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Carefully selected by the all-powerful Sariel, Qin Zan, Si Kong Ming, Yan Meng and Bai Ze, have been chosen to accept the title of “Mr. Time”. With no memories of their own, these four very special men are charged with harvesting the love, family, and friendships of A104, the region of the world to which they’ve been assigned.

Going about their work, all of them, repeatedly cross paths with Xiang Ling Er, a girl who constantly seems to be in danger. While none of the Mr. Times can remember Xiang Ling Er, they can’t help but shake the feeling that she is somehow connected to them.

9 mai 1993

A buried UFO slowly turns local inhabitants into gizmo-building alien mutants.

14 septembre 1968

The adventures of Batman, with Robin, the Boy Wonder! Batman and Robin, the Dynamic Duo against crime and corruption, whose real identities as millionaire philanthropist Bruce Wayne and his young ward Dick Grayson and known only to Alfred, the faithful butler. Ever alert, they respond swiftly to a signal from the police, and moments later, from the secret Batcave deep beneath Wayne Manor, they roar out to protect life, limb and property as Batman and Robin, caped crimefighters! Batman and Robin, scourge of Gotham City's kooky criminals: The Joker, Clown Prince of Crime - The Penguin, pudgy purveyor of perfidy - and the cool, cruel, Mr. Freeze! Watch out, villains, here come... Batman and Robin!

A success story with depth involving work, love and friendship. Its setting is an IT enterprise which once basked in the limelight because it tried to take over management of a pro-baseball team. There's the entrepreneur who's acquired immense wealth with business success. The man who becomes his apprentice shows his ability in the firm and makes an upward climb. In depicting these events, the drama poses the question: What is real success in life? --Fuji Creative

Detective Ji Bai and new criminal profiler Xu Xu may seem like an awkward teacher-student pair at first glance, yet they are actually the best partners in the police force, solving one crime after another. Ji Bai slowly falls in love with Xu Xu, yet she is a girl who is as slow as a snail when it comes to love. Just as Xu Xu starts to reciprocate Ji Bai's feelings, the dormant "Angel's Killer" reappears.

Mizuho can't believe his ears when Grandpa's will is read out. Grandpa's final wish is for Mizuho to attend the same academy as Mizuho's mother. The catch is it's an all-girls school. With the help of friend Mariya however, he gets a makeover good enough to fool everyone at the academy.

Famous 5: On The Case is an animated television series which is currently broadcast in the United Kingdom, on the Disney Channel. It is a British and French television co-production, loosely based on The Famous Five series of books created by Enid Blyton. At least some of the episodes have been developed for television by Douglas Tuber and Tim Maile, the writers of the former Disney Channel series Lizzie McGuire. On 21 June 2008 the show debuted in Italy and Australia on Disney Channel.

They, like their parents before them, embark on a new series of adventures. During these adventures the new Famous Five are able to make use of newer technology such as laptop computers and mobile phones which had not been invented in their parents' day.

Fu Ze Yi, the young and promising heir of Fu's Anju Group, developed an alternate personality because of his childhood kidnapping experience. He is handsome but indifferent. Fu Ze Yi's alter, "Ge Lin" he is completely opposite to Fu Ze Yi. He has a melancholy personality, likes the violin, but he also likes Jing Zhi Xia and wants to control Fu Ze Yi's body. After meeting Jing Zhi Xia again, his consciousness gradually awakened. Taking advantage of the short time that occasionally flashes, he uses Fu Ze Yi's body to help Jing Zhi Xia tide over the difficulties, but he also watches and comes to realize that Jing Zhi Xia is falling in love with Fu Ze Yi.

Sai Roong (2022)

Chen Zi Tong is down on her luck. She was once a promising Taekwondo athlete with hopes of competing at the Olympic Games. But a debilitating knee injury inflicted by a scheming friend and a disloyal boyfriend forced her to turn her back on her sporting ambitions. She still dreams of returning to competition but has been forced to take on a job as a worker at a startup delivery company.After a strange mishap, she meets the young, successful CEO Fang Zhi Sheng of the promising company.

Nagisa is 17 years old and attends second grade in high school. He is apart from his parents and lives alone in the seaside town of Fujisawa in Kanagawa. He is passionate about surfing and works at a bathhouse in a hostel on the island Enoshima linked to Fujisawa. Shun is the same age as Nagisa and visits Fujisawa for spring break. They meet and develop a relationship more than friendship. However, the surfing equipment store owner's daughter, Chika, has been secretly in love with Nagisa.

TV [ love that point thing ] The play is mainly about four older young women looking for love stories, and they represent the different styles of contemporary society tide four women: "Asian Mature" "white Formica" "snail female "and" Cock silk girl ", each with a different way of finding love declaration of love hustle.

A mentally disturbed woman (Nelly Karim) is accused of killing her husband and sister, as the police find her with the crime tool (pistol) .. After her arrest, the court decides to enter a psychiatric hospital because she suffers from an acute psychological crisis, but she is exposed to many problems inside this clinic, which It causes several setbacks after recovering more than once.

10 février 1977

The New Adventures of Batman is an animated series produced by Filmation in 1977 featuring the DC Comics superheroes Batman and Robin, and Batgirl. In The New Adventures of Batman, the "Dynamic Duo" fights crime in Gotham City, encountering the classic Batman rogues gallery as well as some original villains. Complicating matters is Bat-Mite, a well meaning imp from another dimension called Ergo, who considers himself Batman's biggest fan. As a result, he wears a variant of Batman’s costume and attempts to help him, only to often create more problems (although he is occasionally an asset). Missing is Alfred, the faithful butler of Batman's alter ego Bruce Wayne.

10 janvier 2018

A gripping factual series that brings to life the work of real detectives by blending the best of documentary storytelling with fully dramatized re-enactments. Every episode features a different detective reliving the investigation that not only challenged them like no other, but also had a residual impact on an aspect of Canadian life and law enforcement.

Çocuk tacizi ve bir yargı felaketinin yol açtığı trajik olayı inceleyen bu belgesel dizisi, Fransa tarihinin en büyük skandallarından olan Outreau davasını konu alıyor.

As the night has fallen and the bustling offices have gone quiet, Xu Qing You and Mo Ling Ze first meet due to a misunderstanding. White-collar worker Xu Qing You spends all year round working so much that it's always evening by the time she packs up to go home. She has been in a long-term relationship with Fan Yun Xi for ten years and was preparing for her wedding when she finds out that he cheated on her. Fan Yun Xi explains it was an accident yet Xu Qing You resolutely asks to break up.

Si Qing, who works in a loan bank, leads a “vulgar” life in pursuit of a car, a house, and money. In order to recover a bad loan, she meets Jing Chen, a traditional craftsman, for the first time. The two of them, who do not like each other, are entwined in a “fighting each other” way. On the day of the winter solstice, Si Qing, forgotten by her parents and isolated by her colleagues, is in a state of inner turmoil and on the verge of an adult breakdown. Jing Chen’s bowl of eggs in sweet wine, a customary winter solstice treat, is mistaken by Siqing as the only warmth for her birthday so she impulsively proposes marriage. Jing Chen agrees to her request. However, marriage is only the beginning…

This music documentary tracks the meteoric rise of classic rockers Lynyrd Skynyrd as well as the bands' tragic downfall.

The lives of a businessman and his family begin to spiral downward after he has an affair at an insurance convention.

This timely documentary chronicles the tech-fueled rise and Fyre-style fall of HQ Trivia, the revolutionary "game show on your phone" app that went viral, swept the nation, then crashed and burned. The global live-play game sensation drew millions of daily users to its frenetically fun trivia challenges and cash prizes, attracting celebrity fans including Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Neil Patrick Harris, Jimmy Kimmel, and Kelly Clarkson. But its success was undone by corporate clashes, cast changes, and a tragic death. Told through the eyes of former host Scott Rogowsky and other first-person players from inside and outside the company, the film documents the real-life comedy and tragedy that unfolded in front of and behind the cameras.

26 juin 2000

Fact-based story about Irish crime-investigating reporter Sinead Hamilton, who invaded the Irish underworld and attempted to expose the illegitimate activities she found. Hampered by the system, a police consort is ineffectual at aiding her despite trying to step outside of the normal bounds. Kevin McNally plays her husband, who hates her activities and the danger in which she places herself. Nonetheless, he grudgingly admires her persistence and encourages her investigation.

4 juin 1955

In this final entry in the Pete Smith Specialty series, Smith pays tribute to actor and stuntman Dave O'Brien, who took many falls and spills (and upon whom objects fell) when he played hapless characters throughout the series. Under the pseudonym "David Barclay", O'Brien also directed many of the Specialties. Clips from previous films highlight O'Brien's work.

A capsule from Chantal Partamian’s "Katsakh" project, experiments on and with film originally published on Instagram. “Katsakh” means vinegar in Armenian, in reference to the vinegar syndrome, “the chemical degradation that occurs with cellulous acetate film”.

The story of Jack Johnson, the first African American Heavyweight boxing champion.

At the urgent request of his friend Roderick Usher, a man journeys to the strange House of Usher but becomes enmeshed in the darkness that threatens to destroy not only the last remaining family members but also the very house itself.

The Fallen Astronaut depicts the compelling story of one of the most extraordinary achievements of the Space Age, a sculpture on the Moon dedicated to all the astronauts and cosmonauts who died during the Race to the Moon.

1 octobre 1998

Karis (Nicole Oliver) is a clothing store owner who picks up a handsome music executive, Lars (Christopher Shyer), in a bar and immediately engages him in some very hot sex that leads to an ongoing physical relationship. One morning Lars encounters Morgan (Rob Lee) in Karis' kitchen; Morgan is her future ex-husband and a policeman with a violent temper who begins a campaign of intimidation to make Lars stop seeing Karis. But wait: 30 minutes into the movie the point-of-view changes to Morgan's, and we see he's not such a bad guy after all and that Lars is the hot-tempered villain. But wait: 30 minutes later the point of view switches to Karis, and it turns out that she hasn't been completely honest about things. Whose story is the real one?

1 janvier 1997

Jeff krulik's favorite DC restaurant closes for good. A bitersweet farewell kiss.

14 décembre 2014

Ten thousand years ago, native people painted pictures of white sturgeon on the rocks near where they lived. These impressive fish, the largest and one of the oldest in North America, were an important part of the tribe's diet and the inspiration for their elegant sturgeon-nosed canoes. But over the past 200 years dikes and dams have changed the river so much that the sturgeon no longer successfully reproduce. Now, the people whose culture is bound up with these fish and the people who control the flow of the river today are working together to restore the Kootenai River White Sturgeon to their ancestral home.

Bryce Dallas Howard, J. A. Bayona, Colin Trevorrow, Chris Pratt, and Jeff Goldblum chat about all things Jurassic.

19 août 1943

Imprisoned during the Spanish Civil War, John "Kit" McKittrick is released when a New York City policeman pulls some strings. Upon returning to America, McKittrick hears that a friend has committed suicide, and he begins to smell a rat. During his investigation, McKittrick questions three beautiful women, one of whom has a tie to his refugee past. Pursued by Nazi operatives, McKittrick learns of the death of another friend, and begins to suspect the dark Dr. Skaas.

The triangle has always been a fairly underrated instrument. It never reached higher than second fiddle or more precise: It just reached triangle. Then came a hero we didn’t know we deserve. A hero that single-handedly revolutionised the whole music industry – nay the world! A man responsible for what the triangled metal stick is today: rock’n’roll. But rock’n’roll changes you. The rise and fall of a triangle soloist. The Rise and Fall of Richie Myles.

14 octobre 1997

L.A. private detective is hired to investigate the disappearance of an alluring woman's brother. Surrounded by double-crossing deals and dangerous relation, Rybeck will have to plunge headfirst into his deadliest case ever.

12 mai 2022

The dance film When the Night Falls tells the story of a woman fleeing the horrors of a collapsing society in the near future. Along the way, she encounters people on whose trust her entire future depends on.

Curtis Harrington's student film based on the Edgar Allan Poe story.

Behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of the 1953 sci-fi classic "The War of the Worlds". Included are interviews with some of the cast and crew and unreleased footage from the film itself.

3 novembre 2016

The film documents the key political issues in recent years in South Africa that have marked the demise of the African National Congress (ANC). These include the Marikana massacre in August 2012, whereby 34 striking miners were gunned down by the ANC government's police force. Rehad Desai documented this historic event in his 2013 film MINERS SHOT DOWN. He refers to the incident once again in his latest film and shows how the ANC is undermining its close connections to the trade unions it set up as a freedom movement under Nelson Mandela, and how students have also turned on the party to protest against tuition fees under the motto #FeesMustFall. The film's compelling footage unmasks the cynical despotism of corrupt president Jacob Zuma, who is chiefly responsible for the ANC's demise and its catastrophic losses at the most recent elections. It also introduces opposition movements that are challenging his now-untenable position.

Brian Fallteen


Harrison Fall

InterprétationAmerican Dreamer

Laura Fallon

InterprétationDoğum, Law & Order

Laïty Fall

InterprétationThe Pirogue

Caroline Fallon

Costumes et maquillageGüzel ve Çirkin, Sindirella, Hayat

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