Joely Fisher als Joy Stark

Episoden 81

Die neuen Nachbarn

7. September 200625m

In der ersten Folge lernen wir Eddie und Joy Stamm kennen, die seit mehr als 8 000 Tagen verheiratet sind, während ihre neuen Nachbarn Steph und Jeff Woodcock gerade frisch verheiratet sind. Das junge Paar streitet sich über einen Billardtisch, der schließlich nach nebenan wandert.


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Die Sex-gegen-Möbel-Taktik

14. September 200625m

Joy fürchtet sich davor, mit Eddie über die Erneuerung der Terrassenmöbel zu verhandeln, bis Steph ihr von einem „besonderen“ Deal erzählt, den sie mit Jeff macht, um die Möbel zu bekommen, die sie will. In beiden Haushalten wird der Streit um die Patina der Möbel zu einem Machtkampf darüber, wer die Hosen an hat – und wer die Möbel kauft.


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Der Verlobungsring

21. September 200625m

Als die Woodcocks und die Starks zu einem Dankesessen ausgehen, sehnt sich Joy nach mehr Romantik von Eddie und fragt ihn, warum sie nie den Verlobungsring erhalten hat, der ihr versprochen wurde. Mit ein wenig Hilfe von Jeff schenkt Eddie Joy einen Ring, den sie nur widerwillig annimmt – den sie aber auf ihre eigene Art und Weise zu lieben lernt.


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Das Holz-Ultimatum

28. September 200625m

Eddie bittet das frisch verheiratete Paar von nebenan, ihm zu helfen, seinen Holzstapel in der Garage aufzubewahren. Joy sagt ihm, er solle das Holz „verwenden oder loswerden“.


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Die Garagen-Band

2. November 200625m

Als Eddie Joy erzählt, dass er mit seiner Band übt, glaubt er, sie anlügen zu müssen. Joy weiß aber bereits, was Eddie tatsächlich tut.


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Ehefrau oder Mutter?

9. November 200625m

Jeff ist begeistert, als seine Mutter zu Besuch kommt, aber zwischen ihm und Steph kommt es zu Spannungen, als er seine Mutter ihr vorzieht. Jeff bittet seine Nachbarn um Hilfe, gerät aber mehr denn je in einen Konflikt: Zwischen Joy, die darauf besteht, dass er seine Mutter nach Hause schickt, und Eddie, der ihn anweist, seine Mutter heimlich zur Nr. 1 zu machen. – Jeff muss die heikle Kunst erlernen, die Frauen in seinem Leben unter einen Hut zu bringen.


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Ein traumhaftes Wochenende

16. November 200625m

Steph und Jeff überreden Eddie und Joy, mit ihnen in die Berge zu fahren. Doch als Steph Jeff erzählt, dass sie einen erotischen Traum von Eddie hatte, ist der Urlaub für die Woodcocks alles andere als erholsam.


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Im Angesicht des Todes

30. November 200625m

Nach einer Verletzung ist Eddie sicher, dass er sterben wird. Mit dieser Angst lassen Eddie und Joy ihre Romanze wieder aufleben. Eddie beschließt, die Situation auszunutzen, als er herausfindet, dass es ihm blendend geht, wenn er Joy nicht die Wahrheit sagt.


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Der Toaster

14. Dezember 200625m

Als Joy versucht, Eddie davon zu überzeugen, dass das Herausziehen des Toasters Strom spart, ist Eddie überzeugt, dass seine Frau sich irrt. Hartnäckig zanken sie sich, bis Eddie beschließt, die Sache auf die nächste Stufe zu heben und alles daran setzt, Joy in einer Reihe von Fehlversuchen das Gegenteil zu beweisen. Es dauert nicht lange, bis Eddie und Joy erkennen, dass ihr kindisches Verhalten unangebracht ist, als sie Stephs Überraschungsparty ruinieren.


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Papas Liebling

21. Dezember 200625m

Eddie und Joys Tochter Allison kommen über die Feiertage nach Hause, um mit ihren Eltern Silvester zu feiern. Als sie schlechte Nachrichten von ihrem Freund erhält, wendet sich Allison hilfesuchend an ihre Mutter und lässt einen brüskierten Eddie ratlos zurück. Auf der Silvesterparty der Woodcocks lockert Eddie die Stimmung auf, um seine Tochter zu beeindrucken, doch als die Uhr Mitternacht schlägt und ein neues Jahr beginnt, stellt Allison fest, dass sie ihren „großen, finsteren, wütenden, wunderbaren Vater“ so mag, wie er ist.


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Von Blumen und Gärtnern

4. Januar 200725m

Auf der Party zum 25-jährigen Jubiläum von Vicki und Stan wird Joy eifersüchtig auf die Aufmerksamkeit, die Stan seiner Frau schenkt. Eddie erhält von Stan Ratschläge zu seiner Rolle in der Ehe. Jeff ist von Stephs Tanzeinlagen peinlich berührt.


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Die Eishockey-Lüge

11. Januar 200725m

Jeff ist untröstlich und wütend, als Steph ihm eröffnet, dass sie nicht länger seine Eishockey-Freundin sein wird. Eddie meint später, dass es für neue Paare normal sei, zu lügen und dass sie sich deshalb irgendwann auseinander leben würden, aber Joy besteht darauf, dass sie und Eddie sich immer ähnlicher werden, je älter sie zusammen werden. – Während Jeff zu akzeptieren versucht, dass seine Frau nicht die Frau ist, für die er sie gehalten hat, versucht Eddie, Joy zu beweisen, dass er sein eigener Herr ist.


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Die Streitfreundin

18. Januar 200725m

Joy wendet sich an ihre Freundin Nicole, um Hilfe zu bekommen, als sie und Eddie sich streiten. Als Eddie Joy wegen Nicole zur Rede stellt, geraten sie in einen heftigen Streit und suchen Unterstützung bei ihren jeweiligen Streitfreunden. Joy verbündet sich mit Nicole und Eddie mit Nicoles Ehemann Cofeld, um ihre Argumente zu bekräftigen.


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Die neue Kollegin

1. Februar 200725m

Als Joy Eddie die Erlaubnis gibt, eine weibliche Freundin zu haben, freunden sich die beiden aufgrund ihrer Vergangenheit an. Währenddessen versucht Jeff, cool zu sein und benutzt Steph, um zu den angesagten Highschool-Kids zu gehören. Später, als Eddie und seine Freundin sich zu nahe kommen, beschäftigt sich Joy mit ihrer eigenen Geschichte.


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Die Junggesellen Party

8. Februar 200725m

Als die Männer entdecken, dass Jeff nie einen Junggesellenabschied hatte, veranstalten sie einen Junggesellenabend in einem örtlichen Club. Aber als Nicole mit Cofeld mitkommt, läuft der Männerabend nicht so, wie sie es geplant haben. – In der Zwischenzeit ist Joy zu Hause krank und Steph kommt mit einem speziellen Rezept vorbei, um den beiden zu helfen, sich besser zu fühlen.


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Das Italien-Trauma

15. Februar 200725m

Als Joy Eddie beschuldigt, er sei ein Sammelwütiger, durchstöbern er und Jeff Stapel von alten Gegenständen aus Eddies Vergangenheit. Das Duo stößt auf eine alte Filmrolle, die Jeff entwickeln lassen will. Als Eddie die Fotos von sich und Joy sieht, die eine tolle Zeit in Italien hatten, wird er daran erinnert, wie der Urlaub endete und an einen Moment, über den er und Joy nie gesprochen haben. – Um die Dinge wieder in Ordnung zu bringen, tut Eddie alles, was er kann, um ihre Reise nach Italien direkt in den Vororten von Philadelphia neu zu erleben.


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Die Keramik-Karriere

14. März 200725m

Als Eddie und Joy Allison zum Elternwochenende besuchen, teilen sie sich ein Zimmer im Studentenwohnheim mit einem feiernden alleinerziehenden Vater. Als Allison ihnen von ihrem neuen Hauptfach und ihren Plänen für das nächste Semester erzählt, versuchen Eddie und Joy ihr Bestes, um sie vom Gegenteil zu überzeugen, müssen aber feststellen, dass ihre eigenen Fehler sie dahin gebracht haben, wo sie heute sind. – In der Zwischenzeit stellt Jeff jemanden ein, der Steph beim Kacheln des Badezimmers hilft, was das Schlimmste in ihr zum Vorschein bringt.


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Nicht ohne meine Woodcocks

21. März 200725m

Als die Woodcocks eine enge Freundschaft mit den Cofelds schließen, fühlen sich die Starks ausgegrenzt. Zu ihrer großen Überraschung stellen sie fest, dass sie die Zeit mit Jeff und Steph sehr vermissen. Eddie und Joy versuchen, die Freundschaft der Woodcocks zurückzugewinnen.


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Kleine Geschenke erhalten die Feindschaft

28. März 200725m

Steph schenkt Eddie und Joy eine Cappuccinomaschine, die ein Hochzeitsgeschenk von Jeffs Mutter war. Joy freut sich über das Geschenk, aber Eddie nimmt Joy bald übel, dass sie nicht gelernt hat, die Maschine selbst zu bedienen. Als Eddie sich weigert, Joy ihren abendlichen Cappuccino zu machen, macht sie eine Liste mit all den Dingen, die sie im Haus erledigt, und kommt zu dem Schluss, dass Eddie nicht genug tut.


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Eddie allein zu Haus

4. April 200725m

Als Joy und Allison sich zum Spring-Break in Florida treffen, ist Eddie begeistert, das Haus für sich allein zu haben. Er kann essen, schlafen, sowie tragen, was er will, und kann mit Cofeld abhängen. Aber als die Woche nicht genau so verläuft wie geplant, merkt Eddie, wie sehr er Joy vermisst. – Währenddessen vermissen Joy und Allison Eddie nicht allzu sehr, da sie am Strand arbeiten.


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Mein Freund Webby

11. April 200725m

When one of Eddies single idols comes for a visit, Eddie is in awe, while Joy is unimpressed by Webbys (guest star Ted McGinley) lifestyle of wild adventures and exotic travels. To Joy, Webby is running away from the one thing that can make him truly happy: a committed relationship. Ignoring Eddies warnings, Joy sets Webby up with Denise (guest star Tricia Fisher), who tames Webbys ways. When Webby is ready to settle down, Denise lets Joy know that shes not interested. Meanwhile, Jeff is miserable at the sight of his crying wife in an incredibly ugly shirt. Later, summer vacation has begun and Allison (guest-star Krysten Ritter) surprises her parents when she brings Doug (guest-star Tim Sharp) home. When Allison and Doug spend their days enjoying the summer, Steph convinces Eddie to join them. Meanwhile, Jeff and Joy feel left out and annoyed by their partners happiness but finally get convinced to join in.


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Sommer der Liebe

11. April 200725m

Summer vacation has begun and Allison surprises her parents when she brings Doug (guest-star Timm Sharp) home. When Allison and Doug spend their days enjoying the summer, Steph gets Eddie to join them. Jeff and Joy feel left out and annoyed by their partners happiness but finally are persuaded to join in.


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19. September 200725m

When Eddie thinks Joy made a fool of herself at Steph's birthday party he decides it is time to tell her about her irritating habits. She lets him know about his own irritating habits. Steph isn't happy when Jeff gives her a gift she has wanted for a long time.


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Vier Nachbarn und ein Todesfall

26. September 200725m

Eddie and Joy feel left out when they are the only neighbors not included in an elderly neighbor's funeral. After Joy is asked to sing Eddie feeling jealous, tries to find something for him to do also. Steph and Jeff disagree about the eulogy Steph is planning to give.


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Das Basketball-Outing

3. Oktober 200725m

Jeff recruits Eddie for a faculty basketball team, but Eddie has a secret despite his height he is terrible at the sport. This is a problem because Eddie lied to Joy about his supposed prowess while they were dating, and he never told her the truth.


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Das Porno-Problem

10. Oktober 200725m

Steph decides that she wants to watch an adult video with Jeff, who has never seen one, so he asks his colleagues at school for advice. That's how Eddie gets into trouble with Joy, who is in no mood for nonsense following a disastrous visit to the gym.


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Gemischtes Doppel

17. Oktober 200725m

When Steph introduces Eddie to yoga and Jeff turns Joy on to tennis, the couples spend more and more time with their friends and less time with each other. The swap seems successful until Jeff's competitive streak emerges and Joy tries to bow out of tennis lessons.


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Der Wein der toten Tante

7. November 200725m

Eddie & Joy prepare for Jeff’s birthday dinner. Eddie doesn’t want to give lingerie as a gift. Eddie decides to give his own gift. At the birthday dinner with a few other couples, Eddie orders 2 desserts for himself. Steph tries on the lingerie. Jeff feels like Eddie doesn’t pay any attention to him. Jeff’s feelings are hurt when he realizes only Joy gave him the gift. Steph gives up on trying having a romantic evening. Eddie gets a perfect bottle of wine for Jeff which Jeff likes. Joy finds out that Eddie gave Jeff a special $1,000.00 bottle of wine she’d been keeping in their house. Eddie and Joy try to get the bottle of wine back and Jeff finally realizes that Eddie is trying to retrieve it. Joy and Eddie get kicked out of the Woodcock’s house, but Jeff eventually gives the bottle of wine back and the two of them bond over a shared drink.


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14. November 200725m

When Joy purchases two new bedroom lamps, one lamp works and the other one is broken, prompting Eddie and Joy to fight over the working lamp. Meanwhile, Jeff fights for the right to go to bed whenever he wants.


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Jeff dreht durch

28. November 200725m

When Jeff becomes acting principal at the school, he thinks his ship has finally come in and this is his chance to shine. However, when he has to make an important decision, he chokes and winds up suspending Eddie.


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Gute Mutter, böser Vater

28. November 200725m

Joy is annoyed by Steph, who has developed an attitude from her husband’s elevated status at the school. In Eddie’s absence, Jeff searches for a substitute teacher and ends up hiring someone a little too close to home.


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Ein Bruder für Eddie

25. März 200825m

To avoid doing housework with Joy, Eddie signs up to be a volunteer for a "Big Brother" program but things go awry when he's accidentally given an adult instead of a kid to mentor.


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Schwarz-weiße Vorurteile

16. April 200825m

When Kenny is subjected to a perceived racist slight at a local movie theater, he reacts strongly causing Eddie to rush to his defense. In the aftermath, Eddie decides that Kenny over-reacted and resolves to prove it to him.


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Kleiner Schnitt und große Panik

23. April 200825m

When Joy and Eddie have a pregnancy scare, Joy convinces Eddie to get a vasectomy. Nervous about the procedure, Eddie takes advice from Kenny and pretends that he wants more children in order to avoid the trip to Dr. Park.


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Echte Männer weinen nicht

30. April 200825m

When Joy accuses Eddie of not being able to express his emotions, they enroll in a couple's seminar to strengthen their relationship and help Eddie get in touch with his feelings. During the retreat their teacher, Dr. Friedman pushes her new age therapy leaving a bad taste in their mouths. Meanwhile, Kenny tries to help Eddie get in touch with his sensitive side and Jeff admits his sensitivity to Steph.


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Der Zweitehe-Pakt

7. Mai 200825m

When Eddie's friend Karl introduces him to his second wife, Eddie becomes jealous of Karl's relaxed marriage and convinces Joy that they should try out a "second marriage." Joy has her own ideas of how a "second marriage" should be causing Eddie to re-think his suggestion


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Eddie und der schwarze Delfin

14. Mai 200825m

When Joy calls off their usual anniversary celebration and surprises Eddie with a gift, he decides to one-up her with a special snorkeling trip to Hawaii requiring him to take swimming lessons from Kenny.


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Der Strafzettel

10. September 200825m

When Joy can't flirt her way out of her first speeding ticket, she considers buying new lingerie and getting plastic surgery to help her get her "groove" back. Meanwhile, Kenny and Tina continue to fight over custody of their beloved dog, Beyonce.


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Das rote Cabrio

17. September 200825m

When Eddie takes his car into the shop, he decides it's time for a new set of wheels and purchases a red convertible sports car. Joy recognizes that Eddie's passion for his new car is part of his mid-life crisis, so in a play for his attention she flirts with her co-worker. Meanwhile, Kenny buys Eddie's old clunker and tricks it.


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Der Freund an ihrer Seite

24. September 200825m

When Kenny becomes Joy's new "girlfriend," Eddie feels left out and gets jealous of their girl-talk. In an attempt to feel included, Eddie crashes Joy's '70s-themed work party and sends Joy to the hospital in a disco mishap.


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Der Traum-Schwiegersohn

1. Oktober 200825m

Eddie and Joy's daughter, Allison, comes home from college for a visit. She and her hippie boyfriend argue and decide to break up, which is fine with Eddie until he finds out that Doug is wealthy. Eddie and Joy then try to get the two back together by inviting Doug over for an organic dinner feast. Meanwhile, Kenny just wants them to get back together so he can get his bedroom back.


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Alles Käse

1. Oktober 200825m

When Eddie and Joy spend a romantic night out in the city, Joy becomes enamored with city life and decides they should move downtown. Eddie tries to convince her to keep their house in the suburbs, but a visit to a new downtown loft development tempts him with fancy modern conveniences and causes him to reconsider his decision.


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Nur ein kleines Schnipp-schnipp

8. Oktober 200825m

Kenny freaks out after losing his swim trunks at a water park and his new girlfriend notices he isn't circumcised. When he decides to go under the knife, Joy is impressed by his efforts to please a girl he hardly knows and badgers Eddie to do more nice things for her. Eddie tries to get Kenny to back out of his decision so he won't have to accompany Joy to six weeks of musicals in the park and takes him to a bris so he can see what circumcision looks like.


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Das geheime Fleischbällchen

8. Oktober 200825m

Joy discovers that Eddie has been hiding his favorite meatball-sandwich shop from her. This helps her come to the realization that they can't keep secrets from each other anymore because they've been married so long and seem to know everything about each other. Meanwhile, Steph's comments about her less-than-mysterious marriage prompt Joy to propose that she and Eddie come up with a new secret in hopes of spicing things up.


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Mit den Waffeln einer Mutter

2. Oktober 200925m

Eddie and Joy's free-spirited daughter, Ally, returns from a trek in the Ecuadorian rain forest with her new husband, Doug. When Ally and Doug decide to set up camp in a trailer in the Starks' backyard, they ultimately ruin Eddie's plans for installing a Jacuzzi. Meanwhile, Eddie and Joy attempt to overcome their dislike of Doug and accept him as a member of the family.


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Getrennte Betten

9. Oktober 200925m

Joy and Eddie decide to get separate beds after years of putting up with each other's sleep habits. Meanwhile Eddie's new principal turns out to be a former student with an agenda.


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Eddies Buch

23. Oktober 200925m

When Doug's father gives him and Ally a large sum of money, they struggle with the decision to keep it or give it back. Meanwhile, Eddie decides to write a book about the Hindenburg disaster.


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Keine Klagen

25. Dezember 200925m

When Eddie and Joy try to live without complaining, Eddie finds that repressing his true feelings makes him sick. Meanwhile, Kenny creates problems for parents when he works as a mall Santa.


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Eddie, das Scheidungskind

25. Dezember 200925m

When Eddie and Joy pay a visit to his parents in Florida, Eddie discovers that his parents are planning to divorce in order to qualify for medical insurance. Eddie refuses to accept the idea and tries to convince his mother that it's a bad decision to put his father back on the market.


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Eine Frau mit Klasse

25. Dezember 200925m

Joy's fun and beautiful new friend Eileen also happens to be Eddie's ex-girlfriend. At first, the friendship doesn't seem to be a problem until Joy invites Eileen over to the house and Eddie gets himself in trouble by reminiscing a little too fondly about the past. Meanwhile, Kenny thinks he's doing something nice for his new girlfriend by babysitting her kids, but doesn't realize she may be using him.


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Keine Couch für Kenny

25. Dezember 200925m

After Kenny's ex-wife kicks him out of their house, Eddie invites Kenny to stay with him and Joy. Eddie quickly realizes that Joy is a lot nicer when Kenny is around, so Eddie tries to get Kenny to stay with them longer, but Kenny's annoying habits have Joy trying desperately to reconnect the estranged couple.


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31. Januar 201025m

When Joy loses her job at the travel agency, she must use her best assets to find work elsewhere. Meanwhile, Eddie takes Doug to his favorite restaurant.


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31. Januar 201025m

When Eddie buys a high-definition television without checking with Joy first, she decides to join in the spending spree. Meanwhile, Doug suspects he is living on a sitcom.


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Mrs. Perfect

7. Februar 201025m

When Joy urges Eddie to get a check-up from their doctor, Simona (Susan Yeagley), Eddie becomes enamored with her and her husband, Stephen (Kevin Nealon), and their seemingly perfect life. Joy becomes annoyed when Eddie becomes ardent about taking Simona's advice, even though Joy has been nagging him for years, and decides to prove to Eddie that Simona isn't as perfect as she seems.


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Das Leben ist eine Sitcom

7. Februar 201025m

When Eddie attends their annual baseball game date without Joy, they realize that they can have separate lives, but at what cost? Meanwhile, Ally and Doug try to save a tree but end up causing a tree disease epidemic in the neighborhood.


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Wer schnarcht, verliert

14. Februar 201025m

When it is realized that Eddie is grouchy because he isn't sleeping well he gets treatment. Unfortunately Joy can't sleep without him snoring so now she is the grouchy one.


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Eine teure Versöhnung

14. Februar 201025m

Eddie and Joy pick sides when their friends break-up, but when they get back together it ends up costing them.


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Das perfekte Paar

21. Februar 201025m

When Eddie and Joy befriend Stephen (guest star Nealon) and his wife Simona, Eddie clicks with them right away, which causes Joy to feel left out. In an effort to win Joy over, Eddie coaches their new friends on her all her likes and dislikes. Meanwhile, Kenny starts a new job as a supermarket sample salesman only to realize that sample distribution can be a competitive biz


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Die letzte Überlebende

21. Februar 201025m

When Joy convinces Eddie to visit Simona for an annual check-up, he catches a nasty head cold before his big interview with a Hindenburg blimp survivor. Meanwhile, Joy can't understand why Simona won't pay her a compliment.


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28. Februar 201025m

When Joy goes overboard planning Ally and Doug's wedding, Eddie convinces them to elope. Kenny agrees to officiate the ceremony, but when Joy finds out about their plans she persuades Eddie to help her stop the wedding.


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Wie Du mir …

28. Februar 201025m

When the Starks meet Simona and Stephen for dinner, they decide to ditch them with the bill resulting in an all-out dining war between the couples. Meanwhile, Joy makes Eddie's life miserable at work.


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Das Konzert

7. März 201025m

When Eddie befriends a new teacher at school, they find they have a lot in common, but Ms. Duffy has other plans for their relationship. Meanwhile, Eddie and Joy reminisce about the music they loved in the 1980s.


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Das Prinzip Leistung

7. März 201025m

Eddie tries to get a raise so he and Joy can go on vacation, but he has a tough time convincing his principal. Meanwhile, Doug's delusion that he is a character on a sitcom gets even worse.


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Tommy und April

14. März 201025m

When Joy and Eddie meet their rather unconventional new neighbors, Tommy (guest star Gottfried) and April Campbell, Eddie can't seem to get the idea of being with a younger woman out of his head. Meanwhile, Eddie and Joy hold a yard sale, and the new neighbors want to buy everything they're selling.


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Die Hochzeit

14. März 201025m

It's the night before Ally and Doug's big day, and everyone is nervous about what tomorrow will bring. Consequentially, everyone dreams up a different wedding disaster.


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Abkürzung zum Glück

21. März 201025m

When Allison's boyfriend Doug is hospitalized, she rushes to his bedside only to be surprised with a proposal. No one is more surprised by their daughter's engagement than Eddie and Joy who plot to put the brakes on wedding planning. Meanwhile, Kenny tries to get Eddie's car repaired without success.


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Joys Mutter

21. März 201025m

When Joy's mother pays her daughter a visit, she drives Joy up the wall with her constant criticism, and Eddie makes a valiant attempt to ease the tension. Meanwhile, Eddie meets with a publisher who wants to turn Eddie's manuscript into a children's picture book.


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Auf den Hund gekommen

28. März 201025m

When Joy and Eddie experiment with role-playing to spice up their love life, they realize that pretending to be someone else isn't as sexy as being themselves. Meanwhile, to supplement his income, Kenny tries finding lost dogs to collect the reward money.


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Ein neues Haus

28. März 201025m

Eddie and Joy want to downgrade to a smaller house, but Doug and Ally aren't ready to move out on their own. Meanwhile, when Duffy dumps Whitey (guest star Martin Mull), he moves in with Eddie and Joy as a way of coping, but he quickly overstays his welcome and Joy wants him out.


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4. April 201025m

Eddie and Joy make the wrong impression on a newlywed couple while on vacation and Joy goes out of her way to try and convince the young bride that wedded life is bliss and not how they made it seem. Meanwhile, Kenny and Doug start spending time together, and Allison becomes jealous of their new friendship.


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Wir sind schwanger

4. April 201025m

When Ally and Doug announce that they're going to be parents, Joy has a meltdown about becoming a grandmother, forcing Eddie to call in his mother-in-law for help.


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Das Smartphone

11. April 201025m

Eddie becomes annoyed by his students' use of cell phones in class, and soon learns that he and Joy are the only ones not infatuated with the latest technology. When Mr. White decides to drag Eddie into the 21st century, Eddie develops a technology addiction of his own.


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Großer Mann ganz klein

18. April 201025m

Eddie feels self-conscious when Tommy (guest star Gottfried) and Mr. White (guest star Mull) boast about their endowments, so Joy does her best to convince him that being average is just fine. Meanwhile, Doug and Ally have their first sonogram, and it appears that their unborn son doesn't take after Eddie.


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Des Bruders Hüter / Mr. T und die Männer

25. April 201025m

With Eddie's brother, Charlie, and his new boyfriend, Terence, coming to visit, Eddie isn't exactly looking forward to a weekend of wine-tasting and antiquing. Much to Eddie's surprise, though, he hits it off with Terence as they both opt to watch football over participating in the planned weekend activities. When Charlie breaks up with Terence, Joy sides with Charlie and ends up questioning her relationship with Eddie.


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2. Mai 201025m

When Joy loses her job at Eddie's school, she accepts a position as Stephen's (guest star Nealon) executive assistant. The new gig leaves her miserable, leading Eddie and Mr. White (guest star Mull) to scheme a way to get Joy her old job back.


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Alles für das Baby

9. Mai 201025m

Joy goes overboard planning for Ally's baby shower and becomes obsessed with baby gifts. Meanwhile, Mr. White has difficulty giving Ally and Doug their shower gift, and Dr. Bialik invites her "Blossom" castmates to participate in a therapy session for Doug.


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Gut versteckt

16. Mai 201025m

When Whitey decides to throw a surprise party for his 93-year-old grumpy uncle, his party guests are surprised to discover that Whitey is a hoarder and his house is overflowing with junk. Meanwhile, Eddie is in a rush to get to the party but Joy, Doug and Ally all take their time getting ready to go.


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Das Baby

23. Mai 201025m

Eddie's book finally gets published, but on the day of his book signing, Ally goes into labor and everyone shows up to welcome the new addition to the family. Meanwhile, Eddie gives Doug fatherhood tips, and Ally apologizes to Joy for being a terrible daughter.


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Joy lernt nie aus

6. Juni 201025m

Joy feels inferior for not finishing college, so she decides to hit the books and earn her degree. Although she passes her classes, Eddie isn't satisfied with her grades, and he decides to take matters into his own hands, which leads to Joy getting kicked out of school.


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Das exklusive Geschenk

13. Juni 201025m

When Joy gets angry at Eddie for forgetting her birthday, she decides to cash in on all the coupons he has given her over the years for massages, pedicures and chores. Meanwhile, Kenny convinces Eddie that he needs to surprise her with a handbag in order to be forgiven. Unfortunately for Eddie, Joy decides to return the handbag and finds out the hard way that it's a fake.


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Wer sucht, der findet

20. Juni 201025m

When Joy suspects Eddie of keeping secrets from her, she decides to launch an investigation. Eddie turns to his friends Kenny and Karl for advice, and decides to give Joy a fake story in hopes of appeasing her.


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