goes to find him, and Rochelle is a robbed on the subway.

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Todos Odian al sustituto

12 de febrero de 200722m

The substitute teacher expects more from Chris which is making things very hard for him. Tanya figures out if she accuses Drew of hitting her things go her way.

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Todos Odian el Corte de Escuela

19 de febrero de 200722m

When Ms. Morello is off of school for the day, Chris and Greg cut school to go see Ghostbusters. Drew and Tonya aren't happy that Rochelle is going to help out at their school. Julius renews his license at DMV.

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Todos Odian las Cadenas Robadas

26 de febrero de 200722m

When Chris ruins Malvo's plans to steal Vanessa's gold chain, he must figure out a way to replace it or pay the price to Malvo.

Rochelle finds out that Julius has kept a credit card secret from her for over 15 years. Tonya tries to win Billy Ocean concert tickets from a radio station.

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Todos Odian a los DJ's

19 de marzo de 200722m

Chris is a hit as a DJ after the neighborhood DJ gets arrested during a party. Chris has a problem when he scratches Rochelle's James Brown album. Julius passes out when he sees a rabbit at a magic show he takes Drew to.

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Todos Odian el Béisbol

26 de marzo de 200722m

Chris must decide between going to a baseball game with his Dad and brother, or going to the movies with Tasha. Rochelle forgets to mail Tonya's letter to the Billy Ocean fan club. Rochelle's brother asks her hairdresser out on a date.

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Todos Odian Apostar

23 de abril de 200722m

Doc discovers that Chris is a natural at picking the game winners, making Chris everyone's favorite odds-maker. Things change when Paulie the local bookie shows up to see Chris. Tonya tries to beat Drew at checkers.

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Todos Odian los Chistes Groseros

30 de abril de 200722m

When Chris secretly listens to his parents' comedy albums, he discovers that telling dirty jokes to his classmates is the key to popularity. Drew has to deal with an unwanted admirer in the neighborhood; and Rochelle decides to find her mother a man.

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Todos Odian las Matemáticas

7 de mayo de 200722m

Rochelle decides to help tutor Chris for a math competition in algebra, when Chris doesn't think she's helping he turns to his grandmother Maxine for help. Tonya blackmails Drew when she takes the blame for breaking Julius' favorite chair for Drew.

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Todos Odian el Ultimo Día

Final de temporada
15 de mayo de 200722m

Chris plays a prank on Caruso on the last day of school.

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Todos Odian al Consejero

1 de octubre de 200722m

When Chris does poorly on an exam, Ms. Morello sends him to the school's guidance counselor, Mr. Abbott. The counselor gives Chris a series of mental evaluations and ultimately determines that he must take a remedial course.

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Todos Odian a Caruso

8 de octubre de 200722m

After getting bullied Caruso stops bullying everyone else which upsets the balance at school. Julius tries to keep secret that he's been forced to take his vacation days.

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Todos Odian Manejar

15 de octubre de 200722m

When Chris offers to move his father's car, things get worse when he drives to school to show off for Tasha.

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Todos Odian a Blanquito

22 de octubre de 200722m

Chris has to reluctantly train the family's new dog into a security dog after their house is robbed, but he just wants a pet. Meanwhile, Tonya and Drew are bored without a television, so they find other means to keep themselves entertained - including making prank phone calls.

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Todos Odian el Apartamento de Soltero

29 de octubre de 200722m

Chris is left alone in Mr. Omar's apartment when his family comes down with the flu and Mr. Omar, who's supposed to look after him until the family recovers, leaves him for a widowed woman. Greg then suggests he invite Tasha over for some 'alone time'. However, things spiral out of control when news spreads of Chris' newfound independence.

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Todos Odian Bed-Stuy

5 de noviembre de 200722m

Chris joins the school newspapers' writing staff but his skills as a writer doesn't go down well so he invents a scandalous story that goes too far when it accidentally causes a panic in the neighborhood.

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Todos Odian al Huésped

12 de noviembre de 200722m

Greg comes to stay at Chris' house while his father is out of town but Chris starts to have regrets. To make extra money, Julius drives taxis in his spare time where one of his customers turns out to be a fugitive.

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Todos Odian el Salario Minimo

19 de noviembre de 200722m

Chris goes to work at a Chinese restaurant after Doc refuses to give him a raise. Drew is failing a class so Rochelle and Julius have to go in to meet the teacher.

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Todos Odian al Chico Nuevo

26 de noviembre de 200722m

When another African American kid goes to Corleone he and Chris hit it off, unfortunately Albert doesn't get along with most of the other kids including Greg. When Julius and Rochelle get a tax refund Julius thinks it's a mistake and is afraid to spend it.

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Todos Odian la Kwanzaa

10 de diciembre de 200722m

Chris has to do a school assignment during the holiday break. He decides to do a good deed and helps Kill Moves find his estranged mother. Meanwhile, Julius decides that the family should celebrate Kwanzaa instead of Christmas because it's less expensive.

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Todos Odian Port Authority

2 de marzo de 200822m

The family take a trip down South when a distant relative of Julius dies. While waiting for a bus at Port Authority, Chris and Julius are conned into a gambling scam and lose all their money...Will they tell Rochelle?

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Todos Odian a los Chicos Malos

9 de marzo de 200822m

Chris goes through a transitional phase when he discovers Tasha, his long-standing crush, likes "bad boys" and ditches his "nice guy" image. Meanwhile, Julius is named employee of the month and wins a free family dinner at a fancy restaurant with surprising restrictions.

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Todos Odian el Primer Beso

16 de marzo de 200822m

Chris makes plans to get invited to a party so he can experience his first kiss with Tasha. Julius makes Tonya spy on her mother when the family spot Rochelle's ex at dinner. Drew shows his dark side when he lends Mr. Omar five dollars.

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Todos Odian la Pascua

23 de marzo de 200822m

Chris wants to take Tasha to her Easter pageant after she breaks up with her boyfriend but Chris already has a commitment. Rochelle competes with a new member of the church to win the Easter Pageant Hat-Off competition, which she has won for four years in a row. Julius pretends he has to work so he can stay home and watch a football game.

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Todos Odian a Gretzky

30 de marzo de 200822m

When Drew decides to cut school to find Wayne Gretzky, Chris reluctantly agrees to go with him.

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Todos Odian el DFN

6 de abril de 200822m

Chris has to take part in Mr. Omar's Black Funeral Director's scholarship fund when he tries ti raise enough money to go to a Run DMC concert. Meanwhile, Rochelle jumps at the chance to get a break at home when she injures her arm

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Todos Odian las Desventajas

13 de abril de 200822m

Malvo returns and enlists Chris' help to make a fresh start. Drew inadvertently upsets Julius when he declares himself a Mets fan instead of a Dodgers fan like his father; and Rochelle steps in when she witnesses poor parenting skills from one of Tonya's friend's parents.

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Todos Odian el Día de la Tierra

20 de abril de 200822m

It's Earth Day in Bed Stuy and Chris decides to collect cans because he believes it will be easy and that he can get Julius to help. Meanwhile, Rochelle is called into Tonya's school for inappropriate behavior and realizes just where Tonya's attitude comes from.

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Todos Odian ser de Onda

27 de abril de 200822m

Chris' attempt to be a "cool" kid lands him in hot water when he is caught with cigarettes and is suspended from school. Kicking him while he's down, Tonya blackmails him when she finds out before their parents do. Meanwhile, Rochelle decides to teach Julius a lesson.

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Todos Odian el Baile de Noveno Grado

3 de mayo de 200822m

When Chris becomes the only boy in school without a date for the ninth-grade dance, Ms. Morello suggests he ask the only girl without a date, and she accepts. But trouble ensues when word gets out about the inter-racial pairing. Meanwhile, Tonya stresses her parents out about ballet classes.

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Todos Odian el Día de las Madres

11 de mayo de 200822m

When Chris attempts to buy Rochelle perfume as a Mother's Day gift, he discovers he cannot afford it and buys it from Risky. However, Rochelle breaks out in hives and takes Chris to the store she believes he bought it from. Meanwhile, Drew and Julius do a spot of spring cleaning and make an expensive find.

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Todos Odian la Graduación

Final de temporada
18 de mayo de 200822m

Chris is disappointed when he finds out that Greg will be going to a different high school next year. He tries to get the necessary grant money so he can afford to go to Greg's school. Rochelle volunteers Drew to be Tanya's dance partner in Swan Lake after her ballet partner gets hurt.

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Everybody Hates Tattaglia

3 de octubre de 200822m

As a first-time high school student, Chris (Tyler James Williams) is really looking forward to attending a school with some diversity. Unfortunately, when he arrives at school, he discovers that the school's new principal, Ms. Morello (guest star Jacqueline Mazarella), has placed him in the only all-white homeroom.

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Everybody Hates Cake

10 de octubre de 200822m

Chris agrees to help a classmate, Angel improve his grades if Angel will help him get the attention of Chris' latest crush, Maria.

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Everybody Hates Homecoming

17 de octubre de 200822m

Chris is thrilled when Jenise Huckstable asks him to the homecoming dance. His nerves begin to get the better of him when Jenise tells him that her father Dr. Clint Huckstable wants to meet him before the dance. Drew tries to get Doc to feng shui the store when he takes over Chris' hours.

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Everybody Hates the English Teacher

24 de octubre de 200822m

After Julius and Rochelle raise the rent, Mr. Omar demands reparations and moves in with the family while his apartment is being repaired. While there, he begins to play blackjack with Drew and Tonya using real money. Meanwhile, Chris is assigned to do a book report and decides to watch the movie instead of reading the book as an easy way out. However, as he later learns from Greg, the movie he saw did not match the book assigned.

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Everybody Hates My Man

31 de octubre de 200822m

Although warned by Greg that it's a bad idea, Chris starts to help the football team with their homework as a means to socialize with the cool kids. As a result, Chris ends up failing his own exams. Meanwhile, Julius begins a new job collecting dead bodies for Mr. Omar's funeral home and soon finds himself appreciating life more. He begins to buy numerous gifts for his friends and relatives, but then ends up with financial troubles.

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Everybody Hates Doc's

7 de noviembre de 200822m

Doc has a new girlfriend who is making life hard for Chris so he decides it's time to get her to move on. Rochelle is not happy when she finds a bra in Julius' sock draw, but what she doesn't know is that Tonya is the one that hid it there.

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Everybody Hates Snitches

13 de noviembre de 200822m

Chris has a dilemma when a reward is offered for anyone who witnessed a shoot-out outside a movie theater. Chris was there but he was supposed to be babysitting Tonya and Drew - what will he do? Meanwhile, Julius and Rochelle have a very eventful anniversary at a Broadway musical.

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Everybody Hates Big Bird

21 de noviembre de 200822m

When the dorkiest girl in school, who everyone calls "Big Bird", asks Chris out on a date, he agrees but only to spare her feelings. He soon realizes after spending time with her that he genuinely likes her.

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Everybody Hates James

28 de noviembre de 200822m

Julius begins to take marriage advice from "The Oprah Winfrey Show" leading Rochelle to suspect an affair. Meanwhile, Chris volunteers for the "Big Brothers" program and is shocked when he learns the identity of is his "little brother".

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Everybody Hates New Years Eve

12 de diciembre de 200822m

New Year's Eve in Times Square is something Chris really wants this year but needs an adult to accompany him. And that is where problems arise... Meanwhile, Tonya and Drew make a bet to see who stays up the longest and Julius becomes a local hero.

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Everybody Hates Mr. Levine

9 de enero de 200922m

When Rochelle orders a copy of her birth certificate, she realizes that she is actually one year younger than she thought she was and decides to start living her life with a new, younger attitude. After a complete stranger helps Chris to safety during a city-wide blackout, Chris decides to repay the older man by getting him out to meet new friends.

Meanwhile, Greg feels like he has no identity after realizing that everyone at school knows him only as "Chris and Greg."

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Everybody Hates Varsity Jackets

16 de enero de 200922m

Chris and Greg decide to join the wrestling team to earn a varsity jacket in order to impress the ladies. Meanwhile, Rochelle attempts to lose weight by drinking a popular weight-loss drink which gives Julius a money-saving idea and Tonya jeopardizes Drew's all-girl singing group.

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Everybody Hates Fake IDs

23 de enero de 200922m

In order to attend an age-restricted concert, Chris and Greg try to get themselves a fake ID. Elsewhere, Rochelle plans Julius' surprise party, and Drew tries returning a pair of faulty X-ray vision glasses he bought in the mail.

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Everybody Hates PSATs

30 de enero de 200922m

Rochelle inadvertently prevents Chris from "cramming" for an upcoming PSAT test by taking the family out to a social event. Knowing a good score will help him get into college, Chris resorts to cheating...

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Everybody Hates Boxing

6 de febrero de 200922m

Coach Thurman spots Caruso bullying Chris and suggests he take up boxing to defend himself. Meanwhile, Julius has a new set of problems when he suspects Rochelle of adultery and catches the eye of a female neighbor...

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Everybody Hates Lasagna

13 de marzo de 200922m

Chris reluctantly agrees to hide away some marijuana for a fleeing crook, and now must find someplace to store it before he gets in trouble. Meanwhile, Peaches helps Rochelle learn a new computer system at the beauty salon.

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Everybody Hates Spring Break

20 de marzo de 200922m

While test driving a car, Chris accidentally hits Greg. Greg ends up in a hospital for a broken leg. Since Greg's parents are out of town, Rochelle drops her vacation plans to take care of him, which leaves Julius to entertain the kids at the shore where it usually rains each day.

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Everybody Hates the Car

27 de marzo de 200922m

After Chris gets his driver's license, Rochelle and Julius give him permission to buy a car, but when the car is stolen and vandalized Chris realizes owning a car is a huge responsibility.

While looking for her secret stash of cigarettes, Rochelle comes across Julius' hidden racing form.

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Everybody Hates Back Talk

3 de abril de 200922m

Chris decides to take a stand against his mother, Rochelle, and refuses to do his household chores, causing Rochelle to complain to Julius that her son is disrespecting her.

Meanwhile, Mr. Omar thinks he's dying and decides to start saying whatever is on his mind.

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Everybody Hates Tasha

24 de abril de 200922m

Chris is shocked when Tasha agrees to be his girlfriend. But he is even more shocked when he discovers how much of his free time would disappear by having a girlfriend. Meanwhile, Rochelle discovers that Julius has been married before, and had never gotten a legal divorce.

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Everybody Hates Bomb Threats

1 de mayo de 200922m

When Chris is given the task of memorizing the longest presidential inaugural address and reciting it in front of the class as a punishment, he cooks up a surprising way of postponing his presentation. Meanwhile, Rochelle has problems of her own when a customer puts a hex on her.

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Everybody Hates G.E.D.

Final de temporada
8 de mayo de 200922m

It's the last week of school and while Drew decides he wants to try out for Amateur Night at the Apollo even without a talent at his disposal, Chris is informed that if he gets one more tardy he will have to repeat the 10th grade. But one day he misses the bus and arrives at school late, forcing him to deliver the bad news to his parents.

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