The Movie Database Support

Welcome to the new talk area. This is a work in progress (so bare with us!) and something that has been designed from the ground up to mix in seamlessly with The Movie Database.

One of the biggest things this new system brings to the table is the ability to attach discussions right onto movies. This is important so we can try to streamline discussions about particular movies in one place.

There's no doubt going to be some issues here and there but Tender just wasn't cutting it from a community perspective so I made the call to move forward on this a few weeks ago.

There's some features you might expect that haven't been rolled out yet but it's built up enough for us to start using it full time. If you notice any issues make sure to let me know. API key requests will still go through Tender for now but this will eventually change as well.

Happy talking!

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I am still having trouble with seeing my edited posts unless I clear the browser cache in Chrome (version 22.0.1229.79 m). If I do not clear the cache, the talk area shows me the original post, not the modified version.

Being able to search the "talk" area would be great... :)


There's an open ticket for this already. I don't think I'll get to it this week but for sure next.


Yes, search capabilities will arrive. There's an open ticket for it.


I suspect you fixed the caching problem with modified posts. It works fine now. Thanks.

no search

Read 2 posts above… there's an open ticket for it.

Am really missing the old TMDB change history.

No way around this, we had to move to a whole new system in order to support the new API methods.

Makes it harder to determine the image language without seeing who uploaded, guess?

I don't follow what you mean, can you elaborate?

Well I usually attempt to tag language correctly. Changes will give a hint to that sometimes.

Ah, I see.

The old sys would have user and language when image is uploaded.

The new system does too but not on image uploads. One of the key changes with the new change system (and key reasons its actually useful now) is that we only record what we actually know to be true. Since at the time of upload, we have no way to verify the language of an image, recording that information is useless. Most users are pretty quick to tag images in their language though, so I'm not very concerned that this is really a problem.

It was nice to have ticket organizer too

When you say "ticket" are you really meaning discussion? I think so, so all you're looking for here is a way to view all of the discussions you're involved with and whether or not they've been updated? That ones easy, I've created a new ticket for it.

One other issue, when you get the notification mail about new posts in discussion, you get taken to the main page of it. It would be nice if it would go to the first unread post instead - or at the very least to the page where the first unread post is at. :)

I have created a new ticket for this.

Keep em' coming guys, these are all natural improvements we'll start to notice once the system has been more battle tested.

also we are still allowed to create non-public tickets

Once a discussion has been created, you can mark it as private.

It would also seem that a ticket created from a TMDB content page does not subscribe to said ticket even optionally?

You are automatically subscribed to any discussion you create.


Is there an easy way to merge duplicate people? Right now my method is deleting one of the duplicates and adding all the bio and movie info to the other entry manually, but this gets time consuming when I'm trying to go through a chunk of the content issue reports.

Is there an easy way to merge duplicate people?

No, there isn't. This is a feature I have kind of deliberately avoided since the very beginning of TMDb. I'm not sure if it will ever exist.

A few more updates…

  • New reply emails should include the page now, taking you here instead of the first page.
  • Fixed a bunch of IE issues

And another one…

  • You can now search. This is very much a "first pass" at search so if you can't find something, let me know and there's a chance I can tweak things to help.

Can't find a movie or TV show? Login to create it.


s focus the search bar
p open profile menu
esc close an open window
? open keyboard shortcut window

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b go back (or to parent when applicable)
e go to edit page

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(left arrow) go to previous season

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(right arrow) go to next episode
(left arrow) go to previous episode

On all image pages

a open add image window

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t open translation selector
ctrl+ s submit form

On discussion pages

n create new discussion
w toggle watching status
p toggle public/private
c toggle close/open
a open activity
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l go to last reply
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