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Episodi 172


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Trick or Treason


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Il Natale dei Chipmunk

25 dicembre, 198130m

Alvin has a harmonica solo at the famed carnegie hall. But there is a slight problem-- Alvin has given his harmonica to a sick boy!

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Alvin's Christmas Carol

1 aprile, 198330m

In this story, Alvin finds himself center stage as a Scroogelike little chipmunk.

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It's A Wonderful Life, Dave

1 aprile, 198330m

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The C-Team

17 settembre, 198330m

Alvin, Simon e Theodore usano il vecchio orologio da taschino di Dave per mostrarlo ai loro compagni di scuola, ma alcuni bulli ne approfittano e lo rubano. Quindi i Chipmunks chiedono aiuto a Mr. T e grazie a lui, si rimpossessano dell'orologio.

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Le Rivali

17 settembre, 198330m

I Chipmunks incontrano per la prima volta le loro controparti femminili Brittany, Jeanette, ed Eleanor. Ma c'è un problema: entrambi i gruppi si presentano come The Chipmunks.

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Lo Zio Harry

24 settembre, 198330m

Harry, un chipmunk ciarlatano, dichiara di essere un vecchio lontano zio dei Chipmunks e promette di far incontrare loro la mamma a patto che riescano a guadagnare un po' di denaro. I Chipmunks più tardi non solo scoprono che Harry non è il loro zio, ma anche che i soldi che Harry ha fatto loro guadagnare servono a un omaccione con il quale il ciarlatano era in debito da tempo.

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Il Robot

24 settembre, 198330m

I Chipmunks creano un robot ispirandosi a un videogioco di Alvin, in modo da poter portare tutte le loro attrezzature ai loro concerti. Ma, il robot diventa pazzo quando inizia a rubare ogni cappellino che trova, proprio come nel videogioco a cui è stato ispirato. Toccherà ai Chipmunks fermare il robot.

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La star della TV

1 ottobre, 198330m

Alvin racconta a una ragazzina che gli piace che presto farà un concerto rock in diretta alla TV: ma per farlo, egli deve convincere il produttore del programma.

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La crociera

1 ottobre, 198330m

Senza saperlo, Alvin aiuta un ladro a rubare dei gioielli in una cabina di una nave in cui si trova con i fratelli. Simon e Theodore iniziano quindi a investigare sulla scena del crimine.

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La nascita dei Chipmunks

8 ottobre, 198330m

In questo episodio scopriamo come Dave ha incontrato i Chipmunks e come questi abbiano iniziato la loro carriera musicale.

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Ivan il Terribile

15 ottobre, 198330m

Alvin and Simon fanno partecipare Theodore a un incontro di wrestling, nel quale dovrà fronteggiare un gigantesco e mostruoso wrestler russo chiamato "Ivan il Terribile".

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Nonno e Nonna Seville

15 ottobre, 198330m

I Chipmunks incontrano i loro nonni adottivi per la prima volta. In seguito Alvin e fratelli scoprono che qualcuno sta cercando di prendere possesso della fattoria dei nonni e quindi decidono di raccogliere i soldi necessari per salvarla.

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22 ottobre, 198330m

Alvin convince Theodore a vestirsi da alieno per attirare più fan, ma arrivano anche alcuni ricercatori governativi alla ricerca di UFO. I ricercatori decidono di rapire Theodore e fare esperimenti su di lui, quindi spetta ad Alvin e Simon salvarlo.

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La festa della Mamma

22 ottobre, 198330m

Alvin, Simon e Theodore cercano una madre che possa partecipare al picnic che la loro scuola organizza durante la festa della mamma. Ognuno di loro sceglie la persona che pensa che piaccia di più a Dave. Ma quando le tre "mamme" arrivano a casa dei Chipmunks, i tre faranno il possibile per far vincere la loro preferita a scapito delle altre.

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I Chip Punks

29 ottobre, 198330m

Per farsi maggior pubblicità, Alvin decide di cambiare il look "acqua e sapone" della sua band in un look più punk e ribelle. Ma i tre finiscono per essere inseguiti dalla polizia quando cercano di esibirsi in un club sotterraneo.

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Il giorno del compleanno

29 ottobre, 198330m

I Chipmunks inventano un servizio telegrafico canterino per guadagnare un po' di soldi per comprare alcune mazze da golf per il compleanno di Dave. Ma quando Theodore perde l’indirizzo, il trio viene mandato in una missione di compleanno, per un premio di 100 dollari. Ma, siccome Theodore ha scritto il numero del luogo al rovescio, i Chipmunks finiscono nella casa sbagliata dove trovano alcuni studenti universitari annoiati che li esortano a fare scherzacci.

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Visita a Nashville

5 novembre, 198330m

I ragazzi partecipano ad un concorso in modo da poter avere l'occasione di cantare con Dolly Parton. Ma nel bando del concorso è scritto che solo i nativi di Nashville, Tennessee possono essere idonei. I Chipmunks però partecipano lo stesso, ma quando vincono trovano un nemico. Freddie, un violinista che è arrivato secondo e tenta di dimostrare che i Chipmunks non sono di Nashville, in modo che sia lui ad avere la possibilità di cantare con Dolly Parton.

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L'incredibile trasformazione di Dave Seville

5 novembre, 198330m

Dave fa un incubo dove si rimpicciolisce sempre di più.

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Angelic Alvin

12 novembre, 198330m

Alvin è preoccupato perché deve interpretare un angelo nella recita scolastica. Ma, dopo aver preso una botta in testa, egli inizia a credere di essere DAVVERO un angelo. È compito di Simon e Theodore evitare che Alvin non combini guai con i suoi cosiddetti "buoni propositi".

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La Babysitter

12 novembre, 198330m

Dave assume una tata che possa prendersi cura dei Chipmunks quando lui è al lavoro. Il trio farà qualsiasi cosa per sbarazzarsi di lei.

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The Bully Ballet

19 novembre, 198330m

I Chipmunks ospitano un ragazzo che fa il ballerino, e quando un bullo inizia a infastidire Alvin, egli mostra al bullo che il balletto è una forma d'arte che può essere praticata anche dai maschi.

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Alvin... and the Chipmunk

19 novembre, 198330m

Alvin chiede di fare una breve gita perché vuole scappare dai suoi onnipresenti fans. Quindi i Chipmunks vanno a fare un picnic nei boschi, ma i loro fan li beccano di nuovo. Alvin quindi scappa nei boschi, e trova un chipmunk selvatico. Quindi Alvin e il chipmunk si scambiano di ruoli: Alvin va a vivere nell'albero, mentre il chipmunk selvatico lo sostituisce e va a casa sua. Tutto funziona alla perfezione, finché il vero Alvin viene fatto ostaggio da un cacciatore. Quindi tocca a Simon, Theodore e al chipmunk selvatico salvare il vero Alvin.

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Il Bigfoot

26 novembre, 198330m

Sperando di liberarsi di Shifty Jackson e del suo team di giornalisti, Dave trascina controvoglia i Chipmunks in un'escursione all'aria aperta. Arrivati, i Chipmunks scoprono delle grandi impronte e pensano di essere seguiti da bigfoot. Infine costruiscono una casa sull'albero per Dave, quando egli cade e si fa male, e Alvin e Simon vanno alla ricerca di Bigfoot.

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Il falso Babbo Natale

26 novembre, 198330m

Harry il chipmunk ciarlatano è tornato, fingendosi Babbo Natale e imbroglia Alvin, Simon e Theodore costruendo un parco dei divertimenti a tema Natalizio chiamato "Santa's Place".

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A Dog's Best Friend is His Chipmunk

3 dicembre, 198330m

Alvin dona dei soldi a un canile, e scopre di non aver più soldi. Per guadagnarne un po', decide, insieme ai suoi fratelli, di vendere i biscotti che Theodore aveva comprato con i soldi rimasti. Ma quando i Chipmunks trovano un cagnolino, faranno di tutto perché Dave non si accorga della sua presenza.

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Il medaglione malefico

3 dicembre, 198330m

Alle Hawaii, Alvin si iscrive a una gara per surfisti, e si convince di essere vittima di una maledizione dopo aver trovato su una spiaggia un medaglione che si dice porti sfortuna.

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Baseball Heroes

10 dicembre, 198330m

I Chipmunks ottengono un lavoro come venditori di cibo in uno stadio di baseball in modo da poter comprare nuove uniformi per la loro squadra di baseball. E nel frattempo fermano un borseggiatore che stava rubando soldi.

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May the Best Chipmunk Win

Season Finale
10 dicembre, 198330m

Le Chipettes si iscrivono alla scuola di Alvin. Brittany e quest'ultimo competono per diventare presidente della scuola. I due faranno di tutto per vincere, ma quando escono gli scrutini, si scopre che Jeanette ha il voto decisivo.

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La festa di San Valentino

12 febbraio, 198430m

The Chipettes are looking forward to be spending Valentine's Day with the Chipmunks. Simon and Theodore are also looking forward in spending the day with them, except Alvin. He is afraid of being crushed again due to the fact that a girl he once had a crush on broke his heart on Valentines. In order to rebuild his confidence, Simon makes a tape for Alvin to listen to while he sleeps. Without realizing, the tape hypnotizes Alvin into believing he is a Casanova named Captain Chipmunk while sleepwalking and is finally able to gather up the courage to ask Brittany... although once he awakens, he cannot remember. So, once he finally gathers the courage to ask her, she rejects him, since she has already been invited by the wonderful, dashing, charming Captain Chipmunk. But of course, the special ends with both Alvin and Brittany finally going together and being voted King and Queen Valantine.

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Il detective

8 settembre, 198430m

The Chipmunks experience a real-life mystery on the famed Orient Express.

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Ricco e malvagio

8 settembre, 198430m

Alvin and a rich kid compete for a girl's affections. Alvin pretends he is rich as his rival.

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La videocassetta più bella

15 settembre, 198430m

The Chipmunks invest in an old horse to win a race.

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Il cavallo da corsa

15 settembre, 198430m

Alvin, Simon, and Theodore each make their own music videos for the group.

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Aspirante Attore

22 settembre, 198430m

Uncle Harry is up to no good again. This time, he makes Alvin a movie star so he can break up the Chipmunks.

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Il campeggio

22 settembre, 198430m

The Chipmunks compete against the Chipettes in a camp battle of the sexes.

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Some Entrancing Evening

29 settembre, 198430m

The Chipmunks put Dave on the show ""This is Your Father"", but he is nervous about it. So a hypnotist makes him have Alvin's personality, which turns to be a disasterous move.

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La mazza da golf

29 settembre, 198430m

The Chipmunks trick Dave to play golf with a man that Alvin made a wager with. What Dave does not realize is that Alvin bet his signed "Elmer Palmer" golf club.

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La rèclame della salute

6 ottobre, 198430m

Alvin decides that the they all need to join a gym.

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Il premio

6 ottobre, 198430m

Alvin and the Chipmunks attempt to grab good publicity shots of them doing positive deeds in order to win the fabulous Victrola Award.

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Visita alla regina

13 ottobre, 198430m

The Chipmunks gets to see the (Buckingham?) Palace, and Alvin, in an attempt to impress a girl whose a big fan, tells her he's there to play for the queen! Now, all he has to do is find the queen and convince her to let them play!

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Il pesce perduto

13 ottobre, 198430m

Alvin and the Chipmunks get a job working in aquarium, but Max, a former employee, who got fired for animal abuse, cooks up a scheme to force the Chipmunks out of a job and work again, by capturing one of 2 whales.

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La mascotte

20 ottobre, 198430m

Alvin and Simon turn Theodore into a record mascot in order to win a radio contest.

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La festa del Papà

20 ottobre, 198430m

The Chipmunks attempt to sell Theodore's famous muffins so they may buy Dave a new tape recorder for Father's Day, but Simon's hardening agent accidentally ending up in the batter causes the muffins to harden.

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La gara di fine anno

27 ottobre, 198430m

Alvin plans to get a famous figure skater, Heather Williams, to appear at the school Pageant.

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Salviamo Theodore

27 ottobre, 198430m

While the Chipettes volunteer at the local hospital, a terrified tonsillectomy-bound kid goes missing, so until Brittany finds him, Theodore must step in to substitute, but the doctors, thinking he's the kid, take him into surgery.

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Gara di pattinaggio

3 novembre, 198430m

Alvin ends up being challenged by a gang called the Steam Rollers. Will he, his brothers, and the Chipettes pull together a gang of their own to help beat the Steam Rollers?

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La gara di sci

3 novembre, 198430m

Alvin is determined in getting an invitation to participate the Celebrity Ski Tournament. Once he convinces Mr. Colorado, the man hosting the event, to let him participate, all Alvin has to do then is learn how to ski.

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Il concorso di bellezza

10 novembre, 198430m

Alvin makes a bet with Brittany to see if he could make anyone into a beauty pageant winner. The challenge gets interesting when Jeanette is the girl he has to transform into beauty pageant material.

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Un'esperienza giapponese

10 novembre, 198430m

Alvin signs him and his brothers up to be in a Kabuki theater in order to gain publicity in Japan.

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The Greatest Show-offs on Earth

17 novembre, 198430m

The Chipmunks and the Chipettes volunteer their talents to raise the money to keep the circus going.

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Simon cambia per amore

17 novembre, 198430m

Simon has a crush on a girl named Jillian. Alvin works at changing his image in order to impress this girl.

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La squadra dei vigilantes

24 novembre, 198430m

Dave starts up a neighborhood watch to catch a cat burglar. Alvin and the Chipmunks take it upon themselves to capture the cat burglar single handedly.

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Auto in pericolo

24 novembre, 198430m

The Chipmunks get the measles. Dave spends so much time taking care of his boys that he becomes sick with the measles and is not able to fix his car for the car show. It is up to the boys take care of everything for Dave.

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1 dicembre, 198430m

The Chipmunks and Chipettes audition to be in a play on Snow White. After the audition, the director selects Brittany for the role of Snow White. However, the director's demanding daughter, Tara-Marie, who had flopped big-time in the auditions for the title role, plans to make her father reconsider.

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Il cappello perduto

1 dicembre, 198430m

Alvin's favorite hat goes missing.

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A Chipmunk Reunion

13 aprile, 198530m

When they can't determine when their birthday is, the Chipmunks set out to find their mother, Vinny, who abandoned them as babies.

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A Chipmunk Reunion

Season Finale
13 aprile, 198530m

When they can't determine when their birthday is, the Chimpunks set out to find their mother, who abandoned them as babies.

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La vita segreta di Dave Seville

14 settembre, 198530m

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Flim Flam

14 settembre, 198530m

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Alvin s'innamora

21 settembre, 198530m

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Notte da paura

21 settembre, 198530m

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A Chip off the Old Tooth

28 settembre, 198530m

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Three Alarm Alvin

28 settembre, 198530m

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Court Action

5 ottobre, 198530m

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5 ottobre, 198530m

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I Chipmunks a Washington

12 ottobre, 198530m

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Good Old Simon

12 ottobre, 198530m

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Soccer To Me

19 ottobre, 198530m

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Ognuno dice la sua

19 ottobre, 198530m

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Sognando Brodaway

26 ottobre, 198530m

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Il terrore di Tahoe

26 ottobre, 198530m

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Un gruppo molto esclusivo - Parte 1

2 novembre, 198530m

The Chippette's are reunited with their old Austrailian friend Olivia, which prompt's the singer's to remember their younger days when they were just little tiny chippete's not trying to have a career, only trying to survive.

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Un gruppo molto esclusivo - Parte 2

2 novembre, 198530m

The Chipette's successfully make their way into the U.S.A., yet they find out the hard way that getting there is only half the battle. After taking various odd jobs in middle management, the Chipette's travel across the continent to California. There the girls manage to find a famous record producer who after hearing their first song, gives the Chipette's the break they were looking for. The rest of course, is history.

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Il pullman dei miei sogni

9 novembre, 198530m

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I cercatori d'oro

9 novembre, 198530m

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Viva la montagna

16 novembre, 198530m

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Una vecchia ammiratrice

Season Finale
16 novembre, 198530m

There is a contest where one of Alvin's fans can win a date with him. Unfortunately for Alvin, the winner is an old lady, and he tries to get rid of her.

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Aiuto Mamma Cercasi - Parte 1

13 settembre, 198630m

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Aiuto Mamma Cercasi - Parte 2

13 settembre, 198630m

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Teevee or Not Teevee

20 settembre, 198630m

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Una proliferazione di bambini

20 settembre, 198630m

The Chipmunks start a babysitting service, only to be bombarded with wall to wall babies

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Che cosa è successo a Dave Seville

27 settembre, 198630m

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La grande stella Simon Seville

27 settembre, 198630m

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La Signorina Miller e il gioco d'azzardo

4 ottobre, 198630m

The Chipettes decide to help out Miss Miller's losing streak of poker with her girlfriends by cheating. At the next poker game, Miss Miller's not aware that the girls are helping her secretly. She starts winning buttons from the other players & they leave upset.

Miss Miller heads to her mattress to get her mad money out, head over to Las Vegas with the Chipettes in tow! Luckilly, the Chipmunks are performing at that same hotel & the girls try to get the boys help of stopping Miss Miller.

Meanwhile, she's on a winning streak hitting jackpots @ slots, roulette. She promises the girls a super vacation. But then, she starts losing @ blackjack. A hotel staff invites her to play baccarat with a mysterious player. She bets the house & loses.

When they came back home, Miss Miller finds out the truth that the girls didn't mean any harm over finally winning her poker game. Then a cab comes by & the driver hands an envelope to Miss Miller. It was the deed to her house. It turned out tha

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Il dolce profumo del successo

4 ottobre, 198630m

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Cenerentola, Cenerentola - Parte 1

11 ottobre, 198630m

When Brittany refuses to do her chores, Miss Miller tells her that she must mop if she wishes to go to a dance that night. Brittany falls asleep and dreams she is Cinderella. She awakens to find a new party dress and Miss Miller mopping for her. Brittany realizes she is not living with the wicked stepmother after all.

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Cenerentola, Cenerentola - Parte 2

11 ottobre, 198630m

When Brittany refuses to do her chores, Miss Miller tells her that she must mop if she wishes to go to a dance that night. Brittany falls asleep and dreams she is Cinderella. She awakens to find a new party dress and Miss Miller mopping for her. Brittany realizes she is not living with the wicked stepmother after all.

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Un esperimento non riuscito

18 ottobre, 198630m

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Resteranno nella Fattoria?

18 ottobre, 198630m

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Middle-Aged Davey

25 ottobre, 198630m

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Io adoro Los Angeles

25 ottobre, 198630m

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Hooping It Up

1 novembre, 198630m

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Chipmunk Vice

Season Finale
1 novembre, 198630m

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Alvin's Christmas

22 maggio, 198730m

When Dave leaves on a trip to Europe leaving the kids home with Miss Miller, Alvin starts competing with Brittany on the video arcade game, "Around the World in 30 Days". This grabs the attention of two diamond swindlers, who trick them into going on a balloon race, trading dolls filled with diamonds for dolls filled with cash.

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The Chipmunk Adventure

22 maggio, 198730m

Simon, Theodore and Alvin become involved in a jewel-smuggling operation while their guardian is away.

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Back To Dave's Future

12 settembre, 198730m

A wild ride on a merry-go-round sends the Chipmunks back to 1962. They meet a younger Dave. Without the boys' help in winning a band contest, he will spend his life as an accountant. When they are spun into the present, Alvin isn't sure whether he visited the past or bumped his head in a fall off the merry-go-round.

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Tell It To the Judge

12 settembre, 198730m

Alvin "borrows" Dave's new bike, and while he is out riding he accidentally hits Brittany who is out roller skating. The bike is ruined, and something is wrong with her skates. They each blame each other, and Alvin demands Brittany pay for Dave's bike, while she insists he pay for her roller skates. All of this brings us to court, where Brittany and Alvin, ignoring the "TRUTH" part in justice, face off in a "who can tell a better lie about what happened" court battle.

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Sincerely Theodore

19 settembre, 198730m

Theodore goes on a diet so he could go on a date with a pen pal, who is also one of Alvin's biggest fans. Things go wrong when Alvin finds out that Theodore's date is actually the daughter of a famous film director. Alvin then takes her out instead, breaking Theodore's heart. In order for Alvin to make it to his play and the date, Alvin gets Theodore to switch back and forth to his play and on his date.

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My Pharaoh Lady

19 settembre, 198730m

Brittany makes a bet with Missy Snootson, another girl in her class, that if the mummy of king Rooten Tooten does not rise from the dead and go to her home by midnight, Brittany must drop out of the race to be the school Carnival Queen.

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Simon Says

26 settembre, 198730m

While Dave is out of town, Miss Miller babysits the boys and they go to a movie about killer space squids attacking the earth. Accidentally miss Miller breaks Simon's glasses. When they get out a telescope that evening, Simon thinks he sees killer squids coming toward earth, just like in the movie.

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When the Chips Are Down

26 settembre, 198730m

The boys have to paint the garage after they got spray paint on the walls while repainting their bicycles. Simon and Theodore feels bad because they always have problems with Alvin's ideas. Later Alvin have them to go to a mansion of a now dead criminal. Alvin is convinced that a never found loot from a bankrobbery is still hidden there. They go because Alvin promises to paint all the garage if he's wrong, but they feel a little bad with Alvin.

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Alvin, Alvin, Alvin!

3 ottobre, 198730m

Alvin goes through an identity crisis and starts trying all kinds of different personalities, with embarrassing results.

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Dave's Dream Cabin

3 ottobre, 198730m

After years of scrimping and saving, Dave is finally able to afford their own vacation cabin. Alvin hears that Robby Leach, the host of the show “Lifestyles of the Truly Fabulous” lives nearby. Alvin tries to get Leach to interview him, and at the same time he makes a few quick changes to Dave's cabin.

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Old Friends

10 ottobre, 198730m

Alvin nearly runs over an elderly woman in the mall with his skateboard. When Alvin finds out that she is wealthy, he sends out invitations for a senior citizens' party in order to find her.

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The Secret of Seville Manor

10 ottobre, 198730m

While in England, the Chipmunks check out Seville Manor to investigate if they have any relation to the man who owned it.

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Ask Alvin

17 ottobre, 198730m

The family becomes fed up with Alvin, who always gives out advice whether it is wanted or not. So Simon and Theodore get Alvin to become the new host on the talk show “Mr. Advice” so he will not have time to badger them.

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Theodore Lucks Out

17 ottobre, 198730m

Theodore is feeling unlucky in the track and field. He finds a bent out of shape dime and his luck changes.

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Big Dreams

24 ottobre, 198730m

Alvin gets a registered letter from the Publishing Warehouse stating he's a winner! He either could take $500 or the mystery prize, but had to call by 6:00 pm to decide.

So with Simon's time machine help, the Chipmunks & Chipettes view what would happen if Alvin took...

$500 - Alvin & Brittany are married with two kids & they live in a mansion. Simon & Jeanette are married as they both got Nobel Prizes while Theodore & Eleanor are married, owning a restaurant/nightclub. They are rich!

Mystery Prize - Alvin loses his singing voice after being food poisoned over that mystery prize. All three couples live in poverty.

So Alvin calls the Publishing Warehouse to take the $500. Then he's heartbroken to learn that you have to be @ least 18 to qualify for the Publishing Warehouse Sweepstakes!

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Island Fever

24 ottobre, 198730m

The Chipmunks and Chipettes get to perform on a high class cruise ship, the Island Lady, but instead they end up ship wrecked on an island.

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Just One of the Girls

31 ottobre, 198730m

Miss Miller & the Chipettes are vacationing in Hollywood, as well as Miss Miller reuniting with her girl singing group, The Thrillers.

In the lobby of the hotel, they learn that some producers are looking for new acts on their new show, ""Girls of Rock & Roll"".

Sneaking behind each others backs, the Chipettes along with Miss Miller & The Thrillers try to get an audition set @ the hotel restaurant. The producers chose both of them (without the other knowing).

When each group arrives @ the studio, they perform ""Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy"". But just as they confessed to each other that they were auditioning, the producers find a punk girl band touring the studio & hired them over both acts!

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Goin' Down To Dixie

Season Finale
31 ottobre, 198730m

The Chipettes get an opportunity to star on the River Ritz Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana.

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Sogni ad occhi aperti

10 settembre, 198830m

While waiting for procrastinating Alvin on one of their dates, Brittany has a dream and becomes "Bratty Hayes" and Alvin becomes "David Alvinson", detective team. The plot revolves around Alvin trying to stop Brittany from marrying an evil villain - played by Simon.

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Elementare Simon, Elementare

17 settembre, 198830m

Simon hosts his own show, playing Sherlock Holmes investigating several mysterious robberies.

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Dave's Getting Married

24 settembre, 198830m

Dave meets a woman he really feels a strong connection with. At first the boys disagree, but finds she can get along with all of them. The only thing preventing this relationship to work is her own three boys clashing with the Chipmunks.

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Terrorismo contro le istituzioni

1 ottobre, 198830m

The Chipmunks and Chipettes are in detention. They figure out together who could have knocked over the statue of Thomas Edison.

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No Chipmunk is an Island

8 ottobre, 198830m

Brothers will fight every so often, but will they fight too much leading to each of the Chipmunks get their own separate rooms?

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Babysitter Fright Night

8 ottobre, 198830m

Dave is stuck at the studio all night to mix the boy's next album. But he leaves a Babysitter to after the Chipmunks while he's gone. After watching a detective movie, Alvin suspects her to be a murderer.

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Food for Thought

15 ottobre, 198830m

Alvin and Simon work together to help Theodore pass his American History test.

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Going for Broke

22 ottobre, 198830m

Alvin is desperate to try and buy a Trans-Go-Go Bot, but Dave and his brothers will not lend him the money to get it. He decides to do the grown-up thing and get a job at the zoo.

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L'isola del tesoro

29 ottobre, 198830m

After playing a video game, the TV blows up. Dave decides to distract the Chipmunks with the book Treasure Island.

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C'era una volta il crimine

5 novembre, 198830m

Alvin, Simon and Theodore find a huge attraction to one of Miss Miller's toys. Instead of asking her if they could keep it, they steal it from her attic. Dave tells them the beginning of a story, but chooses to let the boys come up with the conclusion.

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Il Fantasma

12 novembre, 198830m

As an experiment Dave tries his skill as a rock singer and becomes a success.

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La sfida di Alvin

12 novembre, 198830m

Alvin has a misunderstanding with a tough kid in his class, and ends up being challenged to a fight with him.

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La visita di Vinny

19 novembre, 198830m

Vinny, the Chipmunks' mother, comes for a visit, but has difficulties adapting to the modern way of life.

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Lo zio Avventura

26 novembre, 198830m

Uncle "Adventure" Willy

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La fortuna dei Chipmunks

26 novembre, 198830m

Micky, a new Irish boy at school, claims that he has his very own leprechaun. The Chipmunks are keen to investigate.

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Rotta su Siesta Grande

2 dicembre, 198830m

The Chipmunks go on a treasure hunt and meet the ancient Chipmunk tribe called the Twee-Twee Tribe.

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Giulietta e Theodore

3 dicembre, 198830m

Theodore develops a crush on a girl in his class named Juliet. Wanting some expert advice, Theodore asks Alvin for his help. Unwillingly, Alvin says a romantic line that Juliet overhears and she ends up developing a crush on Alvin instead of Theodore.

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Quarterback in gonnella

3 dicembre, 198830m

Brittany tries out for Alvin's football team. To get even, Alvin joins her cheerleading squad. Will they set aside their differences and help each other succeed?

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5 dicembre, 198830m

This episode takes a look back at the history of the Chipmunks' career.

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La punizione di Alvin

6 dicembre, 198830m

Alvin is forced to clean up the house after throwing a wild party while Dave is away and is not allowed to go with his brothers to Fantasy Park. During which, he combats his fear of loneliness, and experiences bizarre incidents including an alien.

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Gli angeli di Alvin

7 dicembre, 198830m

The Chipettes are Alvie's Angels, a crime fighting team to hunt down the most popular jewel thief named Chazz Fleming.

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Ricordi di cadetti

8 dicembre, 198830m

Alvin enrolls himself and his brothers in cadet camp.

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Alvin in Analysis

9 dicembre, 198830m

Alvin sees a psychologist to go over his issues with his family.

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Il muro

17 dicembre, 198830m

The Chipmunks go to Berlin to play in the "Wall of Iron" concert by the Berlin Wall. There they meet and befriend a young girl named Caterina whom has a brother named Eric that lives on the other side.

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Gli incredibili Chipmunks

17 dicembre, 198830m

A crook uses the Chipmunks tour as camouflage for his own evil deeds: While people is out watching the Chipmunks concerts, his trained chimpanzees raid the empty houses.

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Theodore's Life as a Dog

7 gennaio, 198930m

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Theodore diventa un cane

7 gennaio, 198930m

Alvin plays one prank on Theodore and gets him to eat a dog biscuit. To get even, Theodore, with Simon's help, plays a trick on Alvin and makes him think that his younger brother is actually turning into a were-dog.

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La regina del ballo

7 gennaio, 198930m

Miss Miller is invited to go to her High School reunion. But without her boyfriend to go with, the Chipettes try to get one of the Chipmunks to dress up to be Miss Miller's date.

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Il sensitivo

14 gennaio, 198930m

By a fluke, Alvin actually passes his math test whereas, Simon mysteriously fails. Afterwards, Alvin believes he is psychic, and so does everyone else, except Simon.

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Un campione particolare

14 gennaio, 198930m

Alvin is upset that he can’t seem to keep up with the rest of his track race team. Being that so, his coach decides to let him become a trainer for one of the athletes of the Special Olympics.

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L'ossessione di Alvin

21 gennaio, 198930m

Alvin is upset that there is a new boy that just happens to be better at everything. To prove that Alvin has what it takes to beat this kid, he challenges him to anything he can think of.

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Alvin il supereroe

21 gennaio, 198930m

Alvin gets an opportunity to meet his hero from his favorite TV show.

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La meravigliosa vita di Dave

Season Finale
28 gennaio, 198930m

Dave is feeling depressed and is thinking that the Chipmunks would do better if he had never been apart of his life. Will the spirits of the Chipmunks convince him that he is indeed been an impact on Alvin, Simon, and Theodore’s lives?

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Casa, dolce casa

9 settembre, 198930m

Alvin lies to his classmates that he will be singing on stage with Michael Jackson. As Alvin tries to find Michael in order to see if it really is possible he could perform with him, he meets up with the big star's manager. To Alvin's surprise, this so-called manager is a homeless man looking to find a place to stay.

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Il desiderio di Dave

9 settembre, 198930m

The Chipmunks overhear Dave suggesting that he would prefer Alvin to be a Gymnastic Pizza Twirler, Simon a Pogo Stick Tester, and Theodore an iguana trainer, and immediately start to pursue those careers.

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Una notte di paura

16 settembre, 198930m

The boys disobey Dave and instead of seeing a kid's movie, they go in and see a horror movie. The movie ends up scaring the Chipmunks out of their wits. All night, the boys think that Hideous Harold, the creature from the horror film, is after them.

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Il cappello pensatore

16 settembre, 198930m

Simon is frustrated being the smartest member of the family. He invents a cap that helps Dave and his brothers become smarter. Simon is so confident with his family’s new smarts that he signs them up to be on a genius game show. But before he could give his family another boost of the thinking cap, he loses it.

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Cookie Chomper III il nostro gatto

23 settembre, 198930m

Theodore encounters a stray kitten that entered through an open window in the house. He and the boys take an instant liking to the kitten, and after some compromising, they name the kitten Cookie Chomper III, and after Dave is cured of his allergy to cats, he comes to like the kitten as well. After Cookie Chomper gets run over, the boys have a hard time dealing with it. Eventually, they get a new pet, a puppy they name Lilly.

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George addio

30 settembre, 198930m

Alvin is desperate to write an essay on George Washington, that he uses Simon's time machine to bring George into the future.

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Un giorno di vita

30 settembre, 198930m

Simon makes a video of his family for his class project. Unfortunately for Dave and his brothers he took the video in not their greatest moments, and is nervous when Simon’s video will air on TV.

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Scambio di ruoli

7 ottobre, 198930m

Alvin is tired of being treated like a kid and trades place with Dave for a day to feel what it is like to be a grown-up.

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Dottor Simon e Mr. Rubacuori

7 ottobre, 198930m

Alvin tampers with Simon's hair growth formula and instead having it grow Simon's hair, it turns him into a heartthrob.

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Dave, troppo moderno

14 ottobre, 198930m

Dave gets a bump on the head and forgets who he is. After seeing a commercial, Dave becomes a trendy stylish man.

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Cuori e fiori

14 ottobre, 198930m

The Chipettes are excited for the summer holidays, but not when Miss Miller keeps making other plans for them. The girls decide to hook her up with an elderly man by the name of Mr. Flowers.

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Alvin in maltese

21 ottobre, 198930m

Alvin has a dream that he is a detective from the 40s. He is on a case to find a famous rich girl named Brittany.

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Caro diario

21 ottobre, 198930m

The Chipettes discover the joys of writing in a diary. Tension builds between them when they deliberately sneak a peak at what the other Chipette has written.

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Scienza ingiusta

28 ottobre, 198930m

All three boys find themselves having a crush on the science substitute teacher. In order to impress her, they each make a project for the science fair.

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Riunione in famiglia

28 ottobre, 198930m

The Chipmunks decide to have a family reunion with their aunts and uncle, but things are not well between them. Each Chipmunk finds out that the three of them have issues and believes many years ago each of them tried to sabotage the other in their chosen carriers.

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L'interno di Dave

11 novembre, 198930m

The boys are accidentally shrunk by one of Simon's inventions. They end up going inside Dave's head in order to try telling him what happened.

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La bella Brittany addormentata

11 novembre, 198930m

The Chipmunks and Chipettes participate in the school journalism. They end up covering the story of "Sleeping Beauty". During the investigation, Brittany pricks her finger on the spin wheel and becomes cursed, just like the real story.

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Tre Chipmunk e un cucciolo

25 novembre, 198930m

The boys are fed up with their puppy's antics and set out to train Lilly to behave. But soon the Chipmunks feel they are not qualified to raise her and they give her away.

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Il fantasma dell'opera rock

25 novembre, 198930m

The janitor gets a chance to sing on stage.

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Il ritorno di zio Avventura

2 dicembre, 198930m

Cruise leads to the Fountain of Youth.

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Il maiale e la principessa

2 dicembre, 198930m

Brittany works at a farm.

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Alvin e l'isola che non c'è

9 dicembre, 198930m

A girl rejects Alvin because he's too childish. Therefore, Alvin decides to go prematurely adult, and only do grown-up things - and he forces his brothers to do the same! But by reading him the story of Peter Pan, Dave makes Alvin understand what a wonderful adventure childhood can be.

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Natale è volersi bene

Season Finale
19 dicembre, 198930m

Alvin, as usual, is thinking of himself when it comes around to being Christmas. He is so focused on receiving presents that he fails to think of poor Mr. Carroll, who just wants his morning paper. Will the spirits of Christmas past, present, and future help Alvin learn the error of his ways?

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Rockin' Through the Decades

1 gennaio, 199030m

A documentary special look of the Chipmunks' past throughout the decades. Will Smith hosts this special.

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Ritorno al nostro futuro

8 settembre, 199030m

A play-off of Back To The Future. The Chipmunks travel back in time where Alvin doesn't know if he wants to be a musician anymore. Simon and Theodre have some convincing to do.

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15 settembre, 199030m

Alvin wishes he is bigger so he wouldn’t be treated as a child all the time. His wish does come true over night and now he has to learn to live life as an adult.

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22 settembre, 199030m

Alvin creates a lot of attention for the legendary King Kong so that he could benifit by shooting a movie. Kiki, Alvins new friend, has a differnent idea of how Kong should be treated.

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29 settembre, 199030m

Simon transforms into the legandary Batmunk. This is a play off of Batman. Batmunk must stop an evil plan that involves a large toy heist.

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Daytona Jones and the Pearl of Wisdom

6 ottobre, 199030m

Alvin, Simon, and Theodore are show as if they were in an Indiana Jones film. This episode is filled with adventure, humor, and courage.

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Star Wreck: The Absolutely Final Frontier

13 ottobre, 199030m

Responding to a distress call, the USS Booby Prize encounters a dangerous alien race that wishes everything in the entire galaxy exactly the same. Captain James T. Dirk (Alvin), Mr. Speck (Simon), Dr. Moamz McRoy (Theodore), Lt. Uhaha (Jeanette) and Ms. Supra (Eleanor).

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20 ottobre, 199030m

This episode placed Alvin, Simon, and Theodore right in the middle of the Robocop movie.

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S.T. the Space Traveler

27 ottobre, 199030m

The boys meet a real life alien, and they try to hide him from a pair of scientists who wish to capture the alien and do experiments on him.

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Irrational Buffoon's European Vacation

3 novembre, 199030m

After winning first prize on "America's Most Embarrassing Home Videos", Clark Sevillewald (Dave Seville), and the boys get to go to Wacky World in Europe.

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Chip Tracy

10 novembre, 199030m

In this adventure the chipmunks are placed in a mod ran city where they had to fight crime. This was a play off of Dick Tracy.

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Acchiappa Gramliani

17 novembre, 199030m

The Chipmunks go up against a bunch of ancient gremlins that originated from Italy.

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24 novembre, 199030m

Jeanette is a beautiful mermaid who meets a shy scientist's assistant named Simon.

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Funny, We Shrunk the Adults

Season Finale
1 dicembre, 199030m

Alvin and the boys get a little carried away when they mistakenly use Simon's shrinking machine on Dave and Mrs. Miller. However this makes for a wide-open musical skateboarding rally, which is their current fad.

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Trick or Treason

28 ottobre, 199430m

Alvin wants to join a gang that is well known for playing pranks on Halloween. One target they wish to pull a prank on is a boy with a deformed face who Theodore befriends.

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A Chipmunk Celebration

20 novembre, 199430m

The Chipmunks celebrate Thanksgiving with the family. They are also involved in a Thanksgiving play. But instead of getting the jobs they normally would be good at, the teacher decides to try something new with them. She gives the job of costume designer to Alvin, set technician to Theodore, and the starring role to Simon.

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The Easter Chipmunk

15 aprile, 199530m

Alvin finds out that his Grandpa was the original Easter Chipmunk, and tries to sue Mr. Hoppity, the Easter Bunny for the rights.

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Alvin & the Chipmunks Meet Frankenstein

28 settembre, 199930m

While the Chipmunks are working in a famous movie studio park called Majestic Studios in a singing attraction, the real Dr. Frankenstein comes to work in the studio's most famous attraction, Frankenstein's Castle. After Alvin drives a crazy bus chase, they miss their next performance and get locked in the studio after closing time. Dr. Frankenstein figures the castle is not scary enough so he re-builds the real Frankenstein. IT COMES ALIVE! So it finds the boys and starts a wild and scary adventure!

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Babysitter Fright Night

29 agosto, 200030m

Alvin thinks of himself as an expert on spooky stuff such as vampires and werewolves, so when a mysterious stranger moves in next door, Alvin's convinced he's a werewolf. Then, when Theodore gets bitten by a "dog", he starts chewing socks, eating meaty stuff, and is a lot faster, even Simon thinks something's not right. But at the moment, he's more like a werepuppy. They now have to find a way to cure him before the next full moon – during the school play, "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" – or else Theodore will become a werewolf – forever!

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Nightmare on Seville Street

24 aprile, 200530m

Join the Chipmunks and Chipettes, as you've never seen them before, as they spend a magical weekend at Lalu's cottage.

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