David Janssen como Richard Kimble

Episodios 120

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Miedo en una ciudad desierta

17 de septiembre de 1963

Richard Kimble llega a Tucson, Arizona, bajo el nombre de James Lincoln. Se registra en un hotel y encuentra trabajo como camarero en el Branding Iron. Conoce a Monica Welles (Vera Miles), la pianista que escapó de su celoso esposo (Ed Welles), interpretado por Brian Keith.

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La bruja

24 de septiembre de 1963

Mientras trabaja como personal de mantenimiento en una comunidad atrasada en Missouri, Kimble tiene algunos encontronazos con una joven llamada Jenny Ammory, que es una mentirosa patológica que le habla a una muñeca de trapo a la que llama 'Nyet' que guarda en un estanque cercano. Jenny usa a Kimble como excusa cuando llega tarde a la escuela cuando afirma que un hombre la atacó. Cuando Kimble aparece haciendo una entrega rutinaria de suministros a la escuela, Jenny lo identifica como el hombre que la atacó. Mientras la maestra de Jenny, Emily Norton, habla con Kimble sobre las mentiras compulsivas de Jenny, Jenny corre a casa y le dice a su madre que vio a su maestra y al personal de mantenimiento local besándose en el granero. Kimble es maltratado por sus compañeros de trabajo, mientras que Emily es despedida y se les aconseja a ambos que abandonen la ciudad. Kimble va a una audiencia en la escuela sobre Emily y trata de absolverla atrapando a Jenny en una mentira.

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El otro lado de la montaña

1 de octubre de 1963

En West Virginia, Kimble llega a un pueblo minero de carbón local donde los lugareños campesinos sureños lo maltratan y luego lo persigue una pandilla del sheriff. Escondido en las montañas, Kimble conoce a Cassie, una joven que vive en una cabaña remota con su abuela. Cassie le dice a Kimble que lo lleve a un lugar seguro porque conoce el área, cuando en realidad quiere mantenerlo cerca por sus propios motivos egoístas. Mientras tanto, Gerard vuela a West Virginia después de enterarse por el sheriff que Kimble ha sido visto en el área y se une a la pandilla para tratar de encontrar a Kimble.

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Nunca decir adiós (1)

8 de octubre de 1963

Kimble, que trabaja como aprendiz de velero en Santa Bárbara, California, se enamora de Karen, la hija de su severo pero compasivo jefe Lars Christian. Pero se gana el desprecio del celoso y sobreprotector hermano de Karen, Eric. Cuando Lars sufre un infarto, su último deseo en su lecho de muerte es implorar a Kimble que se quede con Karen. Mientras tanto, Gerard vuela a la cercana Los Ángeles cuando se entera del arresto de un hombre manco por robo a mano armada y deja que la historia llegue a los periódicos, con la esperanza de que Kimble se entere.

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Nunca decir adiós (2)

15 de octubre de 1963

Después de descubrir que el hombre manco no es el mismo hombre que vio huir de su casa la noche del asesinato de Helen, Kimble huye de Los Ángeles, escapando de la redada de Gerard. Cansada de correr, Kimble espera pasar desapercibida en Santa Bárbara y finalmente le confía a Karen su secreto. Pero Gerard rastrea a Kimble hasta Santa Bárbara a partir de una sola pista que Kimble deja en la cárcel del condado de Los Ángeles: una coincidencia con la palabra "navega" impresa en ella. Cuando Kimble descubre que Gerard ha llegado a la ciudad buscándolo, con la ayuda de Eric, Kimble y Karen huyen en un velero y esperan terminar con la carrera fingiendo su muerte y la de Karen en un accidente de velero durante una tormenta en el mar.

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Decisión en el Ring

22 de octubre de 1963

Kimble encuentra trabajo como cutman para el boxeador Joe Smith. Joe le confiesa a Kimble que quería ser médico, pero eligió el boxeo porque sintió que ser negro sería un obstáculo en el mundo de la medicina. Cuando Kimble descubre que Joe sufre pérdida de memoria, tanto él como la esposa de Joe, Laura, temen que Joe pueda tener daño cerebral por su boxeo. Mientras tanto, un detective de la policía, llamado Henry Stone, se infiltra como periodista deportivo para investigar al manager de Joe, Lou, por posibles vínculos con la mafia. Pero cuando un trabajador del boxeo descontento le dice a Stone que alguien podría querer que Joe organice su próxima pelea, el detective investiga a Kimble.

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Cortina de humo

29 de octubre de 1963

Un incendio forestal impide el acceso a un hospital local. Kimball, ahora un trabajador agrícola, decide arriesgarse a descubrir su tapadera cuando elige ayudar a dar a luz a una mujer en el campo de trabajo. Cuando se informa a la prensa la noticia del acto caritativo de Kimball, Gerard se entera y cree que Kimball es el médico anónimo.

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Ver Hollywood y morir

5 de noviembre de 1963

Mientras trabajaba como empleado de una gasolinera en Nuevo México, Kimble es tomada como rehén, junto con la cliente Joanne, por dos asaltantes, llamados Miles y Vinnie. Una vez en el camino, Kimble finge que es un criminal y se dirige a Los Ángeles para un "gran trabajo". Al mismo tiempo, le hace saber a Joanne que está de su lado, pero ella sospecha de sus verdaderos motivos. Una vez que llega a Los Ángeles, Kimble decide tenderle una trampa a Miles y Vinnie para que sean arrestados. Pero Miles, que no confía lo suficiente en Kimble, quiere que mate a Joanne para probarse a sí mismo.

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Boleto a Alaska

12 de noviembre de 1963

En un pequeño carguero, Kimble viaja a Alaska cuando llega un agente del FBI, llamado Paul Vale, y comienza a interrogarlo a él y a todos los pasajeros en busca de un criminal y traidor de la Guerra de Corea. Vale sospecha más de Kimble, así como del pasajero George Banning y su esposa Adrienne, quienes son malversadores que huyen de los Estados Unidos. Cuando Vale es encontrado asesinado al día siguiente, el Capitán Carraway interroga a todos los sospechosos y cuando el capitán descubre que las referencias de Kimble son falsas, Kimble se convierte en el principal sospechoso.

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19 de noviembre de 1963

Después de tener un accidente automovilístico en un pueblo rural de Kentucky, Kimble termina en la cárcel por el sheriff paleto que odia a los forasteros. Pero Kimble logra escapar con su compañero de celda Davey ""Fatso"" Lambert. Escondido en el rancho de Lambert, Kimble ve que el padre y el hermano de Davey, Frank, tratan mal al tonto de Davey por culparlo por el incendio de un granero años antes. Kimble intenta demostrar la inocencia de Davey mientras Gerard vuela a Kentucky después de enterarse del arresto de Kimble y forma una pandilla para localizarlo.

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Pesadilla en Northoak

26 de noviembre de 1963

Kimball se lesiona mientras ayuda a salvar a algunos niños de un accidente de fuego. Mientras se recupera en una casa local, se entera de que sus cuidadores son el sheriff local y su esposa. Como si esto no fuera lo suficientemente malo, un artículo de noticias que describe las hazañas heroicas de Kimball se publica en todo el país. El teniente Gerard, que todo lo ve, lee el artículo y luego va al pequeño pueblo para arrestar a Kimball.

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La cuerda floja de cristal

3 de diciembre de 1963

Trabajando como empleado de almacén en una tienda departamental, Kimble es testigo de cómo su jefe, Martin Rowland, mata accidentalmente a un socio comercial en el estacionamiento fuera de horario. Cuando Kimble se entera de que un vagabundo local encontrado cerca de la escena del crimen es el principal sospechoso, Kimble llama anónimamente a Rowland para que confiese el asesinato. Pero Rowland y su esposa, Ginny, pensando que la persona que llama los está chantajeando, contrata al detective de la tienda, Angstrom, para encontrar a la persona que "chantajea" a Rowland.

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Terror en High Point

17 de diciembre de 1963

Mientras trabaja en un sitio de construcción en Utah, Kimble convence a su supervisor, Buck Harmon, para que contrate a Jamie, un joven con retraso mental pero físicamente fuerte, para que lo ayude. Debido a que Jamie es un blanco fácil para las burlas de los otros miembros del equipo de trabajo, Kimble se convierte en el protector de Jamie. Cuando acusan a Jamie de agredir sexualmente a la esposa de Buck, éste se asusta y huye. El capataz de la cuadrilla, Dan Pike, convence a Buck de que organice un grupo para cazar a Jamie y matarlo.

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La chica del pequeño Egipto

24 de diciembre de 1963

En San Francisco, Kimble casi es atropellada por un automóvil conducido por Ruth Norton, una joven azafata angustiada al descubrir que el hombre con el que ha estado saliendo durante los últimos cuatro meses está casado y tiene dos hijos. Mientras se recupera en el hospital, Kimble delirante recuerda los meses previos a la noche del asesinato de Helen Kimble y Kimble ve por primera vez al hombre manco que huye de su casa. Seguido por el juicio, la sentencia y el escape de Kimble del accidente de tren. Ruth, que ha estado velando junto a la cama de Kimble, lo oye murmurar el nombre de Helen. Pensando que está en algún tipo de problema, Ruth lleva a Kimble (ahora con el alias de George Browning) a su apartamento para que se recupere. Kimble luego le da consejos a Ruth sobre su relación con su novio, Paul, y para poner los problemas de su vida en perspectiva.

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El hogar es el cazado

7 de enero de 1964

Kimble regresa a su ciudad natal en Illinois después de enterarse de que su padre, John Kimble, sufrió un ataque al corazón y donó su biblioteca médica a la Universidad de Wisconsin y está en proceso de vender la casa familiar. Mientras Kimble se esconde en la casa de su hermana Donna y su simpático esposo Leonard, Kimble se culpa a sí mismo por la condición de su padre, pero está más preocupado por su hermano menor Ray, quien cree que Kimble es culpable y piensa que él tiene la culpa de arruinar su vida desde entonces. la gente ve a Ray como "el hermano de un asesino". Mientras tanto, Gerard llega a la ciudad para buscar a Kimble y se enfoca en Donna y Leonard, quienes intentan deshacerse del implacable detective el tiempo suficiente para que Kimble salga de la ciudad antes de que Gerard encuentre. a él.

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La casa del jardín

14 de enero de 1964

Kimble trabaja como cuidadora en un rancho espacioso en Connecticut, propiedad de la heredera del periódico Ann Guthrie, que vive con su esposo Harlan y su hermana Ruth. El difunto padre de Ann y Ruth fundó Westborne Clarion, el periódico que Harlan dirige actualmente. Aunque Ann es la única benefactora del patrimonio de su padre, cree que Ruth tiene derecho a parte de la fortuna. Pero Ann no sabe que la codiciosa Ruth está teniendo una aventura con Harlan y planean asesinar a Ann y reclamar todo. Cuando Kimble sospecha del plan de Ruth y Harlan e informa a Ann, la heredera escéptica se niega a creerle a Kimble. Sabiendo que Kimble lo sabe, la astuta pareja planea incriminarlo por el asesinato de Ann.

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Ven a verme morir

21 de enero de 1964

Mientras trabaja como peón en una pequeña ciudad de Nebraska, Kimble es testigo del arresto de un hombre local, llamado Bellows, sospechoso de un doble asesinato. Kimble se encuentra "delegado" por el diputado Bowers para ayudar a transportar a Bellows a la cárcel del condado, junto con cuatro testigos que vieron a Bellows huir de una granja que fue la escena del crimen. Aunque Bellows convence a Kimble de que él (como Kimble con el asesinato de su esposa) es una víctima inocente de evidencia circunstancial. Pero los habitantes de la ciudad siguen impasibles. Esa noche, cuando los hombres se emborrachan y deciden linchar a Bellows, Kimble lo ayuda a escapar. Pero Kimble es traicionada cuando Bellows, quien realmente mató a la pareja de granjeros, escapa y toma como rehén a otra pareja de granjeros.

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Dónde está la acción

28 de enero de 1964

Mientras trabaja como salvavidas en un hotel en Reno, Nevada, Kimble se ve envuelto en una disputa entre el dueño del hotel, Dan Polichek, y su hija adolescente malcriada y bulliciosa, Christine. 'Chris' cree que su padre ahuyentó a su madre, quien se suicidó hace años, y ella se dispone a deshonrar al Sr. Polichek provocando peleas de bar, humillándose a sí misma y va demasiado lejos cuando finge tener una aventura con Kimble. .

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Buscar en una ciudad ventosa

4 de febrero de 1964

Creyendo que el hombre manco está en Chicago, Kimble contacta a Mike Decker, un columnista de un periódico que defendió a Kimble durante su juicio. Kimble y Decker organizan una búsqueda por toda la ciudad del hombre manco. Pero las cosas se complican con la llegada de la esposa alcohólica de Decker, Paula, quien se pone nerviosa por la presencia de Kimble y se cae del vagón. Mientras tanto, Gerard se entera de la búsqueda de Decker de un hombre manco y decide utilizar al escritor para tenderle una trampa a Kimble.

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11 de febrero de 1964

Kimble trabaja como encargado de la perrera para Max Bodin, un criador de perros de exposición setter irlandés galardonados, y que actualmente está poniendo su perrera a la venta. El hijo de Max, Johnny, y la esposa de Johnny, Cora, descubren que uno de los perros ha desarrollado displasia de cadera, lo que significa que todos los perros de la línea de sangre probablemente heredarán la afección y no tendrán ningún valor como perros de exhibición. Pero le ocultan las noticias a Max y planean vivir de la venta. Pero cuando Kimble se topa con su plan, lo investigan.

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Rata en una esquina

18 de febrero de 1964

Herbie Grant, un matón de segunda categoría, recibe un disparo en la pierna mientras intenta robar una licorería en la que trabaja Kimble. Herbie luego toma como rehén a Kimble, donde Herbie afirma que, aunque intentó robar la tienda, es inocente de otros dos robos en licorerías en las otras ciudades. Kimble acepta ayudar a limpiar a Herbie en el que el capo deja ir al fugitivo. Kimble es convocado a la estación de policía local para dar su declaración sobre el robo donde lo reconoce la hermana de Herbie, Lorna, que trabaja en la oficina de correos local. Ella amenaza con entregar a Kimble a menos que entregue a su hermano, a quien cree culpable de esos otros robos. Pero en un motel local donde se hospeda Herbie, una criada lo reconoce y llama a la policía y lo arrestan. Pensando que Kimble lo traicionó, Herbie informa a Kimble a la policía.

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Huyendo de la policía estatal de Nevada, Kimble viaja con la hermana Veronica, una monja que viaja a Sacramento, donde planea renunciar a sus votos. Después de arreglar su auto cuando se descompone, Kimble acepta viajar con Veronica solo a la estación de tren más cercana. Pero Veronica cree que Kimble es su salvador e insiste en que la acompañe hasta Sacramento.

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Kimble y la hermana Veronica continúan su viaje a Sacramento, sin saber que la Policía del Estado de Nevada ha puesto un control de carretera en la frontera estatal. Mientras Kimble trata con un peón de rancho descontento, llamado Chuck Mathers, quien sospecha su verdadera identidad, la hermana Veronica descubre accidentalmente la identidad de Kimble a través de un informe de noticias de televisión. Pero ella no le dice a Kimble sobre su conocimiento de quién es él realmente.

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Vuelo del demonio final

10 de marzo de 1964

Mientras trabajaba como masajista en un gimnasio, Kimble es reconocida por el sheriff Bray, un representante de la ley local con aspiraciones policiales. Pero Kimble logra escapar con la ayuda de su compañero de trabajo Steve Edson. Después de confiarle a Steve su secreto, Kimble se entera de que Steve es un prófugo de conciencia: cinco meses antes, Steve fue juzgado y absuelto por el asesinato del hermano abusivo de su novia Linda, un asesinato que Steve realmente cometió y aparentemente no puede vivir con la culpa. por haberse salido con la suya. Kimble, a regañadientes, deja que Steve viaje con él. Pero Steve comienza a dejar pistas que pronto vuelven a poner al Sheriff Bray en su camino, lo que incluye ponerse en contacto con Linda para pedir ayuda y dejar que su vengativo otro hermano, Joey, los localice.

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Toques para una guerra muerta

17 de marzo de 1964

Mientras trabajaba como supervisor de una pista de patinaje, Kimble es reconocido por Joe Hallop, un exveterano de la Guerra de Corea terriblemente asustado que culpa a Kimble por su condición. Aparentemente, en la Guerra de Corea, Kimble casi muere en la explosión de una granada enemiga en la que Joe protegió a Kimble y le desfiguró la cara en el proceso. Noqueado, Kimble nunca supo quién le salvó la vida. Luego, Joe planea atraer a Kimble a un área remota y matarlo usando uno de sus mememtos de guerra: una granada viva.

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Alguien para recordar

24 de marzo de 1964

Mientras trabajaba como trabajador de almacén, Kimble es reconocida por el propietario nacido en Grecia, Gus Priamos. Gus le dice a Kimble que se está muriendo de cáncer y que solo le quedan seis meses de vida y espera ayudar al fugitivo con un plan para que parezca que Kimble ha huido del país a Grecia. Pero cuando la novia celosa de Gus, Sophie, se entera de la identidad de Kimble a través de un artículo de una revista, se pone en contacto con Gerard, quien se entera del plan de Kimble y Gus.

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Nunca dejes de correr

31 de marzo de 1964

Mientras trabaja como trabajador migrante en Nuevo México, Kimble se convierte en parte involuntaria del secuestro de un niño que es hijo de su jefe terrateniente. El niño, Jimmie, ha sido secuestrado por Ralph Simmons, un ex jugador de fútbol descontento, junto con su esposa Helen y su primo Dave. Cuando Kimble descubre que Jimmie es hemofílico y que Ralph lo lastimó durante el secuestro, Kimble debe encontrar la manera de alejar al niño de los secuestradores y llevarlo al hospital, o Jimmie pronto morirá por una hemorragia interna.

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El regreso a casa

7 de abril de 1964

Mientras trabaja como técnica de investigación para el rico Allan Pruitt, Kimble se involucra en el negocio de la hija adolescente de Allan, Janice, quien regresa a casa después de pasar un año en un hospital psiquiátrico recuperándose de un ataque de nervios después de presenciar cómo un niño bajo su cuidado se vuelve loco. asesinado por dos viciosos perros callejeros. Pero a la nueva esposa de Allan, Dorina, no le gusta Janice y planea volverla loca contratando a un vecino para que haga ladrar a sus perros en el bosque cercano y convenza a Janice de que los perros están vivos (fueron capturados y puestos a dormir). por el cazador de perros local.) Pero cuando Kimble afirma que ha oído ladrar a los perros, Dorina le pide al sheriff local que investigue a Kimble para encontrar algo sucio en él.

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Centro de tormentas

14 de abril de 1964

Mientras trabajaba como estibadora en Florida, Kimble es reconocida por Marcie King, una joven que cinco años antes le pidió a Kimble que le practicara un aborto (ilegal en ese momento; antes de Roe Vs. Wade). Kimble se negó debido a sus creencias religiosas y Marcie fue a otro médico de segunda categoría para que se lo hiciera. Pero después de la operación, debido a complicaciones, Marcie ya no puede tener hijos y culpa increíblemente a Kimble por ello. Cuando un huracán golpea el área, Marcie y su novio Harry, un estafador que huye de la ley, se acercan a Kimble y amenazan con entregarlo a menos que los lleve a un lugar seguro del huracán y la policía los busque.

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El juego final

Final de temporada
21 de abril de 1964

Una fotografía descartada, con Kimble de fondo, lleva a Gerard a Chicago, donde reúne a un equipo de detectives que atrapan a Kimble en un radio de ocho cuadras de la ciudad. Con Kimble deambulando de un lugar a otro y siendo reconocido por cualquiera con quien entre en contacto, huye tanto de la policía como de los ciudadanos locales y encuentra refugio en una pequeña casa que es el hogar de dos hombres de mediana edad, llamados Jake Devlin y Sam. Reed, quien ha discutido durante mucho tiempo sobre su inocencia.

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Man in a Chariot

15 de septiembre de 1964

Kimble happens to watch a TV debate in which a once-renowned attorney, named G. Stanley Lazer, claims that he could reverse Kimble's criminal conviction if the case went back to trial. Lazer once a respected lawyer, had his license revoked after getting into a car accident years before while driving drunk in which his wife was killed. Lazer now spends his days teaching law at a small college in Harrisburg. Kimble travels to Pennsylvania and meets with Lazer and his assistant, Nancy Gilman, to enlist their help. To prove his theory, Lazer decides to conduct a mock trial with his students playing the prosecutor, defense lawyer, and jury in front of a live TV audience. But while the mock trial continues, Kimble becomes aware that Lazer is really putting himself on trial for his past misdeeds.

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World's End

22 de septiembre de 1964

Kimble answers a classified ad from a certain Ellie Burnett, the daughter of his former defense attorney. They arrange to meet in Kansas City to discuss the information she received about a one-armed man from a private detective hired by her father. But Gerard sees the ad and knows who wrote it because he and Ellie's father were close friends and that Ellie may be in love with Kimble. While Gerard has Ellie investigated, she and Kimble find out that the one-armed man was killed in a fire only a week before. Kimble is devastated, but vows to confirm it. A little later, Ellie's private detective informs her that the one-armed man whom died in a fire was actually in prison at the time of Helen Kimble's murder. But Ellie withholds this news from Kimble and convinces him that they should leave the country, realizing that this may be her only chance at a life with him.

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Man on a String

29 de septiembre de 1964

While walking on the road late at night, Kimble comes to the aid of Lucey Russell after her car has broken down. As a gratitude, she provides him her place to stay for the night. But the next morning, the police find the dead body of Lars Adams, a married man whom Lucey has been having an affair with only a few feet where her car broke down. As a result, Lucey is arrested for Lars' murder. Lars' wife, Amy, realizes that her husband was killed accidentally, but after learning of his philandering with Lucey, Amy decides that Lucey should take the rap. Kimble realizes that he can prove Lucey's innocence, but testifying for her could jeopardize his own freedom.

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When the Bough Breaks

6 de octubre de 1964

While hoping freight trains, Kimble meets a young woman named Carol Hollister with her baby whom she is traveling to meet her husband. But Kimble doesn't know that Carol is a mentally disturbed young woman whose newborn baby died a year earlier and she has abducted another baby. Soon, Carol becomes so far gone that she mistakes Kimble as her late husband. Kimble must find a way to get the baby away from Carol and return it to it's rightfull parents while avoiding the police looking for her.

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13 de octubre de 1964

Kimball escapes from his workplace at a hatchery just as Gerard and the local sheriff come to arrest him. As Kimball drives off in the sheriff's car, he discovers that Gerard's son is hiding in the backseat.

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Tiger Left, Tiger Right

20 de octubre de 1964

While working as a gardener on the estate of a wealthy couple, Mike and Laura Pryor, Kimble is mistakenly abducted by Harold and Irene Cheyney. Harold is a Korean war veteran and former factory worker whom lost the use of his legs after a truck owned by the Pryor's company hit him. After writing several letters to Mike Pryor asking about work and disability compensation, none of the letters were answered, so Harold decides to kidnap Mike for a $100,000 ransom. But since Harold and Irene have never met or seen Mike Pryor they happedned to abduct Kimble instead after seeing Mike's son, Glenn, give more affection to Kimble than his distant father.

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Tug of War

27 de octubre de 1964

Kimball is working on a farm when he is captured by a sheriff and his deputy. The two men start fighting about how and when to turn Kimball over to the authorities-and one of them will go to any lengths to make sure he gets the credit for the capture.

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Dark Corner

10 de noviembre de 1964

Kimble finds refuge from the police in a rural farm house, where he meets Mattie Braydon, a sculptress who suffers from hysterical blindness whom lives with her older sister and their uncle. Mattie protects Kimble and while hiring him as a farmhand, she also begins using him as a model for her clay sculptures see keeps in the barn. But Kimble soon finds out that the sweet and innocent Mattie is in fact a possessive and manipulative sociopath who wants Kimble for herself and will do anything, including committing murder, to ensure her dark secrets of her past never get revealed.

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Escape Into Black

17 de noviembre de 1964

On the verge of closing in on the shadowy one-armed man, Kimble is renderd amnesiac after a freak gas explosion at a roadside diner. While the Fugitive fights to regain his memory, a struggle ensues at the local hospital between Margaret Ruskin, a sympathic social worker whom regonizes Kimble and belives him to be innocent, while a local physician, named Dr. Towne, belives Kimble to be guilty. Meanwhile, the one-armed man slips away, but not before he makes an anonymous phone call to the police and Gerard about Kimble's whereabouts.

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The Cage

24 de noviembre de 1964

While working as a handyman in the predominantly Hispanic fishing village of Puerto Viejo, Kimble becomes aware that the area is beset with a plague epidemic and he's forced to call the state health inspector to have the entire area quarantined. But he soon finds himself trapped when the local doctor suspects his true identity and the irate villagers set out to find him.

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Cry Uncle

1 de diciembre de 1964

After finding refuge in an orphanage, Kimble becomes entwined in the plight of a troubled teenage boy who passes him off as his uncle.

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Detour on a Road Going Nowhere

8 de diciembre de 1964

While working as a hotel steward in Wyoming, Kimble is forced to run after learning that another hotel employee has stolen hotel funds, and Kimble becomes the suspect. Kimble escapes on a tour bus containing a bickering couple called the Langners, a visiting spinster named Louanne, a local guy named Sandy Baird, and the bus driver. But Kimble becomes trapped when the bus breaks down on a back road, and all the passengers discover his secret when his identity is revealed over the radio. Held at gunpoint, Kimble must find a way to escape by emotionally getting between his various captors before the bus driver returns with the police.

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The Iron Maiden

15 de diciembre de 1964

An industrial accident traps Kimball and some government workers underground. A member of the trapped group wants to turn Kimball in as soon as they are rescued. To add to Richard's problems, Lt. Gerard is waiting above at the only exit.

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Devil's Carnival

22 de diciembre de 1964

Kimble unwittingly hitches a ride with Hanes McClure,a wanted criminal out to settle a score in his Georgia home town. When Hanes attempts to crash a barricade, and Kimble grabs the wheel to save an innocent life, but it gets both of them arrested. Both Kimble and Hanes then endure the spectacle the small town makes of the double arrest.

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Ballad for a Ghost

29 de diciembre de 1964

Kimble finds himself working with Hallie, a woman who bears a strong resemblance to his late wife. Hallie knows of the resemblance, and Kimble's danger is increased when Hallie's husband becomes jealous.

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Brass Ring

5 de enero de 1965

In Santa Monica, California, Kimble is hired by Norma Sessions to help care for her invalid brother Leslie, who was crippled in a car accident. Kimble doesn't realize that Norma, with her boyfriend Lars, are ploting to murder Leslie to collect his insurance money. When Norma suspects Kimble is hiding from the police, she plots to frame him for Leslie's murder.

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The End is But the Beginning

12 de enero de 1965

Kimball takes advantage of a deadly car accident as a way to try and convince Gerard that he is now dead.

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Nicest Fella You'd Ever Want to Meet

19 de enero de 1965

While traveling though a small town in Arizona, Kimble is arrested by the brutal and sadistic Sheriff Jo Bob Sims whom has political ambitions. Sheriff Sims (unaware of Kimble's true identity) subjects him to slave labor with a group of other vagrants he arrests on a daily basis for no reason other than to torture or humiliate them. When Kimble witnesses Sims murder another prisoner and has the equally corrupt mayor and town council cover it up to look like an accident, Kimble becomes aware that his own life is in danger.

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Fun and Games and Party Favors

26 de enero de 1965

While working as a chauffeur for a wealthy family, Kimble learns that the teenage daughter of the family is dating the pool cleaner. While chaperoning a party for the daughter's friends, Kimble throws out a unruly young man who crashes the party. But Kimble is soon faced with a little blackmail when the man turns out to be a crime buff and recongizes Kimble from a police magazine.

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2 de febrero de 1965

A man who knew Kimble during one of his disguises, meets him again. He tells him that on one of his hurried, silent departures from a town, he left behind evidence which indicated he was dead and an innocent man is being held for his murder.

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Corner of Hell

9 de febrero de 1965

On the run from Gerard, Kimball stumbles onto private property belonging to a family of moonshiners. When Gerard gives chase on foot, he too is caught by the backwoods family, and is accused of attacking one of the girls in the family. Kimball has to decide whether or not to keep the family from killing Gerard.

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Moon Child

16 de febrero de 1965

Kimble arrives in a small town where women are being murdered by an unknown serial killer and a vigilante mob mistakes Kimble (a stranger in town) of being the killer. Kimble hides out with a young woman with learning difficulties named Joanne Mercer, a 'moon child' befriends Kimble and hides him in the basement of her house which is connected by a underground tunnel to a closed-down textile factory where the real killer is hiding out.

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The Survivors

2 de marzo de 1965

Richard Kimble returns home when he learns his wife's family is in financial trouble. The complications are that his mother-in-law hates him, his sister-in-law loves him, and his father-in-law is being questioned by the police.

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While working as a truck driver for a small freight company, Kimble discovers that his angry and bitter boss, Gus Hendrick, is being blackmailed by Lucia Mayfield, the wife of his late business partner, into paying her bills and for child support since Mr. Mayfield was killed a year earlier in a driving accident. But Kimble later learns that with Hendrick strapped for money, and Lucia merely squandering the blackmail money for her own selfish purposes, Hendrick plans to hijack one of his own trucks to collect an insurance settlement.

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May God Have Mercy

16 de marzo de 1965

While working as a hospital orderly, Kimble is recognized by Victor Leonetti and his wife Anne whom hold Kimble responsible for the death of their daughter. Kimble tries to flee, but gets shot and is forced to undergo surgery for the gunshot wounds. But when Victor learns that Kimble was trying to contact a specialist at the time of the girl's death, he tries to make amends by confessing to Gerard, whom arrives at the hospital, that he was the one who murdered Helen Kimble.

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23 de marzo de 1965

While traveling through an small Oklahoma town, Kimble is arrested, not because the police recognize him, but because they've mistaken him for Leonard Hull, a former numbers runner about to testify against a big-time racketeer, whom has run away from a witness relocation program in that very town. Kimble is taken to a motel where Leonard's wife, Mavis, knows he's not Leonard in which Kimble asks for her help to get away from the police, and a local hit man pursuing them.

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Runner in the Dark

30 de marzo de 1965

A woman calls the police after she recognizes Kimble's picture on a TV quiz show and in the ensuing manhunt, Kimble hides out in a home for the blind. Kimble becomes acquainted with some of the residents, including the attractive Claire Whittaker whom he assists, as well as Pete Haskell whom Kimble discovers is not really blind and was actually temporarily blinding in a school bus accident months earlier which Pete blames himself since he was driving drunk at the time. But one of the residents is a certain Dan Brady, a veteran lawman whom was blinded in the line of duty and has now been put out to pasture. Brady remains bitter for having lost his position as the town's sheriff to the younger, more educated, but less experienced, Barney Vilattic. When Brady suspects Kimble's true identity, he sees an opportunity to capture the fugitive to reclaim his former job.

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6 de abril de 1965

Kimble hops onto a freight train and finds himself in the company of three escaped convicts (two of which are wounded during their escape). One of the convicts dies from his wounds while the second one, a brutal murderer named Neil Pinkerton, forces Kimble to treat his leg wound. Pinkerton decides to keep Kimble as a hostage as a safeguard against the police. Pinkerton, Kimble, and the other prisoner, named Matt Mooney, seek refuge in a farm house owned by widow Mona Ross and her mother whom recognize all of them and treat Kimble, Mooney and Pinkerton as their celebrity guests.

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The Old Man Picked a Lemon

13 de abril de 1965

While working as a ranch hand on a California citrus farm, the owner, Leland Hagerman, suddenly dies in an accident and the man's racist and sadistic son, Blaine, arrives to stake his claim to the place and sees everyone as expendable, including Kimble whom must find a way to quietly slip away with the help of the Hispanic workers before Blaine stumbles upon his true identity.

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Last Second of a Big Dream

Final de temporada
20 de abril de 1965

Barry Craft figures he'll get some publicity by arranging to have Kimble captured at his wild-animal show.

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Wings of an Angel

14 de septiembre de 1965

Kimble is riding on a bus when the police stop it, not to arrest Kimble, but to capture an escaped convict who takes a woman hostage. Kimble disarmes the man, but gets stabbed during the struggle while the convict is shot dead. Not knowing his true identity, the police treat Kimble as a hero and transport him to a hospital for treatment, the prison hospital. When two inmates recognize Kimble in the prison infirmary, they threaten to reveal his identity unless he assists them in their drug smuggling scheme by stealing morphine from the medicine cabinet. Kimble goes along with it, but the drugs get discovered by a guard. One of the prisoners, a innocent orderly named Mickey Deming, gets accused being involved with the smuggling. Kimble recovers and is released. But he risks his freedom when he returns to try to clear Mickey of the charges.

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Middle of a Heat Wave

21 de septiembre de 1965

While dating a local woman named Laurel Harper, Kimble breaks off their romantic affair and she angrily storms out of the bar they are in and into the night. The next morning, Laurel is found on an abandoned road unconscious and badly beaten. While she is taken to a hospital for treatment, Laurel's paranoid and suspicious sister, Sheila, convinces the police to hold Kimble for questioning.

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Crack in a Crystal Ball

28 de septiembre de 1965

A scam artist posing as a psychic goes on TV to prove that he knows where Kimble will appear next-with a little help from an accomplice who is traveling with Kimble.

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Trial by Fire

5 de octubre de 1965

Kimble's sister Donna summons him home with a possible break in the case: a letter from James Eckhardt, a former U.S. Army captain whom also saw the one-armed man fleeing from the Kimble's house on the night of Helen's murder. Kimble meets with Eckhardt who agrees to help the fugitive out. Eckhardt's story seems strong enough to clear Kimble. But unknown to either men, another witness comes forward: a convict in prison for drug dealing, who reveals that he used to sell heroin to Eckhart for a Korean War battle wound and that Eckhardt was on his way to see him that night to buy some drugs, which is more than enough for Gerard to discredit Eckhardt's testimony.

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Conspiracy of Silence

12 de octubre de 1965

While working as a steward at a remote desert resort, Kimble is unaware that the area is a top-secret government test site for chemical weapons. Kimble tries to leave, but gets mistaken for a spy by Major Beck, the head of the project. When several staff members, including the staff physician, suffer from a resulting chemical explosion, Kimble is pressed into service to care for the wounded, unaware that Beck still plans to turn him into the army general leading the project.

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Three Cheers for Little Boy Blue

19 de octubre de 1965

Kimble is working as a chauffeur for George Forster, a successful contractor who returns to his small Midwestern home town with big plans for the community. While Forster's homecoming is greeted by overall apathy and resentment, Kimble discovers that one of the townspeople is planning to kill Forster. Kimble must find out who it is before his secret is discovered

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All the Scared Rabbits

26 de octubre de 1965

Kimble responds to a newspaper ad for a driver and is hired to drive a certain Peggy Franklin and her 10-year-old daughter, Nancy, to California. But Kimble doesn't realize that Peggy has abducted Nancy from her ex-husband, a pathologist named Dean Franklin. Nancy innocently removes a rabbit from Dean's research lab, unaware that the rabbit has meningitis. When Nancy contracts the sickness, Kimble risks keeping his secret safe to save Nancy before she dies.

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An Apple a Day

2 de noviembre de 1965

Running from the police, Kimble hides out at a farm owned by a local country doctor, named Josephus Adams, whom treats his patients with little more than a dose of honey and a reassuring word. After one elderly woman under Adams care dies from a protracted bronchial infection, an angry Kimble intervenes and tries to help the patients. But in the meantime, Adams' wife, Marianne, stumbles upon Kimble's identity and tries to use that to her own advantage. When Dr. Adams teenage niece, Sharon, falls into a coma after having an alergic reaction to bee stings, Kimble risks his freedom to take her away from Adams to a hospital for treatment.

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Landscape with Running Figures (1)

16 de noviembre de 1965

In Part 1 of a 2-part story, Lt. Gerard and his wife are on a much-needed vacation. When Gerard rushes off to answer the call to duty, an angry Mrs. Gerard decides that enough is enough, and leaves town on the bus. Unbeknownst to her, Kimble is on the same bus. When the bus crashes, Kimble helps her get away from the wreck. Due to a head injury, she is suffering from temporary blindness and doesn't recognize Kimble. Kimble, unaware of who SHE really is, decides to accompany her to a phone where she can contact her husband. Along the way Mrs. Gerard starts asking questions, and is starting to form an image of Kimble, and is intrigued with what she learns. Will she discover his true identity before they reach their destination?

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Landscape with Running Figures (2)

23 de noviembre de 1965

In the conclusion to Part 1 (from last week), Kimball accompanies a temporarily-blinded Mrs. Gerard to a place where she can phone her husband for help. Mrs. Gerard, who is as inquisitive as her husband, continues to pepper Kimball with questions about himself and his life. As she starts to put the pieces together, she realizes that this man may be Richard Kimball. She begins to form a plan to trap him.

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Set Fire to a Straw Man

30 de noviembre de 1965

Kimble reluctantly becomes involved with Stella Savano, the sister of George Savano, a mobster who runs the trucking company where Kimble works. Stella is an emotionally disturbed women with a dangerous attraction to Johnny, the adopted eight-year-old son of Jesse Stangel, Kimble's co-worker. Kimble learns that Stella is actually Johnny's mother. But Stella becomes so delusional that she thinks that Kimble is Johnny's father.

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Stranger in the Mirror

7 de diciembre de 1965

Kimble is working as a custodian for the Saturday Morning Camp, a weekend camp run by Tony and Carole Burnell. Things become complicated when two police officers are found beaten to death. The police recruit Tony, a former policeman, to interrogate a local juvenile delinquent whom is the main suspect in the killings. But unknown to everyone, the real killer is the schizoid Tony whom blames the police for his death of his father whom was a policeman and was sent to prison on a trumped-up murder charge and then killed by the dirty cops during a prison riot.

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The Good Guys and the Bad Guys

14 de diciembre de 1965

In the small town of Drover City, Montana, Kimble stumbles onto the annual ""vigilante roundup,"" a carnival of sorts where locals ""hunt"" down anybody not wearing Western cowboy clothing. After being ""lassoed"" literally, Kimble is held ""prisoner"" in the local school cafeteria where the dance hall is. Meanwhile, Gerard arrives in the area after hearing reports of Kimble's spotting, has the state police set up roadblocks outside the town, and then enters looking for the fugitive. Gerard shows Kimble's mug shot to Charley Judd, the town marshal whom recognizes Kimble. But Charley mistakenly thinks there's a reward on Kimble (and Charley wants to keep all the money for himself). So, he sends Gerard away on a false lead and has his girlfriend, Laura, transport Kimble to the real jail at the police station. There, Kimble must persuade Laura to let him go by telling her that Charley is in it for his own selfish reasons, just as Gerard figures out that Charley has sent him on a wild-goose chase

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End of the Line

21 de diciembre de 1965

After losing his wallet, Kimble steals another wallet to pay for his train fare. The wallet belongs to R.T. Unger, who owns a local dairy. Kimble finds work as dishwasher at a local diner in order to repay the debit. But when Unger finds his wallet missing, he calls the police. Kimble goes to Unger's house and gives back the wallet and money to Unger's daughter, Betty Jo, whom is pregnant by Neil, a disreputable youth whom works at Unger's dairy. Unger offers Neil $1,000 to leave town. But when Neil refuses, their argument turns into a fistfight where Kimble walks in and sees Neil kill Unger. Kimble flees and tries to find a way to get out of town before Neil decides to pass the blame for the killing on the fugitive.

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When the Wind Blows

28 de diciembre de 1965

In rural Wyoming, Kimble seeks refuge from the local constable at a small hotel run by Lois Carter, a young widow whom hires him as a handyman. Kimble soon befriends Lois' son Kenny, a particularly sensitive young boy whom protects Kimble from the police when they arrive looking for him.

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Not With a Whimper

4 de enero de 1966

Kimble arrives in the factory town of Hempstead Mills, West Virginia to assist Andrew McCallister, his longtime mentor whom is dying from lung cancer which he is confined to a wheelchair. McCallister's vigorous anti-smog campaign has earned him a reputation as a local crackpot. But the old man plans to go out with a bang; by having a bomb hidden in a package where he has Kimble deliver to the local factory. But when McCallister discovers that a group of school children will be inside the factory during a school tour at the time of the explosion, he dispatches Kimble to evacuate the building and deactivate the bomb before time runs out.

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Wife Killer

11 de enero de 1966

Reporter Barbara Webb spots Fred Johnson, the one-armed man, in a police roundup of suspicious character during a murder investigation. Calling to mind the Kimble case with her publisher boss Herb Malone, Barbara takes a photo of Johnson and publishes it in the local newspaper. The image of the one-armed man draws both Kimble and Gerard to the town. While Gerard waits for Kimble to show up at the police station, the fugitive is outside and sees Johnson in the jail courtyard. But the one-armed man spots Kimble and escapes from the jail and steals a getaway car. Barbara spots Kimble and tells him to get in her car as they chase after the one-armed man. During the chase down a winding mountain road, the one-armed man's car crashes, and Kimble has to tend to Johnson's injuries knowing that he's the only one to clear Kimble of his wife's murder. Unable to speak because of a head injury, Johnson nodds when Kimble asks if he murdered Helen. While Kimble rests, Barbara types a confession paper

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This'll Kill You

18 de enero de 19661h

Kimble finds work at a Laundromat owned by Charlie Paris, a former stand-up comic and mob bookie who hopes to go straight. But Kimble doesn't know that that the underworld has put a hit contract on Charlie for testifying against some of their business ""associates."" Charlie hopes to make amends meet to his longtime girlfriend Paula, but she's more interested in Kimble. When a mob flunky offers Paula $8,000 for turning Charlie over to them, she does not pass up the chance and takes the money, while Charlie refuses to believe Kimble's suspicions that Paula plans to betray him.

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Echo of a Nightmare

25 de enero de 1966

Jane Washburn, an undercover policewoman, witnesses three youths beat up and rob Kimble. She attends to him, but becomes suspicious after he declines to report his mugging to the police. So, she handcuffs herself to Kimble to arrest him, but he manages to flee the area with her. After Jane sprains her ankle after hopping off a freight train, they break into an abandoned farm house so Kimble can attend to her, as well as saw off the handcuffs. But the family who lives there soon returns and Kimble is held at gunpoint by the domineering and rabid patriarch of the family.

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Stroke of Genius

1 de febrero de 1966

Gary Keller, a promising art student, tests his new rifle by firing a random shot which instantly kills his mentor, the town minister, who happens to be driving on a road right in the line of fire. Kimble happens to be in the car after the minister gives a ride to the hitchhiking fugitive. The car crashes and Kimble hobbles away to attend to his injuries. A guilt ridden Gary wants to confess, but his father, Steve, refuses to let him do so and destroy his promising career. The police arrive on the scene and after spotting Kimble, they think he is the killer and notify Geard whom arrives in town to track him down. Meanwhile, Steve decides to take matters into his own hands by finding Kimble and hiding him so he does not implicate his son.

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Shadow of the Swan

8 de febrero de 19661h

At a carnival, Kimble meets Tina Anderson, an attractive young woman whom helps him get a job and introduces him to her uncle Harry, whom is a retired police detective. But Harry soon recognizes Kimble and tries to arrest him. Tina helps Kimble get away and wants to run off with him, but he refues. Tina, whom is revealed to be an obsessed sociopath, plots to betray Kimble for him refusing her advances.

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Running Scared

22 de febrero de 19661h

After learning of the death of his father, Kimble contacts Donna and her husband Len Taft and wants to meet with them. Donna and Len drive to Fort Wayne, Indiana and check into a hotel under assumed names. But their rendezvous is threatned by Mike Ballinger, the former prosecuting attorney at Kimble's trial, who recognizes them and calls on Gerard to set up a trap.

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The Chinese Sunset

1 de marzo de 19661h

Kimble is working as the ""general factotum"" in a swank Beverly Hills hotel on Sunset Blvd. An undercover policeman, named Fred Bragin, checks into the hotel to survey Eddie Slade, a notorious mob bookie. When Slade leaves town for a few days to sort out some business of his, his girlfriend, Penelope, stays behind while Bragin focuses his surveillance on her. Penelope meets and turns to Kimble for help in mingling with the wealthy in-crowd of the hotel residents in which Kimble agrees to tutor her on the find art of socializing, manners, and better increasing her vocabulary.

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Ill Wind

8 de marzo de 19661h

Gerard tracks Kimble to a migrant community in South Texas where he finally captures the fugitive who attempts to flee by train. But a violent hurricane strikes the area and forces them to seek shelter in a fragile barn where most of the farm workers are gathered. But when Gerard is badly injured when the roof collapses on him, Kimble, to the astonishment of the workers, actually helps try to save the lieutenant by helping transport him to another building where the fugitive pleads for a blood doner to save Gerard's life whom has weakened by the loss of blood.

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With Strings Attached

15 de marzo de 19661h

Kimble is hired as a chauffeur by Geoffrey Martin, a 17-year-old violinist whom has grown weary of his career and would like to stop playing professionally for a few years when he decides to go away to college. But Geoffrey's demanding guardian/instructor, Max Pfeiffer, refuses to let Geoffrey go because under a contract, Geoffrey is obligated to continue performing until he is 21. In order to ""free"" himself from Mr. Pfieffer, Geoffrey manipulates his assistant, Ellen, and Kimble into believing that Mr. Pifieffer is emotionally destroying him.

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The White Knight

22 de marzo de 1966

After witnessing a small plane crash, Kimble rescues the pilot and two passengers, senatorial candidate Glenn Madison, and his assistant/secret lover, Pat Haynes. Glenn's PR man, Russ Haynes (Pat's husband) arranges for a sketch artist to draw a portrait of Glenn's rescuer whom had left the scene. Russ locates the fugitive and brings him to the Madison estate for Glenn to congratulate him for saving his life. But the sketch artist recognizes Kimble and calls the police whom arrives at the mansion. But Russ and Glenn hold them off. Meanwhile, Glenn's wife, Claire, recognizes Kimble, and threatens to turn him in unless he tells her of the person that Glenn has seeing, aware of her husband's long history of infidelity. But Kimble claims not to know anything. When Kimble confronts Pat, she admits to her affair with Glenn. Claire overhears the conversation and decides to destroy her husband's image. But Glenn murders her and then calls the police again to put the blame of the fugitive.

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The 2130

29 de marzo de 19661h

While working as a chauffeur in Denver, Colorado, Kimble reluntantly covers for teenager Lauire Ryder after she dents her father's car. But Kimble flees after discovering that Laurie was involved in a hit-and-run. After learning Kimble's idenity, Laurie's father, Dr. Mark Ryder, summons Gerard (along with the entire Kimble file) to Denver where he introduces Gerard to the 2130, a computer that can help capture the fugitive by determining a pattern to his travels. As the 2130 makes progress, Kimble's new travels all over the country end with one close escape after another with the police.

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A Taste of Tomorrow

12 de abril de 1966

Kimble meets Joe Tucker, another fugitive whom claims that he was wrongly convicted for embezzlement four years earlier and wants to return to his hometown to kill the bank officer he claims framed him. When Kimble is arrested for driving Joe's truck which was stolen, Joe's teenage daughter, Sarah, tries to get Kimble to reveal the location of her father claiming that the real culprit, whom died recently, had confessed to the crime before he died. Kimble manages to escape from the jail and tries to find Joe before he kills an innocent man. But the police uncover Kimble's true identity and set out to capture both him and Joe.

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In a Plain Paper Wrapper

19 de abril de 19661h

Kimble, working as a bartender in a local diner, becomes involved with waitress Susan Cartwright. But their growing romance is complicated by the arrival of Susan's orphaned nephew Gary, who is trying to break into a small group of local boys. When Gary recognizes Kimble from growing up in Stafford, Gary tells them of his find and they decide to capture the fugitive with a rifle they purchase from a magazine ad. Meanwhile, Susan's social worker, Mr. Shaw, investigates Susan and her ability to raise Gary, but then focuses on Kimble.

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Final de temporada
26 de abril de 1966

After a diver dies in an underwater mishap, Kimball comes to the defense of the diver's girlfriend-whom the locals believe is a jinx. Kimball knows that the death may have been due to negligence- knowledge that puts him in jeopardy.

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The Last Oasis

13 de septiembre de 1966

Injuring after being shot during a police chase, Kimble seeks refuge at an orphange near a Navajo Indian reservation in Puma County, Arizona. Annie Johnson, the head teacher (and herself an orphan), removes the bullet and offers Kimble work as a teacher. Meanwhile, while the local sheriff Prycer belives that Kimble has escaped, a determined and overzealous deputy, named Steel, belives Kimble is still in the area and suspects Annie of sheltering the fugitive.

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Death is the Door Prize

20 de septiembre de 1966

Kimble visits an enclosed plaza in the heart of the city. Due to a misunderstanding, on-site security mistakes him for someone else and gives chase. Thinking they are on to him, Richard tries to jump a fence but is caught by a guard, and has to punch him out to get away. A lady working at a camera store lets him stay at her place (in the plaza), while he rests and heals. To complicate things more, Kimble's earlier visit to the video store was caught on video tape, and someone who sees the tape recognizes him. Kimble's visit also coincides with an accidental shooting inside of a storage room, so the police are at the plaza, investigating.

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A Clean and Quiet Town

27 de septiembre de 1966

Kimble makes the mistake of going to Clark City, a corrupt gambling town. Fred Johnson (the one-armed man) is there as well, and has two corrupt cops beat up Kimble. When Richard survives the attack, Johnson then puts out a contract on him. Kimble eventually catches up with Johnson, beats the garbage out of him, and tries to turn him over to the police-who are working for a local mob figure. The small-town syndicate has to decide what to do with both troublemakers: dispose of them, or let them go?

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The Sharp Edge of Chivalry

4 de octubre de 1966

Kimble, working as an apartment janitor in a nameless big city, becomes implicated in a murder when Roger Roland, a neighbor whom lives across the street, is a troubled young man and a part of Irish royalty, but he profanes his family history by dying his red hair black. Roger murders a neighbor woman in the building where Kimble lives by bludgeoning her to death with a marble statue after she refuses his advances. After a tenant reports seeing a figure run from the murder victim's apartment, the police arrive and suspect Kimble despite his alibi. Roger then hides the statue in Kimble's room and when Kimble finds it, he hides it in an air conditioning vent. Kimble thinks Roger is involved and tells his father, Edward, and Roger's younger sister Liz. But naturally, Edward Roland refuses to believe Kimble and unbelievably thinks Kimble is the killer and calls the police. Kimble escapes and tries, with Liz's help, to prove his innocence. Meanwhile, Gerard arrives in town after hearing the

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Ten Thousand Pieces of Silver

11 de octubre de 1966

Kimble finds work on Jake Lawrence's farm, where he develops a special friendship with Jake's autistic daughter, Cathy. But Kimble soon becomes nervous when the local sheriff, Mel Bailey, begins searching for Joe Burmas, a convicted murder having escaped from prison a few weeks before. Burmas attacks and nearly kills Kimble after trapping him inside a truck that crashes into a creek. Meanwhile, back in Stafford, Gerard has the local newspaper establish a $10,000 reward for Kimble's capture hoping someone will respond. A local storekeeper recognizes Kimble's face in the newspaper but decides to collect the money for himself. Kimble then tries to evade capture from a local posse, but he again runs into the murderous Burmas whom also takes Cathy hostage as well.

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Joshua's Kingdom

18 de octubre de 1966

While working as a veterinarian assistant in a rural town in Utah, Kimble becomes aquainted with Ruth Simmons, an unwed teenage mother whom has a sickly infant. But her father, Joshua, is a Christian Scientist whose religion prohibits the use of medicine for any ailment. Kimble brings over antibiotics, but Joshua destroys the drugs. After determing that the baby is anemic, Kimble secretly arranges for a blood transfusion. Meanwhile, after stumbling upon Kimble's true idenity, a would-be deputy, named Pete, searches for the fugivtive with the aid of his two bloodhound dogs.

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Second Sight

25 de octubre de 1966

While working in a film supply store as a photo developer, Kimble spots Fred Johnson, the one-armed man, in a photo. After tracking down the freelance photographer, Howie Keever, whom took the photo, Kimble learns that Johnson works at a nearby chemical warehouse. Kimble goes to the warehouse and suprises Johnson. During the scuffle, Johnson accidently ignites some chemicals, chreating an expostion which leaves him badly injured and Kimble blinded by the flash. Johnson manages to escape and once again reports Kimble to the police. Kimble manages to escape from the hospital before the police arrive and tries to get back to Howie's apartment to ask him to hide him. But the police question Howie and his uncle whom learn Kimble's true idenity, as well as the $10,000 reward.

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Wine is a Traitor

1 de noviembre de 1966

Carl Crandall is the wealthy and spoiled son of winery owner Pete Crandall. Carl stops a labor strike at the winery by killing the union leader and framing Morales, another worker, for it. Kimble happens by and witness Carl run from the scene of the crime, but he is unable to tell anyone because of his secret. Kimble tries to write an annoymous letter to the California District Attorney, but Carl's goons confiscate the letter. While Kimble tries to persuade Morales's wife, Elena, to help him report Carl to clear her husband, Pete suspects Carl of the murder and sends his two right hand men to keep an eye on Carl. But the two men are in league with Carl who orders them to murder Kimble.

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Approach with Care

15 de noviembre de 1966

Kimble meets Willie Turner, a mentaly disabled young man who is accused of hurting a child. Kimble reluctantly hides Willie at a carnival where Kimble now works. Kimble tries to persuade Willie to return to the hospital where his sister had him committed. But naturally, Willie is slow to understand what Kimble means and, on top of that, does not remember hitting the young boy he is accused of hurting. Willie's sister, Mary, as well as an attendant from the psycho ward at the local hospital, arrive searching for Willie and find him. But the attendant recognizes Kimble and calls the police. In trying to protect his new friend, Willie strikes the attendant, badly injuring him, and warns Kimble in which both men, now fugitives, take off in a stolen truck. Kimble hides out with Willie at a nearby auto wrecking lot, where he tries to persuade Willie to return to the hospital, while the sheriff and his men already on their trail.

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Nobody Loses All the Time

22 de noviembre de 1966

After Kimble spots Fred Johnson at the scene of a fire, he gives chase-but stops to help a woman who has been hit by a vehicle. After Kimble helps her get to a hospital, he discovers that she is Johnson's girlfriend. Meanwhile, Johnson has contacted her and told her to contact the police. Eventually, Gerard arrives at the hospital, as a result of a tipoff, and tries to lay a trap for Kimble.

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Right in the Middle of the Season

29 de noviembre de 1966

While working as a fishing crewman, Kimble becomes embroiled in a union strike which is orgainzed by Joe Donovan, the son of Kimble's employer, grizzled fisherman Tony Donovan. During a rally, Kimble, Tony and a few others are arrested. After being released, Kimble tries to leave town knowing his secret will be revealed, but he's prevented from doing so. When the police finally learn Kimble's idenity, they question Tony about his whereabouts, but the sympathic Tony claims not to know. He then offers to take Kimble to Mexico if he helps him out on his latest fishing trip. But Joe sees Tony smuggle Kimble on his boat and calls the authorities.

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The Devil's Disciples

6 de diciembre de 1966

While fleeing from a sheriff's dragnet, Kimble is rescued by a dangerous motorcycle gang called 'the Devil's Disciples, led by the brutal Hutch. As payback, Hutch and his gang want Kimble to help them avenge the death of a former gang member who robbed a gas filling station, where his father turned him in and as part of his sentence; he was drafted and sent to Vietnam where he was killed in action. When Kimble notices that the gang is not completly unified, he seeks help from Don, one of the members, and his girlfriend, Patty, to help him escape so he can warn the police to prevent the killing of the deseased gang member's father.

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The Blessings of Liberty

20 de diciembre de 1966

Kimble finds work at an upholstery store where the police are staking out the place in their search for an escaped killer, named Bowen. Kimble becomes aquainted with one worker, a Hungarian immigrant named Josef Karac, whom Kimble discovers that Josef is a doctor wanted by the police for an abortion that he performed years earlier. Meanwhile, the police stake out Dr. Karac's apartment where his wife, daughter and nephew live, while undercover cop, Jim Macklin, goes undercover as a worker at the shop where Bowen was last seen to investigate his girlfrend whom is Dr. Karac's daughter. But Macklin soon recongizes Kimble and begins a second investigation to try to capture him. In the meantime, Bowen returns and takes the Karac family hostage to force them to hide him from the police just next door.

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The Evil Men Do

27 de diciembre de 1966

After Kimble saves his boss' life, the man (a former mobster), is determined to repay the debt to Kimble by killing Gerard. After he learns that Gerard has discovered Kimble's whereabouts, he leads the Lieutenant into a deadly trap. Can Kimble save Gerard in time?

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Run the Man Down

3 de enero de 1967

While hopping a freight train, Kimble meets a wounded criminal who demands to take him to a rendezvous point in the hills of Southern California. Kimble reluctantly does which is an isolated cabin in the deep woods where they are joined by three more men whom happen to be robbers of an armored car who demand from the criminal their loot. Not believing their accomplice's true story that he lost the money when it fell off the train due to his gunshot injury, the three robbers hold Kimble, a widow named Laura Craig, as well as a park ranger who happens by, while torturing the man for the location of the money.

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The Other Side of the Coin

10 de enero de 1967

While working as a clerk in a small grocery store in Ocean Grove, California, Kimble becomes embroiled in a conflict between his co-worker Larry Corby and his father Ben, who's the town sheriff. When Ben refuses to support Larry and his pregnant girlfriend, the boy dons a mask and robs the store. After being shot during the escape, Larry drives off while Ben gives chase. Larry runs off the road and Ben is shocked to find his son as the holdup man. Ben then hides Larry and after recognizing Kimble, makes a bargain: if Kimble can save his son's life, Ben will set him free.

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The One That Got Away

17 de enero de 1967

Ralph Schuyler is a government agent who goes undercover as a boat captain to spy on Felice Greer, the wife of an international embezzler hiding out in Mexico and she's presumably coming down to him with the stolen money. Kimble happens to be on the boat too as a hired deck hand. When Ralph learns that Kimble's identity is false, he takes Kimble's fingerprints and after an 'emergency' landing, the agent leaves the fingerprints with a local Mexican shopkeeper and notifies the authorities of Felice's whereabouts. But when Ralph is badly burned in a engine room fire, Kimble tries to save him and takes over the boat's steering to safely make it to their destination. But when Kimble intercepts a cable with the incriminating report on his fingerprints, Kimble is torn between fleeing or staying to help Ralph, while Kimble also discovers that Felice's husband is up to no good concerning the stolen money.

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Concrete Evidence

24 de enero de 1967

Kimble finds work as a construction worker in Nebraska where he is recongized by building contract; the unscrupulous Alex ""Pat"" Patton, who once built a theater in his home town. But a wall of the theater collapsed due to faulty construction which killed three children. Although exonerated of manslaughter charges, the townspeople have been irate to him ever since. Now two years later, Pat's company faces financial ruin, yet Pat pours his own money into a mysterious ""motel"" his crew is now building. Pat approaches Kimble and tells him that he knows who he is from a wanted poster he keeps in his office. He tells Kimble about his plight and that he has one month to live because he's dying from a heart condition. Pat wants Kimble to keep him alive long enough to finish the ""motel"" and if Kimble refuses to do so or flees, Pat will turn him in to the local authorities.

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The Breaking of the Habit

31 de enero de 1967

After fleeing a police roadblock where he gets shot in the leg, Kimble hops on a truck headed toward Sacramento where he meets Sister Veronica (the nun whom he drove from Nevada to Sacramento in the 'Angels Travel on Lonely Roads' episodes) whom is now the principal of the St. Mary Magdalene School for girls. Kimble asks Sister Veronica to drive him to Tarlton, where the one-armed man supposedly works as a numbers runner for a local racketeer. But a 'bad-girl' student recognizes Kimble and calls the police, forcing Kimble to hide on the roof of a building despite his injury. Meanwhile, Sister Veronica (whom is suffering from a brain tumor) learns that another delinquent student has run away, and is torn between driving after the girl or staying to help Kimble.

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There Goes the Ballgame

7 de febrero de 1967

While attending a minor league baseball game, Kimble unwittingly witnesses a man walk away with a woman whom is later revealed to be the daughter of newspaper publisher Andy Newark. After discovering that Kimble witnessed the proceedings, Newmark summons Kimble to his office where he tells him that the woman is his daughter and she has been kidnapped. Her abductors want a $200,000 ransom. When word leaks out, reporters surround the Newmark household and Kimble is unable to slip away. Meanwhile, the kidnappers, a former baseball player and a friend, realize that Kimble witnessed them. So, they plot to have Kimble deliver the ransom money so they can kill him.

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The Ivy Maze

21 de febrero de 1967

Fritz Simmons is a college professor doing research on sleep depervation. One of his patients is the one-armed man Fred Johnson, whom works as a groundskeeper at Wellington College. When Johnson begins talking in his sleep about having killed a woman, Fritz contacts Kimble. When Kimble arrives, he verifies that it is indeed Johnson, and he and Fritz realize that by recording Johnson's confession will prove Kimble's innocence. Meanwhile, Gerard has found out about the experiments from Fritz's wife Caroline, and believes that Kimble may be on the premises. Gerard's arrival at the facility leads to an incredible confrontation between himself, Kimble and the one-armed man.

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Goodbye My Love

28 de febrero de 1967

Kimble becomes romantically involved with former recording star Gail Martin, unaware that she know his secret, and the $10,000 reward for his capture. Gail and her other lover, Alan Bartlet, are plotting to kill Alan's wealthy wife Norma, a former golf pro now confided to a wheelchair, and put the blame on Kimble so they can capture him and collect the reward money, and Norma's vast wealth.

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Passage to Helena

7 de marzo de 1967

After being arrested in a small Montana town for a minor loitering charge, Kimble is put in jail next to a suspect in a race-related killing. A determined black deputy becomes determined to transport Kimble and the racist murderer to the state capital for arraignment. But their journey is filled with adventure and danger when they are ambushed by the killer's accomplices and are now forced to travel on foot through hostile territory.

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The Savage Street

14 de marzo de 1967

Kimble is working at a cigar-making store owned by Jose Anza, and becomes close friends with his son Jimmy. Jimmy is caught between the expectations of his demanding father who wants him to play the violin and the harassment Jimmy receives from three street punks. When Kimble is shot in the leg after the police discover him, Jimmy hides the fugitive from both his father, and his uncle Miguel, a police officer determined to capture the fugitive.

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Death of a Very Small Killer

21 de marzo de 1967

Fleeing to Mexico, Kimble somehow contracts pnenmonia and seeks refuge at a local hospital where he is recognized by Dr. Howell, an ambitious American doctor whom is conducting reseach on menigitis. After Kimble recovers, Dr. Howell blackmails him into assisting with his research in exchange for protection from the local state police. While working with Howell's assistant, the attractive Reina Morales, Kimble soon discovers that several of the patients are being unwittingly infected and sacrificed for Howell's research purposes. Meanwhile, a persistent police sergeant, named Rodriguez, begins investigating Kimble's true idenity.

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Dossier on a Diplomat

28 de marzo de 1967

Kimble travels to Washington D.C. to meet with a lawyer, named Frank Hobart, whom wrote a book titled 'Unjustly Convicted' which states that Kimble was convicted without the benefit of a fair trial due to the bias media circus influencing the judge and jury. Kimble wants Hobart to represent him while the lawyer tries to persuade the courts to re-open the Kimble murder case. Soon afterward, Kimble finds himself attending to Unawa, an African ambassador who suddenly collapses in the street. The grateful ambassador shelters Kimble at the African embassy, despite the protests from the ambassador's wife Davala. Kimble becomes aquainted with some of the embassy staff including the attractive Alison Preistley, whom belives Kimble's innocence as does Unawa. But only the skeptic Davala refuses to belive Kimble innocent pleads and calls the police. With the building surrounded by police led by Gerard, Kimble knows that they cannot enter the embassy because it is technically part of another coun

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The Walls of Night

4 de abril de 1967

Kimble, working as a truck driver out of Portland, Oregon, becomes romantically involved with the radio dispatcher Barbara Wells, unaware that she is a convicted embezzler on loan through the state prison's work-release program. Distraught after her parole is denied for another six months, Barbara flees to Seattle where Kimble is staying and asks to take her to Canada with him. But when Kimble learns the truth, he decides to take her back to Seattle. Meanwhile, Barbara's parole officer, Art Meredith, soon stumbles upon Kimble's true idenity and decides to set a trap for him to bring both Kimble and Barbara back to Portland.

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The Shattered Silence

11 de abril de 1967

In the hills of Oregon, a young sculptor, named Andrea, hides Kimble from a local deputy, named Howe. But when the lawman finds him, Kimble retreats deeper into the mountains where he finds refuge in the home of John Mallory, a former scholar who cut himself off from civilization 14 years earlier and his only companions are two vicious German Shepherd dogs. Despite being aware that Kimble is a fugitive from the law, Mallory takes a liking to Kimble and forbids him to leave. Kimble is compelled to help the ailing Mallory as Deputy Howe closes in on their location.

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The Judgment (1)

22 de agosto de 1967

This was the series finale. In the first part, the one-armed man whom Kimble has been pursuing has been arrested for a minor crime. Lt. Gerard tries to use this to lure Kimble out into the open. A woman who knows Kimble tries to help him. Kimble tries to see if this man is the one he is looking for but someone wires a bail bondsman some money to bail him out. KImble then visits the bail bondsman but finds him dead. He then goes through his papers and is shocked to see who sent the money. He then goes to see this person but Gerard catches and takes him in. As the one-armed man hops on a train, Kimble and Gerard are making their way back.

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The Judgment (2)

Final de temporada
29 de agosto de 1967

In the continuation of this story Kimble and Gerard are on a train for his hometown in Indiana. And Kimble then reveals that the person who sent the bail money is his brother-in-law Leonard Taft. Kimble doesn't think it was him but someone from his hometown did send the money and used his brother-in-law's name. The one armed-man calls the Tafts demanding that they meet with him, someone does go to the meeting but it's not Leonard Taft but the one-armed man assumes that he is, and says that he remebers him. Obviously this was the man who sent the money and the one-armed man is demanding more money which he doesn't have. Kimble and Gerard arrive at the Taft residence and talk to Len, who tells them that someone called claiming the same thing and arranged a meeting, Kimble ans Gerard arrive at the place and find some bullets. But for Gerard there is nothing more that can be done; they then go back to the Taft house so that Kimble can say good-bye to his sister, and it's at that moment tha

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